How To Remove Candle Wax from A Mobile Phone (1 Viewer)


Registered User
Local time
Today, 07:36
Jun 9, 2004
cheuschober said:
...I'm ready to go to war on this baby and believe you me when I tell you I'm loading my guns with Kinsey, Freud, and a whole host of other mostly indisputed text-book-writing phsychologists and psychiatrists. :D



Just seemed a bit arrogant, even for you, to proclaim that you're more sexually secure that most others because you have more gay friends and that you wear a pink shirt without thinking twice...

FYI - Save it: :D

Sigmund Freud was born May 6, 1856...

....Unfortunately, Freud had a penchant for rejecting people who did not totally agree with him.

I Googled Freud and metrosexual and didn't get any hits. Even tried Frued and pink shirt, chestwaxing, etc... Nothing. So I'm assuming his work in those areas are limited. :p
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Registered User
Local time
Today, 07:36
Jun 9, 2004
I don't follow what the link had to do with our discusion...but in trying to get a quick look at the author's reasoning and something seemed odd:

The gendered classification of social reality is all-pervasive but at its most profound in dictating how we experience sexual desire. In her book, The Lenses of Gender (Yale University Press), Bem argues that polarization mistakenly lumps all men together and all women together, obliterating the true diversity of impulses that "naturally exists within each sex and the overlap that naturally exists between the two sexes." Among them: erotic interest in people of both sexes, the wish to don vibrant colors and silky textures, feelings of nurturance toward a child.

If I wanted to exaimine something existed "within each sex and the overlap that naturally exists between the two sexes.", wouldn't I want to lump the information on men in one group and then likewise with the women?
Then maybe put it all together??

What'd I miss?


This man, during sex, might enjoy being anally stimulated by his wife
So might a great deal of ordinary men :eek:


Muse of Fire
Local time
Today, 07:36
Oct 25, 2004
KenHigg said:

Just seemed a bit arrogant, even for you, to proclaim that you're more sexually secure that most others because you have more gay friends and that you wear a pink shirt without thinking twice...

I don't think I ever said 'because I have more gay friends' because that clearly has nothing to do with sexual security but the fact that I'm not driven 'away from' gays indicates that my own sexual orientation isn't under the threat of influence from an outside source, which is to say, I am secure.

The same can be said for taking interest in things that have long since fallen to the way side of 'male taboo' such as a manicure or wearing a bright color. This gruff idealist 'southern man' you speak of is limited by his insecurity in that he can't go get a nice pedicure or wax his chest because of his own fear of being percieved as having an alternate sexual orientation.

Oi! Where's Idjit when I need that preschooler!?! I cannot stress enough that you are presenting the EXACT classical case for male sexual insecurity. It is in the same vein of psychological motivation as buying a ridiculously expensive sports car because your penis is tiny.

KenHigg said:
I Googled Freud and metrosexual and didn't get any hits. Even tried Frued and pink shirt, chestwaxing, etc... Nothing. So I'm assuming his work in those areas are limited. :p

Metrosexual is not a phsychology term. It's a buzz word that is used to sub-classify straight males who basically reject one of the tenents of insecurity found in the overwhelming male population. I think you need to look into ego, superego, masculinity, insecurity, egocentricity, etc. This argument has little to do with pink shirts and chest waxing and you damn well know it.



Muse of Fire
Local time
Today, 07:36
Oct 25, 2004
Rich said:
So might a great deal of ordinary men :eek:

Umm... that's what I was trying to say -- this fellow IS an ordinary man who happens to have a stronger feminine sexual gender identity than others. Doesn't make him a woman in the mind.



Muse of Fire
Local time
Today, 07:36
Oct 25, 2004
Gender polarization also becomes the single most important dimension around which personality and individual identity is organized. But by expanding the meaning of what it is to be male or female beyond the biological, it generates deep insecurity about one's maleness or femaleness. It becomes something that must constantly be worked on, protected from loss.

So one has to begin to imagine what is 'loss.' Since the need to protect 'maleness' is the definition of insecurity, what must it be protected from? Your individuals who want to 'get away' from homosexuality are protecting themselves from it -- the definition of insecurity.

This burden falls disproportionately on men, since androcentrism devalues feelings or behaviors culturally defined as female and punishes men who have them.

This is the source of the stigmata against pink or what you might try to call 'homosexual behavior.'

So they wind up becoming gender caricatures and homophobes, deeming homosexual impulses unnatural and abhorrent because they so threaten the shaky enterprise of male identity.

Your gruff southern man is an example of the gender caricature/homophobe.

