Replacing characters/words using public types (1 Viewer)

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Local time
Today, 08:37
Jun 2, 2001
Allen Browne has an interesting article on using public types at
Based on his info, I've created a couple of functions:
1) To replace a single character or word in a string. (Useful in A97, which doesn't have a Replace() function)
2) To replace multiple characters or words in a string. (Something that I've read isn't possible without running multiple iterations of a function)

Place in a new module. Follow the comments to test.

Hope this may provide some 'food for thought'.

p.s.  There's a little repulsive person that want to get his 'two-cents'  in at the end of this response.  Sorry 'bout that.

Public Type xSec
   LeftS  As String
   MidS   As String
   RightS As String
   Total  As String
End Type

Function GetXSec(ByVal pStr As String, ByVal pDelim As String) As xSec
   GetXSec.LeftS = Left(pStr, InStr(pStr, pDelim) - 1)
   GetXSec.MidS = Mid(pStr, InStr(pStr, pDelim), Len(pDelim))
   GetXSec.RightS = Mid(pStr, InStr(pStr, pDelim) + Len(pDelim))
   GetXSec.Total = GetXSec.LeftS + GetXSec.MidS + GetXSec.RightS
End Function

Function xReplaceIt(ByVal xpstr As String, xpdelim As String, xnew As String) As String
'Purpose:   Test of using user-defined types
'           as described by Allen Browne at
'Coded by:  raskew
'Inputs:    ? xreplaceit("The quick brown fox jumped over the dog", "o", "~")
'Output:    The quick br~wn f~x jumped ~ver the d~g


Dim MyStr As String

    MyStr = xpstr
    Do While InStr(MyStr, xpdelim) > 0
       MyStr = GetXSec(MyStr, xpdelim).LeftS + xnew + GetXSec(MyStr, xpdelim).RightS
    xReplaceIt = GetXSec(MyStr, xnew).Total
End Function

Function yReplaceIt(ByVal ypstr As String, ParamArray varmyvals() As Variant) As String
'Purpose:   Replace multiple characters or
'           words in a string using Allen
'           Browne's discussion of user-
'           defined types at
'Coded by:  raskew
'Inputs:    ? yreplaceit("The quick brown fox jumped over the dog", "quick", "muddy","fox", "stream", "jumped", "plunged", "dog", "waterfall")
'Output:    The muddy brown stream plunged over the waterfall

Dim MyStr As String
Dim i     As Integer
Dim idx   As Long

    MyStr = ypstr
    i = UBound(varmyvals)
    For idx = 0 To UBound(varmyvals()) Step 2
       Do While InStr(MyStr, varmyvals(idx)) > 0
          MyStr = GetXSec(MyStr, varmyvals(idx)).LeftS + varmyvals(idx + 1) + GetXSec(MyStr, varmyvals(idx)).RightS
    Next idx
    yReplaceIt = MyStr

End Function

Thank you Allen for your insight.
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