Text Box (1 Viewer)


Local time
Today, 12:28
Apr 5, 2020
Is it possible to put text in a text box in two three diiferent line/coloumn with same allignment
What does text in a textbox have to do with alignment?
What does text in a textbox have to do with alignment?
i need to put some values in diiferent line as statistics. For eg in one Field I need to put details of attendance serially
You just reference the actual controls.
What sort of form is it?
Is it possible to put text in a text box in two three diiferent line/coloumn with same allignment
Each control in a form or report has a Width, Height, Top and Left property so you can size them and place them, so they are aligned where you want them to be.
Is it possible to put text in a text box in two three diiferent line/coloumn with same allignment
Are you talking about a single text box with three different lines and columns, sort of like a Word table?

Or, are you talking about putting 9 text boxes in a layout that looks like that?
Maybe what you want is a query that calculates all the statistics and shows them in a subform.
In general, the answer is "Not without a LOT of work." Bound text boxes will hold ONE and ONLY ONE set of contents. Therefore, if your multi-column array isn't already in the database as a multi-column array in a single field, you are going to have to take the other approach.

It IS possible to have an unbound text box with it's .TextFormat property set for Rich Text Format rather than plain text. Then you then build your display with precise formatting controls embedded in the text. I know you can do this but I've never actually done this so you might need to look up the topic. It will be tedious as heck and difficult to get the alignment right.

You MIGHT wish to consider instead that you could build a sub-form to display your data in a standard datasheet grid and display what you want as a child form of the parent form.
It will be tedious as heck and difficult to get the alignment right.
Alignment WITHIN a textbox is also dependent on using a non-proportional font like Courier where all letters take up the same amount of horizontal space. Proportional fonts will NEVER align correctly.
Alignment WITHIN a textbox is also dependent on using a non-proportional font like Courier where all letters take up the same amount of horizontal space. Proportional fonts will NEVER align correctly.

Absolutely true, Pat - which is why the second part of my post matches yours. Make a sub-form even if only in datasheet view. (Our posts crossed each other, from the time stamps.)

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