Salutations! :D


Registered User.
Local time
Yesterday, 17:54
Oct 11, 2010
I'm an accounting major who has fallen in love with relational databasing and how it can help people make better decisions.

I'm here because I'm close to clueless about access and would like to learn more. Hopefully, I can segway into oracle software and other relational databasing programs.
Glad to hear you've fallen in love with Access. Which version do you find more attractive? :)

To learn more about Access (and knowing that you're in love), you might need to treat Access to a nice dinner just to keep her happy :D

All the same, welcome to the forum and feel free to post any questions :)
I've been using Access 2007 for about two months. I haven't had the time to get around to using Access 2010, but I'm sure it's great software with all the new content.

Learning on Access 2007 for now seems just fine since my work uses it or would this be an example of the dangerous short term thinking that plagues most Americans? :p

VBA also seems like a staple language to learn if one wants to automate and get shit done in any MS program. Is this right?
Apparently 2010 is much better than 2007. I say "apparently" because I still haven't used it.

You're fine using 2007 but you will find 2010 to be more user friendly. For example, if you want to customize the ribbon in 2007 you have to do in XML but I understand in 2010 there's some sort of GUI to help with this.

Yes you're right, VBA is the automation language for MS Office apps.

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