Which Sports do you like the most? (1 Viewer)

Basketball is the game;

Last 2018 Christmas Basketball League Civic Division
Our Team got the Finals Championship;
I must admit that, though baseball is not a game I watch often, in 2019 I watched a lot of the Little League World Series. A team from River Ridge (a suburb of New Orleans) went all the way to the world title. River Ridge is maybe about 5 or 6 miles from where I live, due south and near the banks of the Mississippi River. (Hence the title "River Ridge"...)

You could tell they were playing for the sheer joy of the game. But it didn't hurt that they won convincingly. Those young men came home as heroes, complete with multiple parades. Many of them rode floats in holiday parades. Of course they eventually had to get back to the reality of school, but they were DEFINITELY the "Big Men on Campus" for a while.
In a weird way, I miss (and enjoyed) watching a ragamuffin band of 8 yr olds (as long as it included my child, of course!) try to play soccer a lot more than I do watching current pro sports. The innocence is sweet and inspirational. The politics, weirdness and general criminality of American football/basketball players has turned me off even more than I already was from the simple knowledge that fully a third or more of the NFL and NBA seem to be pretty sad excuses for people, if we forgot for a moment that they were sports 'heroes'. If they could go for more than a week without one being arrested for guns, drugs, assault that would be nice, but they can't. Lebron James' tweet kind of sent me over the top on that issue--not that I for the most part watch pro American sports in the first place, but it just reminded me one of the reasons why I have little interest.

Now in all fairness, the "foreign" soccer teams I watch probably have their share of problems and obnoxious behaviors, too. But at least I don't know about it, since I don't follow news in their home countries that much. Ignorance is bliss, but I am under no illusions.
@Isaac - I understand your musing on watching kids play soccer. Watching my 5-year-old grandson in his first organized soccer game was actually a visual oxymoron. To call a group of 5-year-olds in a sport with complex rules "organized" is, well ... not quite right. Little Mr. T (the #1 grandson) chased butterflies more than he chased soccer balls. And he wasn't alone in that activity. But, as with all animal-rights disclaimers... no butterflies were harmed during that game. Don't recall any goal-scoring either, but the kids WERE cute.
Unfortunately it is not always without a flaw. When it goes wrong the rider can experience the dreaded "highside" where they can be flung more than two metres in the air from a bike travelling at 170 kph and then slide down the road for 100 metres.

Every now and again someone crashes at over 300 kph. Deaths are surprisingly few.
Oh! That's a tough one. I can't do it as I get clumsy most of the times..
One for @Galaxiom, saw this guy at the beach today.

The unicyclist almost beat us to the next town, he took the boardwalk and we drove the 2.8-mile road. By the time we parked and walked to the boardwalk, he cycled past us. He was jamming.
The unicyclist almost beat us to the next town, he took the boardwalk and we drove the 2.8-mile road. By the time we parked and walked to the boardwalk, he cycled past us. He was jamming.
Had that been me, I would have beat you too - to that hospital that is...via an ambulance ride...
At the ripe, old age of 56, the ONLY sports I participate in is bowling and corn-hole....
For strategy and finesse, I don't think you can go paste curling 🥌
The game of soccer used to be my game. Work was something that I did between week ends when I played. The present game now is one I don't recognise. The rolling on the ground, screaming in agony is cheating. In my day if you did get a bad injury you used to get dragged off to the side lines and the team played on with 10 men.
finally! i found a person that may be able to answer my question about this - what is its draw compared to tennis? what do you like about it?
It feels a little slower than tennis, a lot of shots fall short unexpectedly party due to the wiffleball-type ball used. Trying to predict where the ball will land is fun. It's like playing ping-pong while standing on a giant table if that makes sense.
It feels a little slower than tennis, a lot of shots fall short unexpectedly party due to the wiffleball-type ball used. Trying to predict where the ball will land is fun. It's like playing ping-pong while standing on a giant table if that makes sense.
It actually looks physically pretty taxing!
List Of Sports
  • soccer
  • basketball
  • tennis
  • baseball
  • golf
  • running
  • volleyball
  • badminton
These are the games which is most played and like in the world. Many people play different games. I like to play Golf with women putters. Sometimes, I play with my friends baseball and badminton.
I like to play badminton, and every weekend me and my friends go on an outing and play badminton. And sometimes I play basketball, but I don’t like it very much.
our family enjoys table tennis, so we bought the special table and play outside. Also I'm fond of cycling.
I'm a big soccer fan, and since I was a kid I've been rooting for one of the most popular clubs in the world, Barcelona.
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