When converting Front End to MDE Access hangs (1 Viewer)

Steve C

Registered User.
Local time
Today, 04:20
Jun 4, 2012

When converting the Front End of my database to an MDE, Access just hangs and says (Not Responding). I've left it our an hour and there's no sign of stirring.

The Back End converts in just a second or so.

I am guessing the FE problem is in my VBA - but where!!?

Might you gentlemen suggest a solution please?


Eledittingent Beliped
Local time
Today, 13:20
Nov 3, 2010
Compile the FE and see if there are any complaints. As to making the BE into an MDE - why?

Steve C

Registered User.
Local time
Today, 04:20
Jun 4, 2012
Thanks spikepl

I tried converting the BE to MDE Just to see if it would - no reason apart from that.

About Compiling. I may not have done it right. I pressed Debug and Compile in the VBA window, thinking about it, I'm guessing it only compiles that that little bit of code.

I will read some more
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Eledittingent Beliped
Local time
Today, 13:20
Nov 3, 2010
You did the right thing. Since there apparently still is something wrong, here is a general method on zeroing in on it:

1. Before anything else, save a copy of your db
2. In your db, erase about half of everything, but so that the db still can compile, and see if you can make an MDE.
3. IF you can, then the cause of your predicament was in the erased half, so start over, but now erase just half of the half. If you cannot, then the cause still is in the remaining half, so erase half of that. And so on .. until done.

Compact & repair at each step.
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Steve C

Registered User.
Local time
Today, 04:20
Jun 4, 2012
Thanks Spikepl. I didn't check back here for an answer before coming up with my own solution. Sorry. Of course, your answer is better than mine.

I created a blank FE and began importing Forms with their Queries and Modules one by one (there’s loads of them). I’ve been creating MDE files every so often just to check it still does - so far, so good and I'm about half way through though. Tedious work.

On the plus side, I have taken the opportunity to add Error Handling where I left it off.

Steve C

Registered User.
Local time
Today, 04:20
Jun 4, 2012
That's that sorted then. It took me a week (every spare minute) to copy across everything from db1 which couldn't be made into an MDE into a new db2 which can.

I didn't use Spikepl's idea of splitting the suspect but in half and testing each half - I should have becasue, as well as telling where the good code was, it would have told me what the bad code was. Which might have been useful for the future to avoid doing it again. So I missed an opportunity there.

Lesson learnt. make MDE files often - just to see if it still will.

Thanks again Spikepl for your help - top man - best wishes.

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