I have a form that its a record set is a join query with four tables and I would like to update one column of the main table. The RecordSet query is:
SELECT t.au_control, t.fe_fecha, t.tx_operacion, t.tx_documento_contable, t.tx_referencia, t.tx_descripcion, t.mo_ingreso, t.mo_egreso, t.mo_saldo,
t.tx_cuenta, b.tipo_cuenta, b.banco_cuenta, e.periodo, e.asiento_id, t.bo_conciliado, op.bo_comision,
IIf(0=Nz([op].[bo_comision],0) And 0=InStr(1,UCase([t].[tx_descripcion]),'COM'),False,True) AS booComision
FROM ((ba_banesco AS t LEFT JOIN diarios_enc_2020 AS e ON t.tx_referencia = e.banco_refer)
INNER JOIN bancos AS b ON t.tx_cuenta = b.cuenta)
LEFT JOIN ba_operaciones AS op ON (t.tx_banco = op.tx_banco) AND (t.tx_operacion = op.tx_operacion);
I am using the table "diarios..." that is not in my subsystem. I would like to change only the 'bo_conciliado' column in the t table (ba_banesco) but the form does not allow me.
I think I can create a temporal table with all the columns in the join and use it as the RecordSet.
Can anybody suggest me any solution using the joins???
I have a form that its a record set is a join query with four tables and I would like to update one column of the main table. The RecordSet query is:
SELECT t.au_control, t.fe_fecha, t.tx_operacion, t.tx_documento_contable, t.tx_referencia, t.tx_descripcion, t.mo_ingreso, t.mo_egreso, t.mo_saldo,
t.tx_cuenta, b.tipo_cuenta, b.banco_cuenta, e.periodo, e.asiento_id, t.bo_conciliado, op.bo_comision,
IIf(0=Nz([op].[bo_comision],0) And 0=InStr(1,UCase([t].[tx_descripcion]),'COM'),False,True) AS booComision
FROM ((ba_banesco AS t LEFT JOIN diarios_enc_2020 AS e ON t.tx_referencia = e.banco_refer)
INNER JOIN bancos AS b ON t.tx_cuenta = b.cuenta)
LEFT JOIN ba_operaciones AS op ON (t.tx_banco = op.tx_banco) AND (t.tx_operacion = op.tx_operacion);
I am using the table "diarios..." that is not in my subsystem. I would like to change only the 'bo_conciliado' column in the t table (ba_banesco) but the form does not allow me.
I think I can create a temporal table with all the columns in the join and use it as the RecordSet.
Can anybody suggest me any solution using the joins???