This will oust the corruption of transgender (1 Viewer)

The Women's movement was very bad in oh so many ways for women.
half of feminism did some good things, the other half is total garbage, and produced such idiotic maxims as "believe all women". Talk about an inarticulately generalized way to try to make their point, which probably was wrong to begin with too
I'm guessing that most of the "trans" men are voyeurs and they are taking this opportunity to worm their way "legally" into women only spaces.
They are doing that with the clear understanding that many, if not all find it intimidating and unsettling. Basically, it is a form of abuse and bullying. Whenever has permission, or approval been requested?
Basically, it is a form of abuse and bullying.

I can't speak for other men, but I suspect most men feel the way I do in uncomfortable situations with women.

For instance, if I am walking down the street and there is a woman in front of me and I sense that she feels uncomfortable with me following, I will try and take action to make her feel comfortable.

If I ever have to go into a woman's toilets, I will announce myself loudly and seek permission.

It must be apparent to these people that go into these spaces, that they are making the women feel uncomfortable, but they still do it....

It's like they are exhibiting some sort of childishness wherein they think:- "I'm allowed to do it, so I'm going to do it, so there"
99.9% of us are powerless other than voting and ranting
That's the problem I mentioned earlier. It is the stranglehold the cancel culture has on the world. The big push has to come from the women who are competing. They have to decide as a unit that men in their shower room and competing against them means they'll never be safe or win again and if that is important, they can walk out as a unit. Once one group has the courage to do it, others will follow.
I did a fact check with Grok... Grok, seems to answer in a non-committal way!

I did a fact check with Grok... Grok, seems to answer in a non-committal way!
So it is obvious who trained Grok.
Obvious that Grok will have similar biased opinions on just about everything else.
Is Grok's plain intention to impose opinions, influence and maybe intimidate with its own woke agenda?
Is Grok's plain intention to impose opinions, influence and maybe intimidate with its own woke agenda?

I've no idea where you've got that idea from.

Here is a recent exchange I had with grok about racism. Might give you an idea how powerful and unbiased this Elon Musk AI is....

This is Groks summary:-

By making these adjustments, your blog post could transition from potentially alienating readers to inviting them into a deeper, more thoughtful discussion about racism, its implications, and how society might move forward in addressing it. Remember, the goal of such a post should ideally be to enlighten and provoke thought, rather than to provoke defensiveness or division.

Now I suggest you copy my original question out of the Grok thread and post it into the Google LLM and I suspect you will see how a woke AI works .....
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I did a fact check with Grok... Grok, seems to answer in a non-committal way!
I'm pretty sure that the actual data is not being collected. If you don't write it in the log, nothing happened. That's the way NYC gets to claim that its crime rate is down.

Grok answered based on the posts from x which is not first hand data.
Whatever Google may say on the subject I am simply not interested in knowing.
But if from Google, X, or whatever, the responses are from a digital committee. So who cares what their opinion is?
Nothing is worse than a committee when seeking a sensible solution, or a conclusion and I cannot see that AI will be any better.
Whilst its/their opinions are probably often unrelated to facts. They will I think, tend to a high level of incertitude.
This is a very good explanation of the psychology of the trans people. I have no idea if it's correct, but it sounds about right to me!

In the world of psychology, this explanation is probably correct about some very confused people but it ignores the other side of the psychological coin. I have previously detailed the issue of how human brains have an inherent structural gender and that people having the mixed brain gender feel as though they were born in the wrong body. The explanation ignores that for some people there is a legitimate, biologically based brain condition (don't know if I can call it a "disorder") that would lead to extreme gender dysphoria - the feeling that something is not right inside and that they are living a life in that wrong body. They seek "normalcy" but with that mixed brain structure, they cannot find it in living the life of the gender assigned at birth. I do not claim to be a gender expert but I've had many gay friends who all have clearly expressed that they cannot hide their problem with assigned gender roles - particularly when they believe they got a bad assignment.

I have to say that I cannot fully agree with the linked diatribe because it omits the possibility that some trans persons really ARE victims of having female brain structures in a male body. It denies the possibility that such a problem could even exist or be relevant. Yet the articles are there online if you want to search for them. This may be me projecting a bit, but I would think that the poster of that X video is someone who would NOT want to search for an explanation.
To follow on from my previous comments about the Left being unable to indentify what a woman is, if that is the case, how can they identify what a trans woman is? You have the same problem. Also, if they say a trans woman is a woman, why do they have the "trans" in there? If the argument is that it is because it is a man who identifies as a woman, then they are saying they are both man and woman at the same time. If they say it is because they transitioned, then what if they were born male but always considered themselves female? Where is the transition? There is none.

The whole thing is nonsense!

Edit: Further thought...if you cannot identify what a woman is, then you cannot identify what a man is. If you cannot identify what either is, then how do you know if someone has changed from one to another? How does someone who claims they are transgender know they are in fact transgender, because they do not know what the starting point is (male) or what the finishing point is (female). Both are undefined.
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If you can make sense of this, you're a good'un.

Apparently, two female models were accused of pretending to be transwomen. They described themselves as "two boys" and appeared to have stuffed objects into their knickers to create a bulge.
The trans activists were furious and told the two they were fake and disgusting. One saying that it was disrespectful and frustrating to see them
profit off our bodies. Another screaming "Don't get in our space"

In the World today, we are all repeatedly encouraged to accept that if a person claims to be trans, they are. No question, or objection is allowed.
We all know from the media that anyone that questions someone else's gender identification is a nasty bigot and should be punished.
Surely, by the same rules two ladies claiming to be boys must be accepted by the trans community instead of being pilloried by them.

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