Sporting Favourites

For 'spectacular' shots, Seve Ballesteros for me is still the master - Woods obviously makes fewer mistakes, but to get out of trouble from a bad drive, give me Seve any day
A year from now Tiger Woods will be named "Americas most eligible bachelor".
The over-riding theme for this is 'Favourite', not who you think is the best - although they may well be the same
After Sunday night, I've got to say that Drew Brees, the Saints quarterback, elevated himself greatly in my eyes. Not from the great performance that led the Saints to a win. But afterwards, when he held his one-year-old son. The noise was deafening, so the lad had headphones. Drew couldn't be heard, but his lips formed the words, "I love you, son." Tears formed in his eyes at the intensity of the emotion. After the biggest game of his career, including both winning the Superbowl and winning MVP of the Superbowl, he went for his son. Not the cameras. Not the press corp. Not the fans. He held his son. He's #9 on the field and #1 in my book.
After Sunday night, I've got to say that Drew Brees, the Saints quarterback, elevated himself greatly in my eyes. Not from the great performance that led the Saints to a win. But afterwards, when he held his one-year-old son. The noise was deafening, so the lad had headphones. Drew couldn't be heard, but his lips formed the words, "I love you, son." Tears formed in his eyes at the intensity of the emotion. After the biggest game of his career, including both winning the Superbowl and winning MVP of the Superbowl, he went for his son. Not the cameras. Not the press corp. Not the fans. He held his son. He's #9 on the field and #1 in my book.

Dang Doc, you're a poet. Who woulda guessed?
Just as a follow-up: Drew Brees and his team came home to New Orleans to a hero's welcome. We had an estimated 85,000 fans lining the highway from the airport just to cheer as they passed. We had a special "Saints" Mardi Gras parade where the team and the trophies were displayed to the public. New York City has ticker-tape parades. We have Mardi Gras parades - except that this was the "Lombardi Gras" parade...

But the story isn't over. Many players had already been tapped to be "guests of honor" in several of the regular parades. There is a "real" King in most of the parades, but there is an honorary position for the guest. This year, Drew Brees was Lord Bacchus in the Bacchus parade. The video clips show him tossing off the trinkets and waving at folks, having entirely too much fun. There ought to be a law against a grown man having as much fun as he was having without getting drunk, getting high, or getting laid.

But then, Drew Brees does more than lead a championship team. He also runs a charitable foundation that so far has taken in donations in excess of $1.85 million (USA dollars) to help rebuild neighborhoods and schools. And he's only been in the city for 4 years. The guy's a class act in more ways than I can tell you. The more I read about him and his charitable works, the better he looks as a "sporting favorite" - which is of course the topic of the thread, so for once I'm spot-on theme.
After Sunday night, I've got to say that Drew Brees, the Saints quarterback, elevated himself greatly in my eyes. Not from the great performance that led the Saints to a win. But afterwards, when he held his one-year-old son. The noise was deafening, so the lad had headphones. Drew couldn't be heard, but his lips formed the words, "I love you, son." Tears formed in his eyes at the intensity of the emotion. After the biggest game of his career, including both winning the Superbowl and winning MVP of the Superbowl, he went for his son. Not the cameras. Not the press corp. Not the fans. He held his son. He's #9 on the field and #1 in my book.
...spoiled only by the later revelation that Drew had accepted a $5m sponsorship deal from YouTube and that many people's lipreading skills were subpar ;)
A number of pro golfers were asked about Tiger's infidelity and the fact that his wife attacked his SUV with a 3 iron.

They all agreed.

If she was that close to the SUV she should have been using a wedge. :D
Statsman, you have a valid point. (But then, as a dart player, you ALWAYS have a point...)

Do you think that should be a 60-degree sand wedge or maybe a lesser angle since it was an SUV and not a mini-van?
My favorite athlete of all time is Joe Montana. Great all-around quarterback, especially with 4th quarter come backs.

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