Querying 2 checkboxs in a form


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Yesterday, 17:57
Oct 16, 2014
Hello everyone.
I posted in the form section but the problem is not solved.
So I have 2 checkboxs in a form.
Future cost and LRM cost.
When future cost is checked, I want the criteria in my make table query to be 00, when LRM cost checked, I want the criteria to be 01.
But the problem is when they are both checked I can't get 00 or 01 at the same time.

I have tried different ways but none of them seem to work because with IFF, can only return one value.
I have tried to put the 2 iff in criteria and the or criteria below it exceeds the max time.
Your help is much appreciated!

the criteria I have right now is:
IIf([Forms]![TPTC Analyzer]![P Future cost]=True And [forms]![TPTC Analyzer]![P LRM cost]=False,"00",IIf([Forms]![TPTC Analyzer]![P Future cost]=False And [forms]![TPTC Analyzer]![P LRM cost]=True,"01"))
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Aren't the iifs independent of one another, that is, do they really need to be nested?

Aren't the iifs independent of one another, that is, do they really need to be nested?


Yes they are independent I tried " and" and " or" both don't work either. 😥how can I make it work :( thanks for replying
Test one, if false, then the other.

if ... then

elseif ...

'error message
end if
Test one, if false, then the other.

if ... then

elseif ...

'error message
end if

I think in access I can only use IFF?
Also the problem with if statement is the return value cannot be 2 value "00" and "01". :confused:
I think in access I can only use IFF?
Also the problem with if statement is the return value cannot be 2 value "00" and "01". :confused:

In Access, you can use two IFF statements in a nested format. That way, there's only one value returned.

iff(condition, iff(condition2, truepart, falsepart))

In your case, unfortunately, what if someone checks both boxes? Just to be safe, you may want to put the following VBA code in the AfterUpdate of each checkbox

Private Sub Check1_AfterUpdate()
Me!Check2 = False
End Sub

Private Sub Check2_AfterUpdate()
Me!Check1 = False
End Sub
In Access, you can use two IFF statements in a nested format. That way, there's only one value returned.

iff(condition, iff(condition2, truepart, falsepart))

In your case, unfortunately, what if someone checks both boxes? Just to be safe, you may want to put the following VBA code in the AfterUpdate of each checkbox

Private Sub Check1_AfterUpdate()
Me!Check2 = False
End Sub

Private Sub Check2_AfterUpdate()
Me!Check1 = False
End Sub

Hi Thanks for your reply. I don't understand what does this code do?
Will I be able to query both values if they check both?

They can't check both; that's the idea. If they click on one checkbox, the other one automatically turns off. That way, there's only one value and you can make your iff statement to read

IIf([Forms]![TPTC Analyzer]![P Future cost]=True, "00", "01")

I would recommend also making the default value of one checkbox True (whichever one is more likely to happen) and the default value of the other to be False. That way, a number is always chosen.
They can't check both; that's the idea. If they click on one checkbox, the other one automatically turns off. That way, there's only one value and you can make your iff statement to read

IIf([Forms]![TPTC Analyzer]![P Future cost]=True, "00", "01")

I would recommend also making the default value of one checkbox True (whichever one is more likely to happen) and the default value of the other to be False. That way, a number is always chosen.

I see but I want to make it possible to choose both :confused::confused:
IIF is a function; If is a statement.

If x=24 then
'do domething
elseif x=32 then
'do something else
'didn't calculate either
end if
I see but I want to make it possible to choose both :confused::confused:

Sorry, I misunderstood. What will you be doing with the numbers once you get them? Another option would be to create two text boxes on the form, set them to invisible, and set the AfterUpdate() to fill the text box with 00 (or 01) when that particular checkbox is selected.

You would then use those textboxes as part of your criteria in the query.

Like "*" & [Forms]![YourForm]!TextBox1 & "*"
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Sorry, I misunderstood. What will you be doing with the numbers once you get them? Another option would be to create two text boxes on the form, set them to invisible, and set the AfterUpdate() to fill the text box with 00 (or 01) when that particular checkbox is selected.

You would then use those textboxes as part of your criteria in the query.

Like "*" & [Forms]![YourForm]!TextBox1 & "*"
Thanks for your reply! Sounds like a solution! Just need to figure out how to do the after update since I don't understand code at all :(
Thanks for your reply! Sounds like a solution! Just need to figure out how to do the after update since I don't understand code at all :(

Create the two text boxes first on your form. Then click on the first checkbox and, if the Properties pane isn't up, hit [ALT]-[ENTER] on your keyboard to bring it up. Click on the Event tab and the AfterUpdate row. There should be a button with an ellipsis (...) at the right. Click that and choose "Code Builder" from the list of options. You should then get a new window with text that looks similar to this...

