multi select form (1 Viewer)

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Today, 02:19
Feb 19, 2013
Responding to a thread where I suggest using a multiselect listbox, I thought it would be useful to upload this simple example where you can turn a form into a multi select form. It only does a 'simple' version but with more work could probably also be extended to mimic the extended form.

The principle is simple, the form requires two unbound textboxes, the first (called Select) runs some code to populate the second (SelectedList) with the uniqueID's for the selected records. Then conditional formatting is used if the uniqueID for each record is in the 'list'.

This example has a third unbound textbox to act as a row background which is also conditionally formatted.

The filter button has code that applies the selected list to the filter. Obviously other code to do other things such as send a report, open other forms etc could go here instead.

I use the pipe (|) as separator since it is not used in normal spelling


That is pretty slick. It needs another button though. You need to be able to remove the highlights. I don't think I would combine it with the RemoveFilter so I would add a third button.
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