
Thanks Pat
I'm not worried. Daddy has a pen. Hunter will not be doing time and you can bet the ranch on that because if that became a reality, I'm pretty sure the Trump administration could get him to turn on Daddy in a heartbeat. Joe probably wouldn't even know he's so far gone. Joe is too gone to stand trial for the documents crime but he's not too far gone to serve as President. On what planet does that make sense? If Kamala weren't such a horrifying prospect as President, the 25th amendment would have already been invoked

The issue always was that the corrupt justice system very carefully tried Hunter for the one crime exposed by the laptop that doesn't tie him to the Biden crime family. My guess is that will be coming next year. Except for the utter unfairness of it all, the the DOJ, etc. tried so hard to give Hunter a pass, no one actually cared if he got tried for the drug and gun crimes. It was the money laundering and influence peddling that should have been pursued.

At least you all now have to admit that the "laptop from hell" was real. That means the real prosecution can happen. You know, the one where the Biden crime family gets money from the ChiComs in exchange for allowing "weather balloons" to film our electric grid and military installations.

Wonder how many of those other lies are coming apart? Looks like the COVID lies are coming home to roost also. 6' was made up out of whole cloth. Faucci doesn't even know where that came from. COVID was dangerous to children so we had to keep them out of schools and masked for two years. OOPs. That we knew was a lie within the first 3 months as soon as stats on who was dying started coming in, not that you could tell that from what was coming out of the mouths of the talking heads. And on and on and on.
But what was really outrageous was how the judge & his staff were threatened throughout the trial, how the prosecutors were doxxed, how the witnesses were hounded, how the jurors were endangered . . . Oh wait . . .
Wow, you mean that is a crime? Who knew? It wasn't ever a crime when it was Kavanaugh and other conservative judges who were being threatened? How can it possibly be a crime now?

How about the insurrection yesterday or the day before when the rioters tried to break into the White House? OOPs, that wasn't a crime either.

How do you not see the hyprocasy?
Don't forget Hitler, Nazi, and my all time fav fascist
Overlooked, because the historians/media tend to overlook it, but Stalin, Mao Zedong, and Pol Pot may qualify as being even worse than Hitler. In terms of the US, the Biden administration is actively implementing Stalinist (Soviet) policies in the US. Biden has already implemented anti-Republican Pogroms.
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This pertains to the Hunter Biden trial. The pundits discussing this case seem to have missed some very subtle points, that demonstrates that we really do have a dual system of justice even-though the pundits claim that justice has prevailed since Hunter was found guilty. That is only superficial analysis.

Consider that the the prosecutor(s) filing criminal charges against Hunter tried to hide a sweetheart deal and even let certain charged "die" by allowing them to expire. In the case of Trump, the prosecutors went out of their way to (illegally) resurrect and expired misdemeanor to use that as a "bridge" to make a non-existent crime a felony.
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Consider that the the prosecutor(s) filing criminal charges against Hunter tried to hide a sweetheart deal and even let certain charged "die" by allowing them to expire. In the case of Trump, the prosecutors went out of their to (illegally) resurrect and expired misdemeanor to use that as a "bridge" to make a non-existent crime a felony.
Exactly, it fell apart only when a judge last year noticed shenanigans, preferential treatment for the first son.
I've never been in court. The whole though of it terrifies me!
Never on a jury? I was selected for being call-up for 3 months but didn't get called.
I get called for jury duty every three years like clockwork but it's an exercise in futility.
In our district court, one of the first things a judge does with the jury pool is ask them if they know any of the parties involved.
The judge will introduce each person, have them stand up and face the pool and ask the jurors to raise their hands if they know them.
It's kind of an inside joke when I raise my hand for each person but we have to follow the process. The judge will then call each potential juror who raised their hand to sidebar for more questions. My question is usually "How's the family?" and say Hi to my daughter for them. I 'm then released for the day but other jurors go back into the pool . I'm done by 9:30 and get the rest of the day off with pay.
I have only recently served once in my lifetime and ended up being selected for a case that the defendant ended up pleading no contest just before the trial was set to begin. I was impressed with the whole process and would hope everyone gets a chance to serve at some point. I'm not sure how I have gone this long without ever being called, then you have folks like moke123 that seem to get called every three years? Moke needs to buy lottery tickets more often.
then you have folks like moke123 that seem to get called every three years? Moke needs to buy lottery tickets more often.
That's how it works in my state. Your eligible every 3 years and since I live in a less populated area your chances of being summoned is greater. My daughter has always wanted to be on a jury but many of the judges and most of the attorneys have known her since she was a little kid. She blames me so I tell her to move to a different part of the state but she won't go.

Moke needs to buy lottery tickets more often.
Ma. has a great lottery. Hit $300 yesterday. My best 2 week total was $28,000. With the exception of $3,000, it was all tax free.
I have a few pics of my $10,000 winners somewhere but had this one handy.

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Now that Hunter's laptop has been verified to be "real" what happens to the 51 senior intelligence agency officials who claimed it was Russian disinformation? What happens to the bribery of the "Big Guy" Joe Biden? What happens with the videos of Hunter with underage females?

Is there a DA somewhere that can resuscitate these crimes that were allowed to lapse?
Or will the laptop fade away like Joe's short-term memory....

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