Private Sub CheckBox1_AfterUpdate()
End Sub

Alter the text so you get the following, replacing what I write with the names of your text box and check box in the form.

Private Sub CheckBox1_AfterUpdate()
If Me!CheckBox1 = True
Then Me!TextBox1 = "00"
End If
End Sub

Then do the same thing for the other check box and text box. NOTE: if anybody saw a mistake in there, please correct it. I'm no expert on this, I freely admit.
Try the below; (replace the Directory with your fieldname, (two replaces):
WHERE (((Directory)=IIf([Forms]![TPTC Analyzer]![P Future cost]=True And [forms]![TPTC Analyzer]![P LRM cost]=False,"00",IIf([Forms]![TPTC Analyzer]![P Future cost]=False And [forms]![TPTC Analyzer]![P LRM cost]=True,"01",IIf([Forms]![TPTC Analyzer]![P Future cost]=True And [forms]![TPTC Analyzer]![P LRM cost]=True,"00"))))) OR (((Directory)=IIf([Forms]![TPTC Analyzer]![P Future cost]=True And [forms]![TPTC Analyzer]![P LRM cost]=True,"01")));
Try the below; (replace the Directory with your fieldname, (two replaces):
Thanks for your reply!
Do I put the below as the criteria in the query?
I tried and it says undefined where.
Show your whole SQL string!
Show your whole SQL string!

currently its
SELECT "ICLOR" AS Source, O858IA_VWRDCAM.NVP_BID_NR, O858IA_VWRDCAM.SRC_CNY_CD, O858IA_VWRDCAM.PRC_JOB_LST_RUN_DT, O858IA_VWRDCAM.COS_CCL_MTH_TYP_CD, O858IA_VWRDCAM.PKG_CHA_TYP_CD, O858IA_VWRDCAM.SVC_TYP_CD, O858IA_VWRDCAM.MVM_DRC_CD, O858IA_VWRDCAM.ORG_CNY_IAT_CD, O858IA_VWRDCAM.DTN_CNY_IAT_CD, ([SMT_BIL_WGT_QY]*O858IA_VWRDCAM!DEL_LOC_PKG_QY) AS Billed_Wgt, Sum(([SMT_BIL_WGT_QY]*O858IA_VWRDCAM!DEL_LOC_PKG_QY)) AS Sum_Billed_Wgt, Sum(([LNE_PKG_AVG_CU_QY]*O858IA_VWRDCAM!DEL_LOC_PKG_QY)) AS Cube, Sum(O858IA_VWRDCAM.DEL_LOC_PKG_QY) AS SumOfDEL_LOC_PKG_QY, Sum(O858IA_VWRDCAM.DEL_LOC_SMT_QY) AS SumOfDEL_LOC_SMT_QY, Sum(O858IA_VWRDCAM.DEL_LOC_SMT_GRR_A) AS SumOfDEL_LOC_SMT_GRR_A, Sum(O858IA_VWRDCAM.DEL_LOC_SMT_NRV_A) AS SumOfDEL_LOC_SMT_NRV_A, Sum((([pdc_pus_fxc_cpp_a]+[pdc_pus_tvl_cpp_a]+[pdc_pus_vhc_cpp_a]+[pdc_pus_pal_fxc_a]+[pdc_pus_pal_vhc_a]+[pdc_pus_cki_cpp_a]+[pdc_pus_oth_cpp_a]+[pdc_pus_smt_avg_a]+[pdc_pus_smt_vhc_a]+[pdc_pus_grr_a]+[pdc_pus_xtn_cpp_a])*[del_loc_pkg_qy])) AS PU, Sum((([pdc_ls_rgr_cpp_a]+[pdc_ls_irr_cpp_a])*[del_loc_pkg_qy])) AS LS, Sum((([pdc_snk_cs_rgr_a]+[pdc_snk_cs_irr_a]+[pdc_snk_cs_fxc_a]+[pdc_cs_smt_fxc_a]+[pdc_cs_smt_vhc_a]+[pdc_ls_tns_vhc_a])*[del_loc_pkg_qy])) AS CS, Sum((([pdc_org_snk_gnf_a]+[pdc_dtn_snk_gnf_a]+[pdc_snk_ldf_cpp_a]+[pdc_snk_tfc_gnf_a]+[pdc_snk_tlr_cpp_a]+[pdc_snk_sxb_ldf_a])*[del_loc_pkg_qy])) AS FDR, Sum((([pdc_snk_rmp_fxc_a]+[pdc_snk_rmp_vrc_a])*[del_loc_pkg_qy])) AS RMP, Sum((([pdc_snk_jet_arf_a]+[pdc_snk_jet_fxc_a]+[pdc_snk_jet_vrc_a]+[pdc_org_snk_arf_a]+[pdc_dtn_snk_arf_a]+[pdc_snk_jet_wgt_a]+[pdc_org_snk_asf_a]+[pdc_dtn_snk_asf_a])*[del_loc_pkg_qy])) AS AFD, Sum((([pdc_prl_rgr_cpp_a]+[pdc_prl_irr_cpp_a]+[sml_pkg_pdv_cos_a])*[del_loc_pkg_qy])) AS PRL, Sum((([pdc_ds_fxc_cpp_a]+[pdc_ds_tvl_cpp_a]+[pdc_ds_vhc_cpp_a]+[pdc_ds_pal_fxc_a]+[pdc_ds_pal_vhc_a]+[pdc_ds_cki_cpp_a]+[pdc_ds_oth_cpp_a]+[pdc_ds_sag_cpp_a]+[pdc_ds_smt_avg_a]+[pdc_ds_smt_vhc_a]+[pdc_ds_grr_a]+[pdc_ds_xtn_cpp_a]+[sml_del_vhc_a])*[del_loc_pkg_qy])) AS DEL, Sum((([pdc_org_bkr_smt_a]+[pdc_dtn_bkr_smt_a]))) AS BKR, Sum((([pdc_frq_nop_cpp_a]+[pdc_vnr_nop_cpp_a]+[pdc_org_nop_grr_a]+[pdc_org_nop_a]+[pdc_org_nop_smt_a]+[pdc_org_igs_a]+[pdc_org_igs_smt_a]+[pdc_org_igs_grr_a]+[pdc_org_ovh_grr_a]+[pdc_dtn_nop_grr_a]+[pdc_dtn_nop_a]+[pdc_dtn_nop_smt_a]+[pdc_dtn_igs_a]+[pdc_dtn_igs_smt_a]+[pdc_dtn_igs_grr_a]+[pdc_dtn_ovh_grr_a]+[pdc_oth_nop_a]+[pdc_oth_nop_smt_a]+[pdc_oth_nop_grr_a])*[del_loc_pkg_qy])) AS NOP, O858IA_VWRDCAM.MIN_NET_RVN_APL_IR INTO RAW1
HAVING (((O858IA_VWRDCAM.NVP_BID_NR)=Trim([forms]![TPTC Analyzer]![R Bid number])) AND ((O858IA_VWRDCAM.PRC_JOB_LST_RUN_DT) Between [forms]![TPTC Analyzer]![R ICLOR Start] And [forms]![TPTC Analyzer]![R ICLOR End]) AND ((O858IA_VWRDCAM.COS_CCL_MTH_TYP_CD)=IIf([Forms]![TPTC Analyzer]![P Future cost]=True And [forms]![TPTC Analyzer]![P LRM cost]=False,"00",IIf([Forms]![TPTC Analyzer]![P Future cost]=False And [forms]![TPTC Analyzer]![P LRM cost]=True,"01"))) AND ((Sum(O858IA_VWRDCAM.DEL_LOC_SMT_GRR_A))>0)) OR (((Sum(O858IA_VWRDCAM.DEL_LOC_SMT_GRR_A))>0) AND ((WHERE((("COS_CCL_MTH_TYP_CD")=IIf([Forms]![TPTC Analyzer]![P Future cost]=True And [forms]![TPTC Analyzer]![P LRM cost]=False,"00",IIf([Forms]![TPTC Analyzer]![P Future cost]=False And [forms]![TPTC Analyzer]![P LRM cost]=True,"01",IIf([Forms]![TPTC Analyzer]![P Future cost]=True And [forms]![TPTC Analyzer]![P LRM cost]=True,"00"))))))<>False));

