
Uncle Gizmo

Nifty Access Guy
Staff member
Local time
Today, 02:21
Jul 9, 2003
Pick the snowflakes out of this!

Pick the snowflakes out of this!

It would seem that England and America share some similar challenges...
Extract for those not on LinkedIn

First came the news in April that King's College London was forced to apologize for “the harm” its publication of an image commemorating the passing of His Royal Highness, #PrincePhilip, apparently caused a number of its staff and students.

Now, just as the aforementioned picture of the #DukeOfEdinburgh ostensibly proved too testing for the #woke brigade of academia to behold, so too, is this portrait of Her Majesty the Queen said to be too offensive for those in attendance at Oxford University’s Magdalen College to live with.

In a shameful act of doltish provincialism, 25-year-old President of the Middle Common Room, Matthew Katzman, claimed that the decision to remove a portrait of #TheQueen was made to “create a welcoming neutral place for all members regardless of background, demographic, or views.”

Clearly, Mr. Katzman needs reminding that not only has Her Majesty the Queen dedicated seven decades of her life to creating a welcoming environment for all citizens of her #Commonwealth, but also, that she has worked tirelessly to help progress the lives of all members of society - regardless of their “background, demographic, or views”.

If indeed the sight of Britain’s #Monarch really is all too much to bear for soft-headed “academics” such as Katzman, why does he not leave the University of Oxford with immediate effect?

Presuming, however, that he will not be going anywhere anytime soon, maybe the University’s Chancellor should suggest Katzman embarks upon a new course of study that requires him to explore the altruistic reign of #QueenElizabeth?

If Katzman was compelled to commit as much time to this potential undertaking as he does to denigrating one of #GreatBritain's most-revered and inspirational human beings, maybe then he will open his eyes to all the good the Queen has brought to the world?

Maybe then he will finally grow up and learn how to treat #HerMajesty with the respect and admiration she is so very well-deserving of.
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I particularly like Jims comment:-

Jim Cockram 1st degree connection1stBusiness Development Manager at CENSIS - Innovation Centre for Sensing, Imaging and IoT technologies​

Maybe if the Queen's portrait is to removed, then perhaps the Royal Charter that was was granted to the university in 1248 during the reign of King Henry III should also be removed!
Or are we (please forgive the loose collective) hell-bent on dismantling our well-founded culture and historical past?

Jim is an Access developer I know, from Scotland....
out of WHAT? i know that tony is ignoring me, but can someone else answer please?

You have not previously shown the ability (or perhaps it is the willingness) to understand our previous explanations of excessively "woke" situations. Since the situation in question (removal of portraits of British royalty from a state-sponsored college) is British in origin and focus, I will stand away on this one. However, if one of our UK friends deigns to explain it to you, pay attention.
You have not previously shown the ability (or perhaps it is the willingness) to understand our previous explanations of excessively "woke" situations. Since the situation in question (removal of portraits of British royalty from a state-sponsored college) is British in origin and focus, I will stand away on this one. However, if one of our UK friends deigns to explain it to you, pay attention.
Well doc man, considering that Tony posted a LinkedIn URL, I only see a sign in page here on the forum and I don't see anything about British anything. Perhaps that's why I was confused. So now you know
That's all I could see also, without signing in.
GOT IT. no need for an explanation @The_Doc_Man . thanks though:

Watching cancel culture unfold and continue to develop, I was reflecting this morning that I really have to be grateful: That I'm in a career where I'm not called upon to swear allegiance to all this garbage (which I may or may not actually do if pushed, depending on how hungry and out of employment options I was!), but rather am in a pretty neutral type of work where nobody cares nor asks what my political, social, or moral views are....Kinda "don't ask don't tell".
As contrasted with, say: Teacher, professor, journalist, writer, speaker, actor, sportscaster, athlete, employee of any famous tech company, and the list goes on.
The problem for me is, "they" say, because you are white, you ARE A RACIST...

If you refuse to do the course, you ARE RACIST...

The course itself, is designed to prove you ARE A RACIST...
The problem for me is, "they" say, because you are white, you ARE A RACIST...

If you refuse to do the course, you ARE RACIST...

The course itself, is designed to prove you ARE A RACIST...

I agree that that's definitely a problem. These new theories are in themselves extremely racist, mostly anti-white hate, and we need to be unapologetic in standing up against them. I.E., "I'm sorry that my ancestors harmed your ancestors, but I'm not going to permit you to act racist against me in the present day. Period"

(But I know that's easier said than done, especially when it's your employer requiring it!)

My point was that I'm thankful that in my line of work, there is no such nonsense being force-trained. Maybe there would be if I was at a higher level of the organization! I can only imagine people who work in HR .....

There is only one way out of this awful, dark path our countries are headed down: Vote Republican! (Or in Britain would I say Tories?)
The problem for me is, "they" say, because you are white, you ARE A RACIST...

If you refuse to do the course, you ARE RACIST...

The course itself, is designed to prove you ARE A RACIST...
The course is designed to turn non-racists into racists. If you hate whites it shows how pro-black you are. The more you show your hate for whites, the greater your apparent virtue. The only problem with this is it is another variant of the Klu Klux Klan.

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