Solved save query results to use even after criteria changes (1 Viewer)


Local time
Today, 04:24
Apr 21, 2020
I"m using a Recordset to select records to be updated using Do ANd Loop
The Recordset gets the records based on a complex Query.
the problem is that each time the loop statment is passed - it refreshes the query criteria and some records previously part of this recordset waiting to be updated are omitted.

is there a way to create the recordset and get its data without being changed till all updates are made?


I’m here to help
Staff member
Local time
Today, 01:24
Oct 29, 2018
Hi. Sounds like you need two recordsets instead of one.


I’m here to help
Staff member
Local time
Today, 01:24
Oct 29, 2018


Local time
Today, 04:24
Apr 21, 2020
Dim RCPTSetUp, FilterString As String
    RCPTSetUp = Me.ReceiptSetUp

  FilterString = " WHERE "
          'good trick from DBGuy to check if textbox is null or empty string. it adds an empty string to the textbox, then checks if the total = empty string.
          If Me.FundFilterAndGroup & "" <> "" Then
          FilterString = FilterString & "FundId = " & Me.FundFilterAndGroup & " And "
          End If
          If Me.ContactFilter & "" <> "" Then
          FilterString = FilterString & "ContactID =" & Me.ContactFilter & " And "
          End If
          If Me.AmountFilter & "" <> "" Then
          'sets the amount filter according to the set up chosen,
             If RCPTSetUp = 1 Then
             FilterString = FilterString & "AdditionAmount >= " & Me.AmountFilter & " And "
                ElseIf RCPTSetUp = 2 Then
                FilterString = FilterString & "RunningContactTotalDates >= " & Me.AmountFilter & " And "
                  ElseIf RCPTSetUp = 3 Then
                  FilterString = FilterString & "RunningFund_ContactTotalDates >= " & Me.AmountFilter & " And "
          End If
          If Me.FromFilter & "" <> "" Then
          FilterString = FilterString & "TransactionDate >= #" & Me.FromFilter & "# And "
          End If
          If Me.ToFilter & "" <> "" Then
          FilterString = FilterString & "TransactionDate <= #" & Me.ToFilter & "# And "
          End If
End If
Me.QueryString = FilterString
        'cut of the extra " And " at the end of the filterstring, use CutEndOfString Function created by YitzchokKupetz DataCharts 4/30/20
        FilterString = CutEndOfString(FilterString, 5)
              'check if filterstring is empty but has the word "WHERE", make it null.
              If FilterString = "Where" Then
              FilterString = Null
              End If
              Me.QueryString = FilterString
    ' If an error occurs, jump down to the DataAccessError section.
    On Error GoTo DataAccessError

    ' Create a SELECT command.
    Dim Query1
    Query1 = "SELECT TDID, ContactID, TransactionDate, AdditionAmount, FundId, SpecialReceipt, RunningFund_ContactTotalDates, RunningContactTotalDates, ReceiptNumber From ReceiptsToCreateTotals_Dates " _
    & FilterString _

    'for set up and testing only - shows the Query String in text box on form
    Me.QueryString = Query1
    ' Get a recordset using this command.
    Dim rs
    Set rs = fDAOGenericRst(Me.QueryString)
 Dim ReceiptNum, DonationID, Donor, Fund, Special
       ReceiptNum = DLookup("startNumber", "ReceiptNumbers")
       DonationID = rs("TDID")
       Donor = rs("ContactID")
       Fund = rs("FundID")
       Special = rs("SpecialReceipt")
    ' Move through the recordset, looking at each record.
    ' Each record is a separate Donation.
    Do Until rs.EOF
    'code for Seperate receipts for each fund for each contact

        If rs!ContactID <> Donor Or rs!FundId <> Fund Then
        ReceiptNum = ReceiptNum + 1
        End If
        ' For each Donation, get the Donation ID.
      'This is needed in order that the update command shouldn't update all records at once
      'after creating this variable we will be able to add cretiria to the  update  command to only update this individuale record
      'and on the next time  around the  next record
        DonationID = rs("TDID")
        Donor = rs("ContactID")
        Fund = rs("FundID")
        Dim UpdateCommand
        UpdateCommand = "UPDATE TransactionDetails SET ReceiptNumber =  ' " & ReceiptNum & " ' " & "WHERE TDID =" & DonationID
        ' Run the command.
        CurrentDb.Execute UpdateCommand
        ' Move to the next Donation (if there is one).