I tried replacing mine criteria with yours but it says error.
Thanks so much!
I don't know SQL at all lol:D
Create the two text boxes first on your form. Then click on the first checkbox and, if the Properties pane isn't up, hit [ALT]-[ENTER] on your keyboard to bring it up. Click on the Event tab and the AfterUpdate row. There should be a button with an ellipsis (...) at the right. Click that and choose "Code Builder" from the list of options. You should then get a new window with text that looks similar to this...

Private Sub CheckBox1_AfterUpdate()
End Sub

Alter the text so you get the following, replacing what I write with the names of your text box and check box in the form.

Private Sub CheckBox1_AfterUpdate()
If Me!CheckBox1 = True
Then Me!TextBox1 = "00"
End If
End Sub

Then do the same thing for the other check box and text box. NOTE: if anybody saw a mistake in there, please correct it. I'm no expert on this, I freely admit.
Thanks for your answer!!
However it says compile error:
Syntax error.
Oh - to get that right I need a stripped version of your database with some sample data, (zip it) + name of the query.
Oh - to get that right I need a stripped version of your database with some sample data, (zip it) + name of the query.
I don't know how this will work cuz my database has a ODBC connection in the query to make a new table. You don't have that connection so you won't be able to test whether it works or not.:(

I just left the only query in there. :D
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