With the following code I can write the contents of a textfile into a textbox on a form (on form load).
Unfortunately my txt file is too large to show all text in de textbox, but cannot find an option to enable a vertical scrollbar.
Isn't this possible or should I use something else to show the complete textfile on a form.
BTW, I'm using Access 2016.
Dim f As Integer
f = FreeFile
Open CurrentProject.Path & "\versioninfo.txt" For Input As #f
Me.txtdisplay = Input(LOF(f), f)
Close #f
Unfortunately my txt file is too large to show all text in de textbox, but cannot find an option to enable a vertical scrollbar.
Isn't this possible or should I use something else to show the complete textfile on a form.
BTW, I'm using Access 2016.