The infernal green line. (1 Viewer)


New member
Local time
Today, 08:26
May 29, 2010
Hi all…, I'm a newbie here !

And as can be seen with such an elementary question, I'm self-taught and no great expert !

Reading all the extremely interesting posts here, my first question will obviously have already been answered. If so, I'd be extremely pleased if someone could give me the url of the page.

I updated to Word 2007 last year and although I'm attracted to many of its good features, some aspects are infernal. Registering documents for example. (concerning the green correction lines)

Finishing a document with the page completely clear of the suggestion-lines…, I memorize the page then close the document. When I reopen the document…, all those infernal lines reappear ! Can someone tell me what "x" is missing in some far distant window ? :confused: Thanks !


Super Moderator
Staff member
Local time
Today, 07:26
Sep 12, 2006
are you sure you are using the correct language spelling checker

mine was stuck in welsh for some reason


New member
Local time
Today, 08:26
May 29, 2010
Thanks Dave ! As you say, language could be the problem as my hard-drive was programmed in French. Nonetheless, the old Word had no such problem. Anyway…, even when I write in French, I still have the same result.

About four years ago I followed a free, year-long, government-run course on the use of Word, and even the teacher was unable to help me out. (he is/was still on the old version) So, I suppose I can be excused in exposing such a "simple" hiccup ! :)


Super Moderator
Staff member
Local time
Today, 16:26
Jan 20, 2009
One of my users had the language randomly turn to French on some words as he typed. French wasn't even one of the enabled languages.

Turning off Detect language Automatically fixed it.


New member
Local time
Today, 08:26
May 29, 2010
One of my users had the language randomly turn to French on some words as he typed. French wasn't even one of the enabled languages.

Turning off Detect language Automatically fixed it.

Thanks Galaxiom..., but I personally don't think it's linked with languages…, nonetheless, there was one element I didn't mention.

After buying the program, ("Office… family and student 2007") we decided to create a new business. And instead of buying a new program (much more expensive and for professional use) we decided to continue with the "old" student version. We envisage buying a new program when the company will be up and running.

In the meantime…, my "Word 2007 student" gets dizzy spells ! By that I mean, for example, when I ask for a synonym and I choose a proposed word; the screen goes fuzzy and I have to reopen the document. And even having selected register "every 60 seconds," I often loose much of the work. I put this down to some embedded Microsoft "ruler," hitting me over the knuckles for using too many business terms, words and phrases. I did mention that I know nothing about computers !:D So the problem is probably linked to some memory or registering aspect. As I said before, I'm sure that all it needs is to tick a box somewhere ! :confused:


Free Range Witch
Local time
Today, 07:26
Aug 10, 2006
The only other thing I can think of for this would be to hide the grammer/spelling within the document. You can do this from Tools > Options > Spelling and Grammar


Registered User.
Local time
Yesterday, 23:26
May 29, 2007
It could also be the type of grammar check that is being used - you can use different types: I think formal, student, informal, professional, etc.

If you right-click on the spelling or grammar problem (underlined in red or green), it will open the spelling/grammar dialog. You can just turn off the grammar check if you like, or you can use the "Settings" button to set the formality you want it to check to.
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