Solved Relations between products : Similar Products. (1 Viewer)

Wouldn't you want multiple alignments.

Apples may come in multiple varieties, and multiple pack sizes, but also might be be classed as similar to other fruits. Where do you stop?
“Alignment” in our language has too many meanings. I don’t understand what your exact question is.
Can you narrow you question?

I meant that if you provide a way to offer a choice of alternative products to the selected product, there may be more than one choice of how to present an alternative selection.

For example if you are looking at cars, you could be presented with other cars made by the same manufacturer. Alternatively you may want to see other similarly sized cars, or a choice of cars in a similar colour. That's why these filters tend to work on (multiple) selected attributes, to enable users to restrict the options to a modest number.

Instead of using attributes, maybe allow multiple text filters to search product descriptions for multiple matches.

Anyway, I hope you find a solution to achieve what you want. :D
Instead of using attributes, maybe allow multiple text filters to search product descriptions for multiple matches
I do not think this is either / or. These are two separate concepts.
Assume you have parts with attributes color, size, cost, weight. Preferred etc. You can filter and find "like" items like normal. We all do that.

Now you need to identify authorized Replacements parts for three installations types that you do for each part.
Installation X
Installation Y
Installation Z

For preferred part A you can swap these parts:

C, Inst X
D, Inst X
E, Inst X

B, Inst Y
C, Inst Y

D, Inst Z
E, Inst Z

For Preferred Part G:

H, Inst X
I, Inst X
J, Inst X

I, Inst Y
J, Inst Y

K, Inst Z
L, Inst Z

Not sure how you do that with attributes. The structure I suggested would work.
The junction table I suggested would do this

A, C, Authorized Swap InstX

This could done slightly different one sided, but seems more complicated

C, Authorized Swap for A in Inst X
B, Authorized Swap for A in Inst Y

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