The Deep State (1 Viewer)

Pat Hartman

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Today, 06:09
Feb 19, 2002
The talking heads are discussing how the Deep State will obstruct all Trump objectives in the off chance that he wins because he "will be a dictator" and they must stop that. Of course, that means that unelected bureaucrats will be making the decisions for the Executive Branch regarding which directions of the President they will implement and which they will ignore. How is this action not a dictatorship? Just because it is being controlled by an invisible junta and not one front-man? This is what happened during Trump's first term. He knew this was going on. He TOLD us it was going on when he called them the Deep State. He even had members of the Joint Chiefs of Staff LYING to him about troop movements to keep Trump in the dark about when troops would be withdrawn from Iraq and Afghanistan. That sounds like treason to me and yet Millie admitted to it on national television. No blowback. No court marshall. Can you imagine, career military men LYING to the President???? So of course, Trump needs to start by replacing all of them. One (or more) for the lying, the rest for not standing up for the Constitution since last time I read it, the President is the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces. Officers are NOT obligated to follow illegal orders or even orders they simply don't believe in. They do NOT however just get to ignore them and do whatever they want to do. The honorable thing to do is to resign their commission. This is exactly why officers are allowed to resign their commissions and enlisted men are not.

We, the people, need to start discussing how Trump can circumvent this. For example, who EXACTLY can he fire? His "people" lied to him during his first term and kept him from attempting to enforce his directions on the Executive Branch staff. Trump can certainly fire anyone who is appointed and possibly all of management. Once you get to union members, he needs cause. But maybe, he can open a branch office in Guam and another in Nome and reassign everyone he doesn't want to one of those locations with no family status attached to the posting. Since I'm pretty sure we'd like to see many of the federal agencies eliminated, this might not be a bad thing.
1. Cut off most of the department heads on day 1. Have some important replacements waiting.
2. Rescind the security clearance for every one who was fired PLUS a bunch of leftovers.
3. Pardon any Jan 6th victim who wasn't convicted of violence against the Capitol officers. Then try to do something to give them their lives back.
4. Start dismembering agencies that have not fulfilled their promise such as the Department of Education and remove ALL armed forces from every agency except the DOJ, US Marshals, Secret Service. NO other agency, including the IRS needs swat teams or stocks of ammunition and firearms ESPECIALLY not the Dept of Education. This isn't the18th century. We don't need proximity to take care of business. DC has outlived its usefulness.
5. Start breaking apart what is left. A large part of the Deep State problem is incest. All these people live in the same town, eat at the same restaurants, and work in the same building. Every agency except the Pentagon needs to be moved out of DC and spread out across the hinterlands where the cities need an influx of Government jobs.
No we don't.
So, you're OK with unelected bureaucrats ignoring the direction of the President to whom they report? How about if you like the President? Is it OK for him to pick and choose which laws his bureaucrats are instructed to obey?
Heard he wants Jr. to be in charge of the DEA drug storage facilities.
I guess you are implying that JJ is a drug user. Apparently, he'll fit right in to the White House where the Secret Service cannot identify who left the drugs in a secured locker assigned to "no one" because there was no video that showed anyone putting anything into it;)
You are deflecting Moke. I've always thought better of you. If we don't care about Hunter's addiction, and he is the son of the current president and spends lots of time actually in the White House for some reason that escapes me since he has no job there, why should we care about a not proven addiction of a candidate's son? Especially since when his father was the President, Jr. and Eric took over the family business instead of hanging out in the White House like Hunter does. I'm not trying to cover for Jr. or excuse an addiction if he has one, but I had an almost permanent sinus infection for two years. The only difference is that I wasn't hyper. I was just constantly flicking my nose but no one thought I was using cocaine because I didn't exhibit any other mannerisms of cocaine use.

Why don't you address the issue of the Deep State which is what the post was about?

Do you REALLY want unelected bureaucrats ignoring the direction of the President to whom they report? How about if you like the President? Is it OK for him to pick and choose which laws his bureaucrats are instructed to obey? Why are you so filled with hatred of DJT that you would rather see a corrupt bureaucrat like Biden take money from foreign actors for favors from the US government? Are you afraid that the noose is tightening because there are actual money links from the foreign actors directly to Joe because his drug addled son got careless with the money laundering?

Let's just put Trump aside for the moment. Let's just say Ron DeSantis managed to snag the nomination? I picked him because he is technically no threat to the Dems. He's done a pretty good job in Florida but he will not follow that model as the President. He will do whatever his big money donors want him to do and throw up a little flack for show.

