Trump on Pregnancy

For what it is worth - Like MacDuff, I could have killed Macbeth because I wasn't born under normal circumstances, either. So I guess for me the ninth-month furor doesn't matter?
I once read a comic book about how the characters actions on earth were a direct result of a board game being played by superior beings. It explained the unlikely events the characters did and all that jazz...

There are times when I wonder it that is what is really going on. It would explain a lot.
I once read a comic book about how the characters actions on earth were a direct result of a board game being played by superior beings.

I think sometimes they have been playing after a few too many drinks.;)
On the subject of life being like a board game: In a Heinlein classic, "The Unpleasant Profession of Jonathan Hogue," our life is a strange variant of The Matrix - but not by computer.

Life on Earth (in this story) is indeed the result of the actions of God, which happens to be the name of the playwright that scripted everything. Yes, God did it! He really did! But one day, a guy wakes up from a spectacular drunken spree and realizes that some strange gnome-like creatures are tearing down things like they are tearing down a movie set. When he asks them what is going on, it's basically "Didn't you get the notice?" after which they go on without telling him anything else.

After wandering around in a daze, the protagonist meets Jonathan Hogue and finally discovers what is REALLY happening. Turns out the titular character is the celestial art critic who gave God's work (our world and society) so bad a review that the reality series is being cancelled. The sets (and eventually the Earth) are being disassembled to make way for the replacement series. And if you are lucky you will get a spot in the new series after a brief time waiting for the next casting call. (It was something like that - but it has been literally decades since I've read that story.)

This was LONG before such a thing as "reality TV" existed, so it was more than a bit mind-blowing. But then, Heinlein often did that. And now DJT shows that our little "play" includes "theater of the absurd."
And now DJT shows that our little "play" includes "theater of the absurd."

Pssssst... I shall allow you to enter the secret brotherhood by knowing that wish must be known. In politics it has been for a very very very long time.

Unfortunately DJT is neither the first nor the most extreme. He is not nearly the most crazy either.
I think sometimes they have been playing after a few too many drinks.;)

Agreed, and potent ones at that.

Doc, thanks for the ref. I just finished the book I was reading and was wondering which one to download next.
If you really want to get your head messed up, see if you can find one that has Heinlein's short story "By His Bootstraps." Once you finish that one, your head will hurt.

Let's just say that an ORDINARY time travel book talks about trying to avoid paradoxes. But THIS is Robert A Heinlein at his best.
Doc, for that story wouldn't it be his/her best? LOL....
P.S... Looks like he was trying to say "Torn" but mispronounced the word as "Born"

If we were to hold every single utterance made to a level of perfection none would be able to show their face again from the volume of mockery they would receive.

At least he didn't argue over the definition of the word "IS"...
You know, if DJT had said "Torn" then a different furor would have arisen, but at least HE would have made sense. On the other hand, why break the streak?

Mark - if you remember the "Bootstraps" story, your question would be fitting, except that Heinlein was definitely "he" and therefore "at his best" is the correct description.

Just trying to make fun of JDT for the correct reason... his inability to speak coherently in group settings!

As to the story, based on its nature (really fun so I don't want to just give it away) and my recollection to it being written in the first person, I figured it would be fitting. :D
The worst part about that Heinlein story is that a logical analysis won't help you figure out the origin of the protagonist.

DJT probably was reading from a script with typos OR was "replaying" a speech that someone wrote for him but he picked the wrong word. I'm not going to make excuses for him. He's an adult and can fend for himself. But I will admit without hesitation that there are times when I blurt out the wrong word and it becomes nonsensical. I would LIKE to think it is because my brain is working faster than my mouth and something gets jumbled. I'd LIKE to think that - because it means my old brain is still working at SOMETHING, whatever it is.
I was going to post on-topic, but that would be out of character for me.

Serves me right for going away a few days after burning the shit out of my hand.
Frothingslosh said:
I was going to post on-topic, but that would be out of character for me.

Oh, heck, Frothy! Walk on the wild side for once.
Discussions about Heinlein are far more interesting than yet another discussion about politicians whining about something that isn't actually a thing (9th month abortions of viable fetuses in the US).
Talking of Trump, I see he's going to make an official visit to the UK on Friday 13th July. Not a state visit thank christ.
As if we haven't enough to contend with, with that Z rated gold-digging actress Rachel worming her way into the royal family. Now she's going to have a short term marriage to Harry, then scarper with a few million in her Gucci pocket.

Why are the British so stupid when it comes to Yanks? It's as if we can't resist them. Still, wait and see the demonstrations here when Trump gets here.

Colin, she is earlier in the alphabet than Z-rated even if she doesn't rate an A or a B. And from what little I have read about her, she is a very sincere person who fits in with Harry's favorite charities. So she might surprise you and hang around for a while. You never know until you try it.
Colin, she is earlier in the alphabet than Z-rated even if she doesn't rate an A or a B. And from what little I have read about her, she is a very sincere person who fits in with Harry's favorite charities. So she might surprise you and hang around for a while. You never know until you try it.

Tomorrow is the day the American, half-caste, Roman Catholic, divorced, Y rated gold digging actress weds Harry. it's been wall to wall on TV, everyone is sick of it.

I'll bet she can't believe her luck.

Now now, Col. Is it her fault your golden boy fell in love with the first hooker the Royal Family bought for him? Maybe if they would have settled on a less skilled practitioner, he would not have lost his rabid-assed mind...

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