NG, it is an interesting movie. If you get the chance to watch it, it can be fun and the graphics are incredible. You get to see hero avatars from dozens or even hundreds of commercial games. From that video, you would think it is ALL CGI - but it is not.
The premise of Ready Player One is based on a dystopian future where people have become so disaffected with a dismal, overcrowded, poverty-stricken real world that they retreat to a virtual world to find social interactions. (Sound familiar...? Except that these folks make Facebook and the proposed Meta.COM meta-verse look tame.) The good-guys company that provides the virtual world service is being attacked (hostile corporate take-over) by a rival greedy, money-grubbing, soulless corporate entity and executive.
The main plot is that the founder of the virtual world host left behind clues that would lead to the ultimate "Easter Egg" - the deed and rights of ownership of the company. Of course, the evil and unscrupulous rival company stops at nothing to find this prize first. The scene you posted is late in the movie as the hero (drives the car, has blond hair with blue tint in places) has two of the three clues and knows that the distant castle that they are attacking holds the third clue. The bad guys get to the castle first but cannot solve the third clue. During the battle, the hero realizes that sometimes reality, even harsh reality, is preferable to a fake life in a fake world. He also finds love and friendship.
Might not be the best movie you've ever seen but it is far from the worst. On my star-o-meter, I give it 2 1/2 to 3 stars overall - but 3 1/2 to 4 stars for gamers who have game-gasms when watching VR heroes in action.