winSCP Question (1 Viewer)


Local time
Today, 01:32
Oct 12, 2021
I download from a ftp server using winSCP, zip files into my local folder, which works fine.

get *.zip C:\backupshare\2024\Reports\TCC\tcc\

The issue is the remote Archive folder has daily files zipped at the end of the day and named as 20240729, 20240730 .....
Currently it downloads all the zipped files.
If I need to download just one single zip file, how to do that? How to pass a date parameter like

Use it in your get???
Construct your script with whatever variables you need. Otherwise just download them all and pick the one you need.
I mean I use mget.
Currently, I download them all. but another code looks for the zip file by current date to extract the contents.
I will check about constructing my script with suitable variables
Get or Mget, the logic is the same.

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