Network Error Generation - please Help (1 Viewer)


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 11:41
Dec 5, 2000

I have just placed a new system for a client, on a newly established network. It has 5 machines, each with their own front-end, and a back-end on the server.

What appears to be happening is that error messages saved as text documents are appearing in a folder called mdbdata, a sub folder of exchangeserver. From what i can tell, 3 or 4 of these files are being created everytime a record is updated, or the database closed. As each file is 5mb big, it quickly filled up the hard drive - in fact that's how we figured out it was happening at all.

I have numbers of systems on numbers of networks and never encountered this before. Have I got something set wrongly in Access somewhere? The backend and two of the frontends are Access2002, the others Access 2000. I know the error messages or anyway these files that are being generated are something to do with access, because inside the goobledegook are bits of code, or data that i recognise.

Does anyone have any clues?

The network has been set up by the guy in charge and his mate, is it possible they have set something to record data transactions. From the database you have no idea these files are being created, it's not if an error message comes up in Access.

It is only my assumption that they are error messages - they start with an e! perhaps they are a record of the data movement.

Any help or thoughts would be greatly appreciated,


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