Not everyone accepts the "presumed naturalness of the link between the sex of the body and the gender of the psyche," however. There are "gender subversives," primarily homosexuals, who manage to escape the distorting lenses of the culture. If Bem is right, they are the leaders of a necessary psychological revolution.

Notice 'primarily homosexuals.' The homosexuals already started that necessary psychological revolution. Metrosexuals are one of the results of that revolution -- men brave enough to escape cultural stigma. It's completely and utterly impossible so long as the insecurity binds one to the caricatures described above.

But Ken, keep in mind that not everyone who is a gruff country boy is submitting themselves to carciature! IOW, I'm not calling you a closet case! But if your masculinity IS threatened by being in the company of a homosexual community or taking actions (like waxing a chest) that are considered 'homosexual' then I have every right to cry 'Insecure!' And plenty of metro's are insecure in plenty of other ways. This is just one microcosm example.

If you don't want to wax your chest then don't! But don't stop because of what the guys at the office would think. Do it for your own reason--like how you enjoy braiding it. :eek:



Registered User
Local time
Today, 07:36
Jun 9, 2004
cheuschober said:
I don't think I ever said 'because I have more gay friends' because that clearly has nothing to do with sexual security but the fact that I'm not driven 'away from' gays indicates that my own sexual orientation isn't under the threat of influence from an outside source, which is to say, I am secure.

Seems to me that if you aren't driven away froms gays a much as the next guy, then you'd have more gay friends.

cheuschober said:
The same can be said for taking interest in things that have long since fallen to the way side of 'male taboo' such as a manicure or wearing a bright color. This gruff idealist 'southern man' you speak of is limited by his insecurity in that he can't go get a nice pedicure or wax his chest because of his own fear of being percieved as having an alternate sexual orientation.

In my opinion, we all have a limit, we just elect to draw our lines in the sand in different places. One guy don't do pink shirts, the other guy may not wear a thong to the beach... Even you have displayed a degree of what you label as insecurity by being prompt and clear on correcting me that you were not, in fact contemplating a gay lifestyle.

cheuschober said:
Oi! Where's Idjit when I need that preschooler!?! I cannot stress enough that you are presenting the EXACT classical case for male sexual insecurity. It is in the same vein of psychological motivation as buying a ridiculously expensive sports car because your penis is tiny.

So you're saying I have this psychological condition?

cheuschober said:
Metrosexual is not a phsychology term. It's a buzz word that is used to sub-classify straight males who basically reject one of the tenents of insecurity found in the overwhelming male population. I think you need to look into ego, superego, masculinity, insecurity, egocentricity, etc. This argument has little to do with pink shirts and chest waxing and you damn well know it.

uh... That was kind of a pun. Sorry...


cheuschober said:
Umm... that's what I was trying to say -- this fellow IS an ordinary man who happens to have a stronger feminine sexual gender identity than others. Doesn't make him a woman in the mind.

So in other words metrosexuality is the new buzz word for effeminacy?
I don't see how a male enjoying anal stimulation makes him feminine :confused:

Uncle Gizmo

Nifty Access Guy
Staff member
Local time
Today, 12:36
Jul 9, 2003
It's been gang raped....................


Registered User
Local time
Today, 07:36
Jun 9, 2004
Sorry guys, you can have it back... Chad's beating me up pretty good anyway! :p


Muse of Fire
Local time
Today, 07:36
Oct 25, 2004
Rich said:
So in other words metrosexuality is the new buzz word for effeminacy?
I don't see how a male enjoying anal stimulation makes him feminine :confused:

Femininity and having a more feminine gender polarization are different concepts. In phsychological terms maleness is active while femine is passive (which again need be careful semantic ground to be tread upon -- this doesn't mean females are passive but a 'feminine trait' is simply a term a trait that is passive). This is more easly simplified into mechanical terms -- the male and the feminine coupling of two mechanical parts. The female part is the recipient of the male part. A man who likes having anything be it a finger or a dildo or a football up his rear has a stronger gender polarization towards femininity in sex than a man who does not.

Oi. I can't stress enough to all y'all how the world of psychological semantics does not intersect your everyday broad ideas of these words. Gender polarization of the mind towards femininity in one aspect does not mean you're going to go walk around with a limp wrist!



Muse of Fire
Local time
Today, 07:36
Oct 25, 2004
KenHigg said:
Seems to me that if you aren't driven away froms gays a much as the next guy, then you'd have more gay friends.

Attraction and friendship are not equivalent, Ken. Everyone you are not 'driven away' from would then, by your reasoning, be your friend and everyone who is not your friend you would be 'driven away.' Your argument doesn't hold water.