    Exit Sub


    ' You only get here if an error occured.
    ' Show the error.
    MsgBox Err.Description
    ' Try to clean up.
    On Error Resume Next


End Sub


I’m here to help
Staff member
Local time
Today, 01:24
Oct 29, 2018
Dim RCPTSetUp, FilterString As String
    RCPTSetUp = Me.ReceiptSetUp

  FilterString = " WHERE "
          'good trick from DBGuy to check if textbox is null or empty string. it adds an empty string to the textbox, then checks if the total = empty string.
          If Me.FundFilterAndGroup & "" <> "" Then
          FilterString = FilterString & "FundId = " & Me.FundFilterAndGroup & " And "
          End If
          If Me.ContactFilter & "" <> "" Then
          FilterString = FilterString & "ContactID =" & Me.ContactFilter & " And "
          End If
          If Me.AmountFilter & "" <> "" Then
          'sets the amount filter according to the set up chosen,
             If RCPTSetUp = 1 Then
             FilterString = FilterString & "AdditionAmount >= " & Me.AmountFilter & " And "
                ElseIf RCPTSetUp = 2 Then
                FilterString = FilterString & "RunningContactTotalDates >= " & Me.AmountFilter & " And "
                  ElseIf RCPTSetUp = 3 Then
                  FilterString = FilterString & "RunningFund_ContactTotalDates >= " & Me.AmountFilter & " And "
          End If
          If Me.FromFilter & "" <> "" Then
          FilterString = FilterString & "TransactionDate >= #" & Me.FromFilter & "# And "
          End If
          If Me.ToFilter & "" <> "" Then
          FilterString = FilterString & "TransactionDate <= #" & Me.ToFilter & "# And "
          End If
End If
Me.QueryString = FilterString
        'cut of the extra " And " at the end of the filterstring, use CutEndOfString Function created by YitzchokKupetz DataCharts 4/30/20
        FilterString = CutEndOfString(FilterString, 5)
              'check if filterstring is empty but has the word "WHERE", make it null.
              If FilterString = "Where" Then
              FilterString = Null
              End If
              Me.QueryString = FilterString
    ' If an error occurs, jump down to the DataAccessError section.
    On Error GoTo DataAccessError

    ' Create a SELECT command.
    Dim Query1
    Query1 = "SELECT TDID, ContactID, TransactionDate, AdditionAmount, FundId, SpecialReceipt, RunningFund_ContactTotalDates, RunningContactTotalDates, ReceiptNumber From ReceiptsToCreateTotals_Dates " _
    & FilterString _

    'for set up and testing only - shows the Query String in text box on form
    Me.QueryString = Query1
    ' Get a recordset using this command.
    Dim rs
    Set rs = fDAOGenericRst(Me.QueryString)
 Dim ReceiptNum, DonationID, Donor, Fund, Special
       ReceiptNum = DLookup("startNumber", "ReceiptNumbers")
       DonationID = rs("TDID")
       Donor = rs("ContactID")
       Fund = rs("FundID")
       Special = rs("SpecialReceipt")
    ' Move through the recordset, looking at each record.
    ' Each record is a separate Donation.
    Do Until rs.EOF
    'code for Seperate receipts for each fund for each contact

        If rs!ContactID <> Donor Or rs!FundId <> Fund Then
        ReceiptNum = ReceiptNum + 1
        End If
        ' For each Donation, get the Donation ID.
      'This is needed in order that the update command shouldn't update all records at once
      'after creating this variable we will be able to add cretiria to the  update  command to only update this individuale record
      'and on the next time  around the  next record
        DonationID = rs("TDID")
        Donor = rs("ContactID")
        Fund = rs("FundID")
        Dim UpdateCommand
        UpdateCommand = "UPDATE TransactionDetails SET ReceiptNumber =  ' " & ReceiptNum & " ' " & "WHERE TDID =" & DonationID
        ' Run the command.
        CurrentDb.Execute UpdateCommand
        ' Move to the next Donation (if there is one).

