SJ McAbney Birthday Boy

SJ McAbney said:

I know who soon will be on the list. I just bought the new Neil Diamond album. With any luck it will be as good as the last few albums by Johnny Cash, since its the same producer and is also stripped down to guitar with occasional guest musicians.

There's a new Neil Diamond album?!?!?!
How did THAT slip by me?
So U love Country Music! or Rock n Roll is your favourite?. I will steal some of it.By the way, who hosts your site? and at which costs?
I am looking for a good hoster.
Have a good one though.;)
SJ McAbney said:
I know who soon will be on the list. I just bought the new Neil Diamond album. QUOTE]

Shouldn't that be the new ColinEssex album?:)
skea said:
who hosts your site? and at which costs?

Stewart posted a link to the site on page one of this thread. It costs approx £18 a year to subscribe. I subscribe to the site as well since Mile introduced me to it. I have been pretty impressed by it so far. You can get a free account although subscribing gives you additonal services and it always nice to give something back if you enjoy using the service / find it's not expensive.

BarryMK said:
Shouldn't that be the new ColinEssex album?

Full of promises Barry but failing to deliver the goods as usual, bit of bad management on your part there, where can we listen to Col's personal radio station then?? :)

TessB said:
There's a new Neil Diamond album?!?!?!
It was released yesterday. Twelve new songs and it's just Neil and his guitar. The music is occasionally punctuated by small contributions from session musicians. It's rather good and is definitely a grower.
Hayley Baxter said:
Full of promises Barry but failing to deliver the goods as usual, bit of bad management on your part there, where can we listen to Col's personal radio station then?? :)

At the last executive meeting, it was decided to investigate these distribution problems. As a result, a steering group has been appointed and are due to meet at the end of April to appoint a working group.

The working group will report back directly to the steering group and that is timed at the end of summer 2006.:rolleyes: A report will then be written and presented to the executive board at the December meeting. So as you can see, all haste is being made to sort things out.

Barry mentioned he had problems with Virgins - something about payment or something. . . . . . I leave that side of things to Barry;)

Hayley Baxter said:
Full of promises Barry but failing to deliver the goods as usual, Hay
Have you been talking to my wife?:o

Hayley Baxter said:
bit of bad management on your part there, Hay
I can't help it if demand outstrips supply and you lot can't get your orders sent in time.

Hayley Baxter said:
where can we listen to Col's personal radio station then?? :) Hay
On his personal radio? Can you get down to Colchester to have a listen on his walkman?:D
ColinEssex said:
At the last executive meeting, it was decided to investigate these distribution problems. As a result, a steering group has been appointed and are due to meet at the end of April to appoint a working group.The working group will report back directly to the steering group and that is timed at the end of summer 2006.:rolleyes: A report will then be written and presented to the executive board at the December meeting. So as you can see, all haste is being made to sort things out.Col
It's only right and proper to get to the bottom of things. Col forgot to mention that the steering group and working group reports to the executive board together with the executive board report will of course be strictly confidential and the findings will not be made public until sometime after 2050.

ColinEssex said:
Barry mentioned he had problems with Virgins - something about payment or something. . . . . . I leave that side of things to Barry;) Col

VIRGIN, Col, VIRGIN Let's not get onto groupies again! :rolleyes:
BarryMK said:
VIRGIN, Col, VIRGIN Let's not get onto groupies again! :rolleyes:
Sorry Barry, there was some confusion in the minutes I got from that meeting, I think the secretary (Lolita) got a bit excited at that point and misheard what you said:rolleyes: and I missed it as I was busy texting someone.

Rich said:
I don't believe it for one minute
ColinEssex Records plc is a professional company with high standards, I can't think what you might be implying.:eek:

ColinEssex said:
Sorry Barry, there was some confusion in the minutes I got from that meeting, I think the secretary (Lolita) got a bit excited at that point and misheard what you said:rolleyes: and I missed it as I was busy texting someone.Col

Ah yes Lolita - I told you not to employ him....;)
Sorry I missed it! I hope you had a great birthday!

Mazzy Star.... depressing, maybe, but "Fade Into You" is one of the most relaxing songs ever recorded.
BarryMK said:
Ah yes Lolita - I told you not to employ him....;)
Look, it wasn't my fault:o ok? I was tired. . . . overworked, had to get the CD done. . . .people on at me. . . . . session guys not turning up . . . . stressed. . . . . . . how was I to know?
Ok he needed a leg wax, but I assumed he was Spanish, he had a fabulous blouse and skirt on

ColinEssex said:
Look, it wasn't my fault:o ok? I was tired. . . . overworked, had to get the CD done. . . .people on at me. . . . . session guys not turning up . . . . stressed. . . . . . . how was I to know?
Ok he needed a leg wax, but I assumed he was Spanish, he had a fabulous blouse and skirt on

Don't worry no-one will ever find out

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