The Microsoft Engine Does not Recognize... as a Valid Field Name in CrossTab (1 Viewer)


You've got your good things, and you've got mine.
Local time
Today, 03:46
May 21, 2018
I have a query that has a subquery and works fine. It looks at a percentage in table one for a given ID and compares it to the percentages in table 2 for a given id and returns another value where the difference between the percentages is min.
SELECT A.reg_number,
       A.epd_type                                AS NewEPD_Type,
       (SELECT TOP 1 B.val
        FROM   table2 AS B
        WHERE  B.epd = A.epd_type
        ORDER  BY Abs(B.[perc] - A.epd_percent)) AS Nearest
FROM   tblnew AS A;

Gives results like this

I want to make that into a CrossTab with Reg_Number as row header, and NewEPD_TYPE as Column Headers and show Nearest.

TRANSFORM First(qryvlookup.[Nearest]) AS firstofnearest
SELECT qryvlookup.[reg_number]
FROM   qryvlookup
GROUP  BY qryvlookup.[reg_number]
PIVOT qryvlookup.[NewEPD_Type];

The Cross tab complains about the fields within the Subquery. I tried with and without table aliases and get the same error.


I assume this is a limitation to the crosstab where I am trying to transform a value based on a subquery? Can the subquery (join) be done differently?


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For testing, does it work if you remove the "As NewEPD_Type"? Same with if you just add in A.epd_type? Alternately have you tried using NewEDP_Type instead of a.edp_type?

I remember having an issue like this with nested queries getting confused when parent fields were returned with a new name. Working it out as an SQL statement showed what was missing, but I haven't had to do this with a crosstab.
For testing, does it work if you remove the "As NewEPD_Type"? Same with if you just add in A.epd_type? Alternately have you tried using NewEDP_Type instead of a.edp_type?
I started with no table aliases, and got the error. Then tried aliasing table names and then field names. Every combination still gave me the same message relating to the subquery.
This seems odd.
I've just done something similar, successfully creating a crosstab based on a subquery with a similar layout to yours.

TRANSFORM First(SQ.TextField) AS FirstOfTextField
FROM qryTable2Subquery AS SQ

No errors whether or not I use an alias.

Can you supply a dummy database with the original table , subquery & crosstab to help troubleshoot
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Does the crosstab work if you change the first query to a make table?
Does the crosstab work if you create a separate querydef for the subquery and join to it? Remember, Access has the occasional problem with subqueries. I had one situation where I had to move the subquery to a separate query and join to it in order to coerce Access to produce the correct result (ie match the SQL Server result). "Correct" is a matter of disagreement between the two engines in this case but I think the SQL Server result was correct. I think it had to do with whether or not the rows of the left join were returned even when there were no matches. I'll can see if I can find it if you need me to.

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