    Exit Sub


    ' You only get here if an error occured.
    ' Show the error.
    MsgBox Err.Description
    ' Try to clean up.
    On Error Resume Next


End Sub
Hi. Thanks for posting the code. Now please tell us what's happening and what's supposed to happen instead.


I’m here to help
Staff member
Local time
Today, 01:24
Oct 29, 2018
Hi. Thanks for posting the code. Now please tell us what's happening and what's supposed to happen instead.
By the way, it's good practice to add Option Explicit at the top of your modules (if you haven't already).


Local time
Today, 04:24
Apr 21, 2020
Hi. Thanks for posting the code. Now please tell us what's happening and what's supposed to happen instead.
The goal is to assign Receipt Numbers to donations
With the option of combining donations and only printing receipts if total = $xx.xx or more.
the query does just that it selects all donations that don't have a receipt number, that their donor's total donation amount = $xx.xx or more
the problem is when it loops thru the records and assigns receipt numbers to donations, the total of the remaining records aren't totaling the amount selected, so they are omitted from the query results and from the update.


I’m here to help
Staff member
Local time
Today, 01:24
Oct 29, 2018
The goal is to assign Receipt Numbers to donations
With the option of combining donations and only printing receipts if total = $xx.xx or more.
the query does just that it selects all donations that don't have a receipt number, that their donor's total donation amount = $xx.xx or more
the problem is when it loops thru the records and assigns receipt numbers to donations, the total of the remaining records aren't totaling the amount selected, so they are omitted from the query results and from the update.
Okay, so assuming "rs" contains the records/donations without receipt numbers. You loop through the records using Do Until rs.EOF. For each record, you check something to increment ReceiptNum. Also, you update a table to store the value of ReceiptNum. Is this table the same as the one from the query? Assuming I understood the above code, that means your recordset might contain more than one record and it should update all of them. Correct? But, are you saying the recordset might contain more than one record but only updates one or some of them? If so, maybe the next thing we'll need is a demo copy of your db with test data. Make sure it has some records that meet the criteria and will be included in the updates.


Local time
Today, 04:24
Apr 21, 2020
Okay, so assuming "rs" contains the records/donations without receipt numbers. You loop through the records using Do Until rs.EOF. For each record, you check something to increment ReceiptNum. Also, you update a table to store the value of ReceiptNum. Is this table the same as the one from the query?
Assuming I understood the above code, that means your recordset might contain more than one record and it should update all of them. Correct?
But, are you saying the recordset might contain more than one record but only updates one or some of them?

Do all Dim 's create a temporary storage with data? it looks like this Variable- Recordset changes every time the underlying data is changed,
which if i understand correctly dose not occur with Dim As String etc.
I saw there a few types of recordsets out there maybe i need an other type?


I’m here to help
Staff member
Local time
Today, 01:24
Oct 29, 2018



Do all Dim 's create a temporary storage with data? it looks like this Variable- Recordset changes every time the underlying data is changed,
which if i understand correctly dose not occur with Dim As String etc.
I saw there a few types of recordsets out there maybe i need an other type?
Hi. I just tested it. The recordset doesn't "shrink" when you change the data in it; however, it does reflect the new data. For example, if you create a recordset with 10 records in it and then modify one of the records that would eliminate it from the recordset in the first place, it will still stay within the recordset until you reset the recordset.


