Mythbusters - SELECT DISTINCT vs GROUP BY (1 Viewer)

Thanks, guys.

Colin, I went ahead and signed up and added the link in a reply to his comment.

EDIT: So just as an FYI, my tests were run in SQL Server, which means that that's the performance you can expect from a passthrough query. I'll see if I can't get some free time to run tests in Access running a front end query against a linked back end this week or next. It could be enlightening to see which way it goes.
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If you only knew how busy I've been lately, and how little of it has been working with Access. Got promoted a couple times, and my workload is WAAAY heavier now than it used to be.

Hey, Frothy! Congrats on the promotion. It is understood that when you get a promotion, people start expecting more from you. But hey, what is life without challenges? As long as the promotions carried extra cash in the deal, that's a good thing. (No, not asking about money, just commenting.)
Thanks. And yeah, good performance is always rewarded with more, harder tasks.

And yeah, there was definitely more cash involved.
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