Trump is still the world's best bet ... (2 Viewers)

Pat Hartman

Super Moderator
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Local time
Today, 15:39
Feb 19, 2002
If the UN weren't so corrupt, they would be sending in election moderators the way they do with third world countries to ensure that the election in 2024 is fair.

The Democrats have so overplayed their hand that even the more rational Democrats are unhappy. Not only are they trying to manipulate the Republican candidate by harassing him with bogus lawsuits and stuff like insisting he committed insurrection, even though he has never even been charged, let alone convicted, nor have any of the unfortunates who were arrested for "parading" in order to keep him off the ballot. Of course, they don't understand what the 14th amendment actually says so those lawsuits are bogus also but they have canceled the Democrat primary so that no one could accidentally defeat Joe and they needed to guarantee that Joe got reselected. HE is their Manchurian Candidate. So, the candidate most likely to beat Joe is running as an independent.


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 12:39
May 22, 2010
It's amusing that the voting machines are called Dominion, probably just a coincidence.


Ignore List Poster Boy
Local time
Today, 15:39
Apr 27, 2015
Got some great material, both in video and written if you are interested...

Pat Hartman

Super Moderator
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Local time
Today, 15:39
Feb 19, 2002
Too bad they let the Democrats vote in the Republican primary or it would have been 100% of the state.

Pat Hartman

Super Moderator
Staff member
Local time
Today, 15:39
Feb 19, 2002
Do you suppose the Dems in Iowa mail in their votes to make it easier for them to cheat?
Put into perspective less than 15% of Iowa republicans voted. Lowest turnout in over a decade.
They knew the guy they would vote for was way ahead of his challengers. Why risk your life in weather like that if your vote isn't needed?


Lifelong Learner
Local time
Today, 12:39
Mar 14, 2017
I was just thinking about Carroll's suit - $10MM in actual damages, millions more in punitive.
There is something wrong with our society.

I'm sorry folks, to be so straightforward here, I hope this doesn't offend anyone, but I think I speak for a majority of people in saying that the average person would be quite happy to have someone else's private parts pushed against them for a few seconds in exchange for $10 million cash. As if even the legal remedy being sought is remotely equitable. Heck, most people would agree to that for $10,000 or even $1000.

These lawsuits are just ridiculous. They don't accuse him of ra**, because they know their case is dubious to start with and the more severe the accusation, the less likely to be believed. So they fall somewhere in low-to-middle range of believability - but then ask for enough cash to buy Greenland. (or was it Iceland?)


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 12:39
May 22, 2010
If Trump needs delegates the opposition will say "see it's about the numbers", if Trump needs numbers the opposition will say "see it's about the delegates". Either way it sounds like sour grapes, they know he crushed Iowa.


Lifelong Learner
Local time
Today, 12:39
Mar 14, 2017
If Trump needs delegates the opposition will say "see it's about the numbers", if Trump needs numbers the opposition will say "see it's about the delegates". Either way it sounds like sour grapes, they know he crushed Iowa.

Sad, I would've rather backed Haley. But we shall see in NH, maybe something will change; probably not much though.

I back whoever has the best chance of beating Biden - which at this time sure, we all feel confident as a bic pen seems to be able to beat the Democrats - but we can't get overconfident. A lot can change in a year. Prices can fall, housing can ease, Putin can pull out of Ukraine and the Mexican president and Biden can get to enough agreement that the flow is stemmed by maybe 30% - just enough to get out of the news media quite as much. And Trump, worse, can say a TON of dumb things that will have some independent voters worried about him again.

Someone disciplined like Haley would have been a much better choice, even though I back more of what Trump would DO than Haley, but a loser can't do much of anything so..


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 12:39
May 22, 2010
Sad, I would've rather backed Haley.

I'll pass on Niki, she sounds to much like Hillary.


Pat Hartman

Super Moderator
Staff member
Local time
Today, 15:39
Feb 19, 2002
I back whoever has the best chance of beating Biden
Only a Republican that the Dems didn't consider an existential threat to "their" "democracy" could "beat" Biden. The fix is still in. The never-Trumpers never fixed the problems and so they will be dragged out again in 2024. I liked Nikki back when Trump appointed her to the UN post. But she turned on him early and so I would never vote for her. The people don't like her either. She is only attractive to big money donors because she's a RINO. I know you like her but consider who's paying for her campaign and who's paying for Trump's. Trump's donors are small donation people, not the ones who intend to OWN Nikki should she manage to come out on top. Same with Ron. The donors will OWN either of them. You probably don't remember Trump talking about buying politian's back when he was campaigning in 2016. Why do you think the RINO's hate him with such a purple passion that they would prefer to see the Democrats cheat than Trump win?

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