Tab Control Phenomenon (1 Viewer)



Form with 2 tabs.
Tab 1 has a few comboboxes.
Tab 2 does calculations based on some of the comboboxes from tab1.
There is a command button on tab 2 that fills in 4 textboxes on tab 2;Pass,Fail,Total Audited and Score. The calculations (by
some miracle) work perfectly.
Here is the phenomenon:
When I click the button on tab2, all of the fields from tab1 briefly flash on the form of tab2, then the textfields in tab2 fill in.
I hope I am explaining this clearly, because it is pretty bizarre to see !

If necessary I can post the code, but somehow I believe this might have to do with property settings (?)

Does anyone know why the fields from the form of tab1 would 'flash' on the form of tab2 (really quickly and then they disappear) ??
(Access 2000 on Win95)
Thank you for your on going help.

Michael Abrams

Sacramento CA


Local time
Today, 11:13
Apr 17, 2001
I use the tab control often and I think that what you are referring to is a result of not putting another form on each tab with all of the controls on those forms and not directly on the tabs themselves. It seems to be a refresh problem with the tab. For some reason if they have forms on them you do not get the flash I think you are talking about.


>>is a result of not putting another form on each tab with all of the controls on those forms and not directly on the tabs themselves. <<

I have read and re-read your answer, as well as checked out the Help files again, and I just don't understand !!!! :{{

This is what I did:
1)Created a new form (Form1)
2)Bound it to a table (Table1)
3)Put a tab control on the form (w/2 tabs)
4)Put controls on the first tab's form
5)Put controls on the second tab's form

Where did I go wrong with the above steps?
In other words, how do I "put another form on each tab?"

Thanks DES for your answer. I really appreciate it!!

Michael Abrams

[This message has been edited by mrabrams (edited 04-29-2001).]

[This message has been edited by mrabrams (edited 04-29-2001).]


Would any one like to guess why this happens??

Michael Abrams


Local time
Today, 11:13
Apr 17, 2001
OK lets try this again.

If indeed you have created a form, put a tab control with say two tabs on it and then for each tab created another form and then placed your controls on these forms then you have me.

However it has been my experience that most people forget to use a form as a container for each tab on their tab control.

As a result switching from tab to tab causes a flickering of the objects and sometimes even seeing objects on a separate tab.


The worst feeling I have is feeling like a schmuck and not knowing why.
It's one thing if it were the terminology, or even the concept. But I MUST be missing something. So I will again take this step by step.
DES:If indeed you have created a form
Michael : I have created a form. Form1

DES:put a tab control with say two tabs on it
Michael: I put a Tab Control with two tabs.TabControl1. Tab1 is tabEmp Tab2 is tabScore
So far we are fine :}}

Here's where I get messed up:

DES:then for each tab created another form and then placed your controls on these forms then you have me.
Michael: The way I read this is that I should create a Form2 and a Form3. (And bind these two forms to the same table1 ??)Put controls on Form2 and Form3. And then what? The way I am reading the reply is to somehow put Form1 and Form2 onto the tabs that are on Form1?

I promise to go away for a while - but this is bugging the s$$t out of me now !!!

Please HELP!!!!!

Takin' the rest of the week off here,
Michael Abrams



Local time
Today, 11:13
Apr 17, 2001
When the blind lead the blind it is easy to trip over pebbles. Sent you a sample. Sorry for any discomfort you have suffered from unclear descriptions.


Stubbed my toe on many occasions !!!

Thanks for the Demo.

My misunderstanding - "sub-form" on each tab.
Makes alot of sense now !! :}}

I appreciate you following up and sticking with me on this.

Michael Abrams

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