Show all records of no criteria value enter (1 Viewer)

Copy and paste the SQL view of the query here.
Copy and paste the SQL view of the query here.
Hi David,

I think the problem is my MS Access itself.. Now i could not access the design view of my queries, forms and reports..the only options available on right click is open and export..
Hi David,

I think the problem is my MS Access itself.. Now i could not access the design view of my queries, forms and reports..the only options available on right click is open and export..
Is the DB read only?
That statement makes no sense to me? :(

well what do you mean by the "db lock" exactly.. terminologies of experts and newbies may not be the same, so my apologies..
Whether the dB is read only has nothing to do with whether it is in development or production.
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Whether the dB is read only has nothing to do with whether it is in development or production.
ok can you please tell me the dB is "lock" and "not lock" considering the two stages "development" and "production".. because for me as newbie thinking, why should i lock if i am still working and still in my possession (work station/computer)..sorry again but expert and newbie may differ in understanding such terms..
Copy and paste the SQL view of the query here.
Hi David,

Here is the sql view of my query..

SELECT tblBuyer.byrID, tblBuyer.byrFName, tblBuyer.byrLName, tblBuyer.propBlk, tblBuyer.propLot, tblBuyer.propSQM, tblPayment.PDATE, tblPayment.ARNO, tblMOP.BankName, tblMOP.AccNo, tblMOP.AccName, tblPayment.REFTRANSNMBR, Sum(qryPayment_Crosstab.[1]) AS SumOf1, Sum(qryPayment_Crosstab.[2]) AS SumOf2, Sum(qryPayment_Crosstab.[3]) AS SumOf3, Sum(qryPayment_Crosstab.[4]) AS SumOf4, Sum(qryPayment_Crosstab.[5]) AS SumOf5, Sum(qryPayment_Crosstab.[6]) AS SumOf6, Sum(qryPayment_Crosstab.[7]) AS SumOf7, Sum(qryPayment_Crosstab.[8]) AS SumOf8, tblPayment.REMARKS, [byrFName] & " " & [byrLName] AS Name
FROM ((tblBuyer INNER JOIN qryPayment_Crosstab ON tblBuyer.byrID = qryPayment_Crosstab.BUYERID) INNER JOIN tblPayment ON tblBuyer.byrID = tblPayment.BUYERID) INNER JOIN tblMOP ON tblPayment.MOPID = tblMOP.MopID
WHERE (((Nz([pdate],1)) Between Nz([Forms]![frmPrintMgr]![startdate],#12/31/1899#) And Nz([Forms]![frmPrintMgr]![enddate],#12/31/9999#)))
GROUP BY tblBuyer.byrID, tblBuyer.byrFName, tblBuyer.byrLName, tblBuyer.propBlk, tblBuyer.propLot, tblBuyer.propSQM, tblPayment.PDATE, tblPayment.ARNO, tblMOP.BankName, tblMOP.AccNo, tblMOP.AccName, tblPayment.REFTRANSNMBR, tblPayment.REMARKS, [byrFName] & " " & [byrLName];

Hope this make sense,
ok can you please tell me the dB is "lock" and "not lock" considering the two stages "development" and "production".. because for me as newbie thinking, why should i lock if i am still working and still in my possession (work station/computer)..sorry again but expert and newbie may differ in understanding such terms..
All I am saying is that if somehow (perhaps something you did) made the db read only, then it would make sense you could not alter anything. However I would expect a warning message along with that.
Hello all,

Any suggestion(s) pls, i am stack, pls need help.. i could not filter my query for my report..
Does form frmPrintMgr close immediately after you hit the print button, or does it stay open?
Hello all,

Any suggestion(s) pls, i am stack, pls need help.. i could not filter my query for my report..
Compact, Zip and Upload the DB.
Also supply instructions on how to replicate your issue.

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