Update Query to form unbound form fields


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Yesterday, 18:01
Jan 20, 2015

As title labeled i am trying to update the query results which is sum of another query to a form fields, i did try in putting the reference to QrySumGenralEntry from control source of unbound text boxes something like
for all four fields but it doesn't work.

Then i am trying to do it with sql update query on form's Onchange event like

UPDATE QrySumGeneralEntry SET QrySumGeneralEntry.SumOfCurDebit = [Forms]![frmJournalEntry]![txtSumCurDebits], QrySumGeneralEntry.SumOfCurCredit = [Forms]![frmJournalEntry]![txtSumcurCredits], QrySumGeneralEntry.SumOfTotalDebit = [Forms]![frmJournalEntry]![txtSumTotalDebit], QrySumGeneralEntry.SumOfTotalCredit = [Forms]![frmJournalEntry]![txtSumTotalCredit];

Can you please help me getting that sumOf values in forms unbound boxes, their is no issues of Unique ID etc because in QrySumGeneralEntry will have only one row at time, which will be sum of mainform's selected ID.
Can't reference table or query object directly like that in textbox.

Usually no reason to save aggregate data and can actually be dangerous.

What happens when you run that UPDATE action?
Its telling operation must use updatable query.

I need this totals on forms unbound text boxes.
Why are you updating a query instead of a table? If QrySumGeneralEntry is an aggregate query, definitely cannot UPDATE it.
Thanks i make small mistake, ignore the forms footer and header.

Now i got it, no need of update query for this.

Thank you all.

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