Local time
Today, 04:24
Apr 21, 2020
Hi. I just tested it. The recordset doesn't "shrink" when you change the data in it; however, it does reflect the new data. For example, if you create a recordset with 10 records in it and then modify one of the records that would eliminate it from the recordset in the first place, it will still stay within the recordset until you reset the recordset.
how can i test it by me?


I’m here to help
Staff member
Local time
Today, 01:24
Oct 29, 2018
how can i test it by me?
Here's what I did, which you should be able to copy.
  1. I opened a recordset based on a query with a criteria. This gives me not all the records from the table.
  2. I navigated the recordset to the last record and then printed the RecordCount to the Immediate Window to verify I have the correct number of records from the query
  3. Next, I executed an UPDATE query to change only one record in the table to exclude it from the query criteria (in essence, I should have 1 less record from the original result of the query)
  4. I navigated the recordset to the first record and then to the last record (this is just to make sure I still get the correct recordcount of the recordset)
  5. When I printed the recordcount to the Immediate Window again after the above steps, I still get the same number as a the result from step 2. In other words, if I started with 10 records and updated the table to make it 9, the recordset still has the original 10 records in memory. Therefore, it doesn't reset automatically.


Local time
Today, 04:24
Apr 21, 2020
Here's what I did, which you should be able to copy.
  1. I opened a recordset based on a query with a criteria. This gives me not all the records from the table.
  2. I navigated the recordset to the last record and then printed the RecordCount to the Immediate Window to verify I have the correct number of records from the query
  3. Next, I executed an UPDATE query to change only one record in the table to exclude it from the query criteria (in essence, I should have 1 less record from the original result of the query)
  4. I navigated the recordset to the first record and then to the last record (this is just to make sure I still get the correct recordcount of the recordset)
  5. When I printed the recordcount to the Immediate Window again after the above steps, I still get the same number as a the result from step 2. In other words, if I started with 10 records and updated the table to make it 9, the recordset still has the original 10 records in memory. Therefore, it doesn't reset automatically.
by me it definitely realizes the differnce, could be because by me the way it works is,
there is a field in the query that looks up [using dlookup or using a subquery] the total of that donor that did not get a receipt yet, and every time a receipt number is assigned to a donation, the total field changes in the recordset. I don't know a way around this.


I’m here to help
Staff member
Local time
Today, 01:24
Oct 29, 2018
by me it definitely realizes the differnce, could be because by me the way it works is,
there is a field in the query that looks up [using dlookup or using a subquery] the total of that donor that did not get a receipt yet, and every time a receipt number is assigned to a donation, the total field changes in the recordset. I don't know a way around this.
You might consider posting a demo copy of your db with test data showing the problem.


Enthusiastic Amateur
Local time
Today, 09:24
Sep 21, 2011
Hi. I just tested it. The recordset doesn't "shrink" when you change the data in it; however, it does reflect the new data. For example, if you create a recordset with 10 records in it and then modify one of the records that would eliminate it from the recordset in the first place, it will still stay within the recordset until you reset the recordset.
@theDBguy What would happen if you used dbOpenSnapShot ?


Enthusiastic Amateur
Local time
Today, 09:24
Sep 21, 2011
No seriously I do not. That is why I asked? I can guess, hence my question, but TBH I thought the query would just read the data, and even if any data was changed, you would need to rerun the query to get the changes? So in reverse, once you read the data, that would remain static?


I’m here to help
Staff member
Local time
Today, 01:24
Oct 29, 2018
No seriously I do not. That is why I asked? I can guess, hence my question, but TBH I thought the query would just read the data, and even if any data was changed, you would need to rerun the query to get the changes? So in reverse, once you read the data, that would remain static?
Okay, sorry. I thought you were kidding. dbOpenSnapshot creates a "read-only" recordset. So, you won't be able to make changes to the data in the recordset. As far as "viewing" the externaly changed data, the result is the same. The read-only recordset keeps the old data and does not display the new one.

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