KenHigg said:
In my opinion, we all have a limit, we just elect to draw our lines in the sand in different places. One guy don't do pink shirts, the other guy may not wear a thong to the beach... Even you have displayed a degree of what you label as insecurity by being prompt and clear on correcting me that you were not, in fact contemplating a gay lifestyle.

I'm not saying that I don't have my own insecurities, everyone does. But the whole point of this argument is to say that a metrosexual male is on average more secure in sexuality than a non-metrosexual male. The reasoning behind this has been given time and time again. Yes, each person has their 'line in the sand' but the motivation for drawing that line is what determines whether or not it plays into the argument.

I have long beheld that if pink isn't your color because it doesn't look good on you or you had some childhood traumatic experience with a pink elephant or ANY OTHER REASON than the supposed 'homosexuality or effiminacy' of the clothing then it's not an issue. If you don't want to wear a thong at the beach because you find having a string up your a** uncomfortable then I can say - so do I and agree with you. It's not the in/action that concerns me as much as the motivation for the in/action.

However, I will contest you that I have displayed any kind of insecurity in simply correcting you from making an assumption that was leading you to draw inappropriate conclusions. Moreso, the fact that you continue to insist that it is a lifestyle instead of proven genetic predispositioning belies a scientific ignorance that I have taken upon myself to correct you of whenever possible. The swiftness of my reply has little to nothing to do with my level of 'security,' and has everything to do with cauterizing the wound before it bleeds too long. As for clear, I have found that I must be crystal when having such discussions with you as you will spin and run anything you can get your grubby little hands on.... like any good debater... :D

KenHigg said:
So you're saying I have this psychological condition?

No Ken. I don't make assumptions about other people, at least I try not to, and when I do, I certainly don't want to make a statement (IE KenHigg is 'blah'). I don't claim to know all your motivations because I'm not inside your head. Do I have suspicions ? Certainly. Much of your dialogue thus far has indicated a severe fear of homosexuality. Fear of that is strongly indicative of an insecurity in ones own sexuality. That is not to say I suspect you are gay. Insecurities stem from all sorts of regions from physical characteristics to marital environments all the way down to simple depression. But my suspicions aside, it's not my place to play shrink so I won't attempt to label you as a typically insecure male. Only you have control of why you do what you do.

uh... That was kind of a pun. Sorry...
Ahh... sorry in turn for biting your head off about it! :(



Muse of Fire
Local time
Today, 07:36
Oct 25, 2004
KenHigg said:
Sorry guys, you can have it back... Chad's beating me up pretty good anyway! :p

*cracks his knuckles*

Who wants some? I'm king of this mountain now!! Mmmwhahaha! :D


cheuschober said:
A man who likes having anything be it a finger or a dildo or a football up his rear has a stronger gender polarization towards femininity in sex than a man who does not.

Claptrap, a man who likes having his chest waxed is either a fetishist or effeminate :p


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 12:36
Apr 14, 2002
Rich said:
Well you did bring up the subject of dripping hot candle wax :eek: :p

Ahem....not sure if it's important or not but I have just found some wax on our sofa in the living room that we missed on our first inspection... :mad:

Uncle Gizmo

Nifty Access Guy
Staff member
Local time
Today, 12:36
Jul 9, 2003
Groundrush said:
Ahem....not sure if it's important or not but I have just found some wax on our sofa in the living room that we missed on our first inspection... :mad:

Are you sure you missed it on the first inspection? There are several other explanations as to why it's there now!


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 12:36
Apr 14, 2002
Uncle Gizmo said:
Are you sure you missed it on the first inspection? There are several other explanations as to why it's there now!

Ok enlighten me!

As I mentioned earlier in the post, all I remember is going for a nice romantic meal then waking up the next morning with candle wax everwhere... :eek:

Next year my mother is not getting the door key, the house will probably burn down at the rate were going..... :D

KenHigg said:
Ok... I know I'm going to regret asking this - But what is your official street definition of a 'metrosexual'?

We'll Ken, do you regret asking?..... :D
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Registered User
Local time
Today, 07:36
Jun 9, 2004
cheuschober said:
... Much of your dialogue thus far has indicated a severe fear of homosexuality. Fear of that is strongly indicative of an insecurity in ones own sexuality.

You're delusional. I have no more of a fear of homosexuals than you have a fear of say, I don't know... Catholics? You seem to disagree with their lifestyle. Or does that make you spiritually insecure?

We'll Ken, do you regret asking?.....

Nah, It was pretty good dialog for a while...

(Anyone know where I can get a good deal on a Countach? :p )
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