Asking this on an Access forum leads to this comment. Doing what you ask - using the Access environment - is not particularly hard, but it implies that you must leave Access running during the time you want monitoring in place. Which means that trying to reboot your system might take longer because of I/O rundown considerations.
The phrase "monitor a folder for a file that access has created" adds to the mix. Are you now considering TWO apps? One app to create a file from somewhere (perhaps on a network-shared folder) and one app to check for a file being created somewhere? Might it be easier to just have the Access file creator send a message that says "I just sent you a file"? It might help if you gave us an idea of WHY you want this.
I'll amplify a point related to the logical principle that this question trips over. It is ALWAYS trickier to determine that something didn't happen than to determine that something DID happen. It's an offshoot from the logical principle that you can't prove the negative of a proposition. Just as an example, consider the statement "God exists." Now prove that wrong; prove the negative of it. Good luck with that.
Now, a more direct answer to your question: To do this in Access, it must be running continuously. You need a form with a timer running every so often to implement the file checks. Run the Form_Timer code not more often than once every several minutes, say 5 or 10 minutes - or longer. That is because running a timer too often drags down system performance like a drowning man drags down a lifeguard.
The timer event code can use the FileSystemObject to scan a directory in a way that would allow you to step through the files to look for the file you were expecting. You get the directory as an FSO object and then inside that directory is a collection of information for each file in the folder at that time. You can check properties such as size and file creation date to verify that you have a recent, non-trivial file.
Then, still inside the timer event, create a message file saying you did or didn't find the expected file. Then use a DoCmd.SendTo to mail the message to your target.
OK, that's HOW you would do it. But the far more important question is WHY you think it is necessary.