powerpoint movement (1 Viewer)


Paintball Guy
Local time
Today, 01:59
Apr 23, 2002
do i have to use code to move stuff that was created in an acess form to autoexport it to a powerpoint presentation?
i have no idea how to even start going about it but its something that i need to get accomplished.


Dim Person
Local time
Today, 06:59
Sep 1, 2000
Give us an idea of what you are trying to achieve, we *may* have some cheats for you?


Paintball Guy
Local time
Today, 01:59
Apr 23, 2002
well i have some fields that are entered into a table the database is a very simple forms entry. the only hard part is that im wanting to take 3 of the fields that i have and put them directly onto a slide so that the information only has to be entered in once. i dont know if this is even possible but its what ive been tasked to do. the rest of the database is nothing more then tables, forms and subforms with a main switch board.


Paintball Guy
Local time
Today, 01:59
Apr 23, 2002
well i have some fields that are entered into a table the database is a very simple forms entry. the only hard part is that im wanting to take 3 of the fields that i have and put them directly onto a slide so that the information only has to be entered in once. i dont know if this is even possible but its what ive been tasked to do. the rest of the database is nothing more then tables, forms and subforms with a main switch board.


Dim Person
Local time
Today, 06:59
Sep 1, 2000
Still not sure what the objective is, if it is to display the data in PPT then just output it to excel or word then copy and paste it into your slide.

Alternatively, if you are trying to be clever and have a master slide set which you wish to use for each record in the recordset to create different slideshows without having to manually type each one in then you are going to have to do it in code.

Which is it?


Paintball Guy
Local time
Today, 01:59
Apr 23, 2002
what i ended up doing was creating a report and then calling the report in vba once the report called it exported it to an RTF file in word... that word file linked to powerpoint... yes a bit of a strech but it works... go me


Paintball Guy
Local time
Today, 01:59
Apr 23, 2002
Option Compare Database

' add constant for each slide/file
Const tgt_file = "H:\NewDatabase\MPF1.rtf"
Const tgt_file1 = "H:\NewDatabase\Depord.rtf"
Dim ppt_file As Text
' ppt_file = "G:/I_and_L/LX/26APR02Right.ppt"
Const pp = "C:\Progra~1\Micros~1\Office\Powerpnt.exe"
' OutputMPFReport
Sub OutputReport()
Let ppt_file = Text1

' IF THEN statement for each file => Kill
If Dir(tgt_file) <> "" Then
Kill (tgt_file)
End If

If Dir(tgt_file1) <> "" Then
Kill (tgt_file1)
End If

' add on DoCmd line for each slide (file)
DoCmd.OutputTo acReport, "MPF1", "RichTextFormat(*.rtf)", tgt_file, False, ""
DoCmd.OutputTo acReport, "Depord.rtf", "RichTextFormat(*.rtf)", tgt_file1, False, ""

Call Shell(pp & " " & ppt_file, 1)
End Sub

ok the thing is it keeps giving me an error at the begining of the run saying that the user defined type not defined...
uh if its user defined, then isnt it defined?

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