Runtime error 70 (1 Viewer)


Local time
Today, 01:25
Aug 5, 2020
Hello Gurus and Good Morning/Afternoon/Night:

I have a very simple program (my second one), I followed instructions to perform a Compact and Repair Database using VBA and a button
so I tried:

Dim Source As String, Dest As String, Result As Boolean


'First Step Backup The Original to avoid any problems
FileCopy Source, Source & ".backup" & Format (Now(), "yyyymmdd")

'Delete dest file if exists

If Dir(Dest) <> "" Then Kill Dest

' Perform Compact
Result=Application.CompactRepair(Source, Dest, False)

If Result Then
    ' Success
    Kill Source
    Name Dest As Source
    Msgbox "Success"
    ' Fail
    Msgbox "Failed"


Doesn't even run the backup I got a runtime error 70 or permission denied, I have like 30K hairs less, I tried to do it from a main menu, closing the database in case was open, but I have no success.

The CODE is not mine, I do not like to re-invent the wheel, was written by Richard Rost on his YouTube channel., I just modified it a bit to suit my needs.

Yes it works from the Database Tools [Menu] compact and repair option, no problem.

Any Ideas?

I am using Access 64, with Office 365 whatever is the latest.
Always use Debug.Print to test output
Your path for the backup is incorrect. It will result in c:\MyData\BE.accdb.backup20230505 which is not a valid file path.
You need to split the source path so the .accdb is at the end. Also replace the dot before backup with an underscore
Always use Debug.Print to test output
Your path for the backup is incorrect. It will result in c:\MyData\BE.accdb.backup20230505 which is not a valid file path.
You need to split the source path so the .accdb is at the end. Also replace the dot before backup with an underscore
Sorry been out for a few.. But the idea was to leave the date at the end so that nobody would use the database by mistake, I just need to copy the original to a different folder so that I have a backup but the same error persists [runtime error 70 or permission denied] and I have no choice but to do it from outside of the database with a batch file (yes good old dos)
Any Ideas on how can I accomplish this from within the database? [I am sort of newbie]
Here is what I used to use
Supply a linked table name to GetAccessBE_PathFilename

Sub CreateBackup(Optional strDBType As String)
    Dim strDBpath As String, ext As String, tmp As String
    Dim strPath As String, strBackupPath As String, strDB As String
    'tmp = CurrentDb.Name    'or maybe this should be the name of your BE
    'strDBType = "FE"
    strDBpath = GetAccessBE_PathFilename("table1")
    strPath = Left(strDBpath, InStrRev(strDBpath, "\"))
    strBackupPath = strPath & "Backup\"
    'Will now backup front and back end database
    If strDBType = "FE" Then
        strDBpath = CurrentDb.Name
    End If
    strDB = Right(strDBpath, Len(strDBpath) - InStrRev(strDBpath, "\"))
    With CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
        'ext = "." & .GetExtensionName(tmp)
        tmp = strBackupPath & Format(Now(), "yyyymmdd_hhnnss") & "_" & strDB
        .CopyFile strDBpath, tmp
    End With
    MsgBox strDBType & " Database saved as " & tmp
End Sub

Function GetAccessBE_PathFilename(pTableName As String) As String

   '  the file path and file name of the BE database
   '  "" if the table is not linked
   On Error GoTo Proc_Err
   Dim db As DAO.Database _
      , tdf As DAO.TableDef
   GetAccessBE_PathFilename = ""
   Set db = CurrentDb
   Set tdf = db.TableDefs(pTableName)
   If Len(tdf.Connect) = 0 Then
      GoTo Proc_Exit
   End If
   ' look at Connect string - Database Type is the first thing specified
   ' if the BE is Access
   If InStr(tdf.Connect, ";DATABASE=") <> 1 Then
      GoTo Proc_Exit
   End If
   GetAccessBE_PathFilename = Mid(tdf.Connect, 11)
   On Error Resume Next
   Set tdf = Nothing
   Set db = Nothing
   Exit Function
   MsgBox Err.Description, , _
        "ERROR " & Err.Number _
        & "   GetAccessBE_PathFilename"

   Resume Proc_Exit
End Function
I am going to try
Here is what I used to use
Supply a linked table name to GetAccessBE_PathFilename

Sub CreateBackup(Optional strDBType As String)
    Dim strDBpath As String, ext As String, tmp As String
    Dim strPath As String, strBackupPath As String, strDB As String
    'tmp = CurrentDb.Name    'or maybe this should be the name of your BE
    'strDBType = "FE"
    strDBpath = GetAccessBE_PathFilename("table1")
    strPath = Left(strDBpath, InStrRev(strDBpath, "\"))
    strBackupPath = strPath & "Backup\"
    'Will now backup front and back end database
    If strDBType = "FE" Then
        strDBpath = CurrentDb.Name
    End If
    strDB = Right(strDBpath, Len(strDBpath) - InStrRev(strDBpath, "\"))
    With CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
        'ext = "." & .GetExtensionName(tmp)
        tmp = strBackupPath & Format(Now(), "yyyymmdd_hhnnss") & "_" & strDB
        .CopyFile strDBpath, tmp
    End With
    MsgBox strDBType & " Database saved as " & tmp
End Sub

Function GetAccessBE_PathFilename(pTableName As String) As String

   '  the file path and file name of the BE database
   '  "" if the table is not linked
   On Error GoTo Proc_Err
   Dim db As DAO.Database _
      , tdf As DAO.TableDef
   GetAccessBE_PathFilename = ""
   Set db = CurrentDb
   Set tdf = db.TableDefs(pTableName)
   If Len(tdf.Connect) = 0 Then
      GoTo Proc_Exit
   End If
   ' look at Connect string - Database Type is the first thing specified
   ' if the BE is Access
   If InStr(tdf.Connect, ";DATABASE=") <> 1 Then
      GoTo Proc_Exit
   End If
   GetAccessBE_PathFilename = Mid(tdf.Connect, 11)
   On Error Resume Next
   Set tdf = Nothing
   Set db = Nothing
   Exit Function
   MsgBox Err.Description, , _
        "ERROR " & Err.Number _
        & "   GetAccessBE_PathFilename"

   Resume Proc_Exit
End Function
I am going to try this once I am in my office, coding is just seriously great.. Thanks ..

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