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Course the reason you've not explained AFAIK is TANSTAAFL. He'd best learn to do for himself rather than expecting other's to provide! :-)
I would say PMFJI, but I've already been here. AFAIK, and IIRC you like shortcuts in text (AKA acronyms) so TMTM?;)
Course the reason you've not explained AFAIK is TANSTAAFL. He'd best learn to do for himself rather than expecting other's to provide! :-)
pretty soon everyone's posts here are going to look like this:
TANSTAAFL is one I haven't seen before.

If it were dollars, that would be a pretty big number that Adam posted. I would be OK to win 1/100,000 of it.

Not familiar with "The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress"?

There ain't no such thing as a free lunch
I know, I Googled it before posting. Should have said so. SAT.
Actually, Mark, that phrase, abbreviated in that way, pre-dates The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress by at least 30 years. Also TINSTAAFL, "There IS no such..." You can look it up on Wikipedia. Heinlein was a good writer, though. He would have grown up in an era where that was used commonly.

Sadly, my collection of his work was in a particle-board bookshelf downstairs when Katrina flooded my house and kept everything soaking wet for 3 weeks. The party-board dissolved and my books - including over 1000 titles of loose sheet music, several collections, and at least two dozen hard-to-replace "fake" books - got soaked to the point of being useless. Some of the books were SO far out of print as to be totally irreplaceable, and one of my favorites was one my uncle gave to me when I was still learning keyboards. Definitely a bummer.

If I had known we would get that level of flooding, I would have moved the collections upstairs, but I had limited time to take action. We were going to Texas and had a ton of preparations to complete.

I also lost the Foundation double-trilogy, some good Arthur C Clarke, and some Poul Anderson. Plus a collection I had been accumulating from The Science-Fiction Book Club, which would ship a hardcover anthology or a small selection of single books once a month. I must have lost 50-75 really good titles.

Sorry, thinking about Heinlein caused me to digress a bit.
Actually, Mark, that phrase, abbreviated in that way, pre-dates The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress by at least 30 years. Also TINSTAAFL, "There IS no such..." You can look it up on Wikipedia. Heinlein was a good writer, though. He would have grown up in an era where that was used commonly.

Sadly, my collection of his work was in a particle-board bookshelf downstairs when Katrina flooded my house and kept everything soaking wet for 3 weeks. The party-board dissolved and my books - including over 1000 titles of loose sheet music, several collections, and at least two dozen hard-to-replace "fake" books - got soaked to the point of being useless. Some of the books were SO far out of print as to be totally irreplaceable, and one of my favorites was one my uncle gave to me when I was still learning keyboards. Definitely a bummer.

If I had known we would get that level of flooding, I would have moved the collections upstairs, but I had limited time to take action. We were going to Texas and had a ton of preparations to complete.

I also lost the Foundation double-trilogy, some good Arthur C Clarke, and some Poul Anderson. Plus a collection I had been accumulating from The Science-Fiction Book Club, which would ship a hardcover anthology or a small selection of single books once a month. I must have lost 50-75 really good titles.

Sorry, thinking about Heinlein caused me to digress a bit.
Sorry to hear of your loss. Sounds like you have been reading some of same authors that I have. So far, my collection has survived my numerous moves and the children. I hope that you will be able to re-create your collection.
vba_php said:
there are some serious things wrong with that woman

Adam, now and then we might disagree on some minor things. On this one, we are in VERY close alignment. My take is that she is a definite whack-job, or as us old curmudgeons used to say, "whack-a-doodle" or "wacky".
Adam, now and then we might disagree on some minor things. On this one, we are in VERY close alignment. My take is that she is a definite whack-job, or as us old curmudgeons used to say, "whack-a-doodle" or "wacky".
I don't follow this much richard, I just see snippets of her ignorant rear on the tube talking about ridiculous stuff. Actually I have written a post about this on LinkedIn and how politicians won't play much of a role in a future economy (aside from issuing monetary and fiscal policy) anyway so it's *almost* pointless to listen to them anymore (if it ever was). It's a short read, in case you're interested:

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