Would you want the Deep State to ignore directions from the DeSantis WH? How about if the President somehow ended up being Harris? Not sure how that would ever be possible though, she's never gotten an important job that she didn't drop to her knees to work for but just for the sake of argument, say the DNC managed to get enough mail-in ballots printed in China in time for 2024, anything is possible. Would you want them implementing "her" policies or would this just be a fourth term for Obama so the Deep State would be OK.

You do realize that the President is instructing the border patrol to violate our nation's immigration laws? And they're doing it because most of them can't actually afford to give up their jobs. But really - cutting barbed wire and soldering open gates????? REALLY???? How can that possibly be good for the country? And if you insist that it is, I ask you, how many EXACTLY, illegal aliens are living in your home and being supported by you? How about any of your friends of like mind? How many have they taken in?

Are you really OK with members of the Joint Chiefs actually lying to the President and evading direct orders? Let's get real about the Deep State. Whether they are with you or against you, do you really want unelected bureaucrats running the show? Is that what our Constitution promised us? It is sure what is happening today.

One of the three things I will never forgive DJT for, and probably the most important, is opening my eyes to the Deep State. This is actually why his supporters are willing to give him another term. NO ONE is willing to take on the problem except Trump.
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No we don't.

Heard he wants Jr. to be in charge of the DEA drug storage facilities.

Oh, and remember, if he tries to get rid of anyone that he ultimately is found not to be able to get rid of, they will take the informal list of replacements he had ready and call it "fake appointments" and pretend it's a crime :rolleyes:

As if having a list of replacement electors ready just in case you won the procedural fight is somehow illegal. Why wouldn't you??

I say liberals just really loved the 'fake news' and decided using the word Fake was a winner - copy cats
@Issac, rather than turning this into a stupid one liner thread, lets stop engaging with Moke. He is perfectly OK with the Joint Chiefs lying to Trump and he's OK with bureaucrats running the show and ignoring Trump as long as he is OK with what the bureaucrats are implementing. We are not going to get him to even sit back and think about what I asked. He's made his decision. He is OK with ANYTHING as long as Trump isn't the President. He may feel differently in 2028. Of course, now that I think about it, why does he care even now? If Trump is President and the Deep State is in charge, why does Moke feel threatened at all by a DJT presidency? It is just status quo. Trump will rescind Biden's illegal executive orders, the Supremes will interfere and there you have it. Trump is elected but can't implement any of the policies we elected him to implement.
He is OK with ANYTHING as long as Trump isn't the President.

Hope he likes Nikki 👍
Because Biden's not even conscious enough to take the Oath any more. He literally can't be president. :D
I may be the only one who doesn't like Nikki. She is a RINO and a never-Trumper. She says the right things sometimes but she is even worse than DeSantis when it comes to being owned by big money and like all RINOs, she will follow the bouncing ball of donations right to the bag of gold at the end of the rainbow.

Remember what it was that everyone loved about Trump - He didn't owe any donor anything so you could depend on him to do his best to keep his campaign promises. And that is exactly what he did which reallllllly pissed off the Republicans because he made them look so bad. I didn't like all his ideas and I HATED his schoolyard bully like name-calling but I liked enough of his policies to get on board the Trump train. He annoys the hell out of people and I think he sort of likes it but it did interfere with his ability to get independents behind him which is what I told him every single time I wrote to him. They just couldn't look past his childish taunting of the press. I have a friend who has been a staunch Republican all her life (unlike me who has NEVER been a Republican) and she can't even say Trump's name without sputtering even though we now know about all the lies spread by the Dems and the press. The Dems were never going to go along no matter what and Trump didn't cover for the RINOs so they obstructed as best they could with the poster boy being John McCain. Due to a personal feud with Trump - WE, THE PEOPLE - got ****** and had to live with Obamacare. This just went to prove that McCain was exactly what Trump said he was. McCain's feelings were hurt so he punished the entire country to get back at Trump. Who wants a politician like that? And to think, I almost voted for him in 2008. I'm glad I voted for Ralph Nader even though I knew my vote wouldn't count. In the summer of 2008, the financial markets were imploding and Bush was pushing bailouts. Obama and McCain were hot on the campaign trail until one of them decided to return to DC to vote on the bailout bill so the other did also. I said great - I really dislike both of them equally but if one of them votes AGAINST bailouts, that is who will get my vote in November. The scumbags didn't disappoint. BOTH voted for bailouts so I voted for Ralph Nader.
yeah, i do like that trump isn't beholden to donors.

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