send an email using recipients from a query


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Today, 11:31
Oct 24, 2007
I have a query which I need to email in an excel format to a changing list of recipients. The recipients are held in a query "email_lastturndata_qry" using the field "email_address" for the recipient email addresses.
I have this code so far,

Private Sub emailpostturndiameters_Click()

DoCmd.OpenQuery "email_lastturndata_qry", , acReadOnly
DoCmd.SendObject acSendQuery, "post_turn_wheeldiameters", acFormatXLS, "", , , "Post turn wheel diameters", "Attached are the post turn wheel diameters for 110**+110** (amend as required)", True
DoCmd.close acQuery, "email_lastturndata_qry"

End Sub

Is it possible to add the email_address field as the To part of the email?
I'm still trying to get my head round VBA so any help much appreciated.

Many thanks
You might be able to use this simple function to put all the email addresses together for the To argument.
You might find Gina Whipps website useful. She has a nice piece of code for sending email to multiple recipients:-


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