What should Biden do after he wins? (1 Viewer)


Access World Site Owner
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Local time
Today, 00:07
Sep 28, 1999
Any ideas?


Ignore List Poster Boy
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Yesterday, 19:07
Apr 27, 2015
...in the event that you (Jon) were being serious and not trying to stir up some doo-doo, all the things that were mentioned on Pat's thread would apply to him - or any other candidate - as well.

These issues are not bound to particular parties.


Well-known member
Local time
Yesterday, 19:07
Sep 8, 2020
It will interesting. I personally am hoping for a Biden win simply because I think Trump is just too polarizing.
What would be even more interesting is if Trump wins but democrats take control of congress. I think that would be an even more entertaining to see play out.

Steve R.

Local time
Yesterday, 19:07
Jul 5, 2006
It will interesting. I personally am hoping for a Biden win simply because I think Trump is just too polarizing.
What would be even more interesting is if Trump wins but democrats take control of congress. I think that would be an even more entertaining to see play out.
Trump is polarizing, but over the obstruction of Democrats, he has made a lot of accomplishment for which he has not been given appropriate credit. For example, peace agreements in the Middle East. The reporting of these accomplishment have been suppressed. Trump has made a lot of promises and has kept them to the best of his ability. He says what he intends to do. Biden in contrast, fails to disclose what he really intends to do.

I watched Biden, at one (fake) news conference, take questions from supposed journalists (who acted more like Democratic operatives) who asked Biden softball questions that were aimed at giving Biden an opportunity to "attack" Trump rather than ask Biden what his position was on fracking. Given that type of disingenuous behavior, I fail to see why anyone would vote for Biden.

The fact that Trump is polarizing should not be a reason to vote for Biden. Biden has shown himself to be a chameleon who obscures where he stands on all issues. Biden has not gotten out to campaign vigorously to win the Presidential election. Seems that Biden's reluctance to disclose what he will do and to hide in the basement would be major reasons to vote against him. What would you really be getting with a Biden (really a Harris) administration?
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Steve R.

Local time
Yesterday, 19:07
Jul 5, 2006
One thing about Democrats, they don't mess around when it comes to designating political crimes. As a demonstration of the Biden/Harris unity campaign to restore the soul of America, you may see arrest warrants (citing Russian collusion and White Supremacy) being issued on January 21, 2020 for the Trump family.

As a late edit, might as well toss in the establishment of a "Truth and Reconciliation Commission" and re-education camps so that Republicans to atone for their sins.
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Pat Hartman

Super Moderator
Staff member
Local time
Yesterday, 19:07
Feb 19, 2002
I personally am hoping for a Biden win simply because I think Trump is just too polarizing.
OK, quick. Biden's been in office for close to FIFTY years as a Senator and as VP!!!! Name three things he did that you thought were good for the country.

If you follow Trump at all (and I don't mean on CNN), you should be able to name three that he's done in the last 4 years despite having to climb over the bombs that the Democrats are constantly throwing in his way. Start with the FOUR Nobel Peace prize nominations for the treaties he's been making in the Middle East and in the Balkans..

Do you really not know that Biden has been selling political favors to foreign organizations for at least since he became VP and probably back to when he was a senator? His brother used to run the "family business" in the beginning but now his son Hunter runs it. And unfortunately Hunter has a drug problem and forgot to pick up his laptop that was left for servicing and so it became the property of the shop owner. And then there's the former business partners he stiffed. It is probably poor form to stiff you partners when you are engaging in questionable activities because they have an incentive to rat you out. This may be so bad that the FBI won't be able to push it under the rug as they did with Clinton's emails.

As a demonstration of the Biden/Harris unity campaign to restore the soul of America, you may see arrest warrants (citing Russian collusion and White Supremacy) being issued on January 21, 2020 for the Trump family.
Trump can pardon his family just in case but can he pardon himself? I sure hope so.

As a late edit, might as well toss in the establishment of a "Truth and Reconciliation Commission" and re-education camps from Republicans to atone for their sins.
There are probably several people participating in these threads who Moke would nominate:) And I'm not even a Republican.


Lifelong Learner
Local time
Yesterday, 16:07
Mar 14, 2017
Name three things he did
  1. helped pass Obamacare (Affordable Care Act)
  2. oversaw the confirmation of Ruth Bader Ginsburg as the second woman in the history of the Supreme Court in 1993
  3. called for American participation in UN climate negotiations in 2005
  4. as ranking member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, blocked Jeff Sessions from becoming a federal judge in 1986
  5. blocked the nomination of Robert Bork, who wanted to roll back advances in civil rights, to the Supreme Court in 1987

Sorry, I just realized you said "good things"


Lifelong Learner
Local time
Yesterday, 16:07
Mar 14, 2017
Any ideas?

  • Pass a bunch of laws protecting Hunter Biden. Call it "The Child Protection Act"
  • Find & destroy the (17) videos of him feeling up 8 yr old girls under the scowls of their parents
  • Pack the court right away to get constitution-averse stare decisis on his side forever


Access World Site Owner
Staff member
Local time
Today, 00:07
Sep 28, 1999
  • Close the Durham investigation
  • Restart the Russia collusion investigation
  • Expand laws allowing Big Tech to censor Conservatives
  • Pardon Hillary and Hunter
  • Make voting mail-in only

Pat Hartman

Super Moderator
Staff member
Local time
Yesterday, 19:07
Feb 19, 2002
He was also against busing as was I (wow! I agreed with Joe on something) so was that good? Voting against busing didn't work, we still got it inflicted upon us. Two wrongs (segregation and busing) just don't make a right no matter how good your intentions. That's one of the problems with our liberal friends. If they believe their intentions are "pure", the outcome is irrelevant. Since they think that Trump's intentions are never "pure", they discard all of his good outcomes and focus on the bad ones. But, truth is flexible in their minds so if there are no bad outcomes, they convert some of the goods to bads because otherwise there would be no news that day.

I'm feeling very cynical these days.

Steve R.

Local time
Yesterday, 19:07
Jul 5, 2006
  • Restart the Russia collusion investigation
No need to restart the Russia collusion investigation. Schiff already stated that the evidence is in "plain sight". No need for a trial. Move to automatically convict.

Pat Hartman

Super Moderator
Staff member
Local time
Yesterday, 19:07
Feb 19, 2002
Seriously, what can be done about Schiff? How is it possible for a sitting member of Congress to go on cable TV and say things like that? Does he have a security clearance that Trump can revoke because Trump should revoke it tomorrow. That man should be on permanent "fact check". His nose has to be so long by now that he has trouble getting into elevators.
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Steve R.

Local time
Yesterday, 19:07
Jul 5, 2006
Words are cheap. Biden ran on a campaign of unification and assertions that as President that his administration will represent all Americans. That there would not be "red" states nor "blue" states. The ability to exercise free speech is guaranteed under the First Amendment. This right is critically important considering that the election results are being contested. Cracks are already appearing in Bidan's of facade of representing all Americans.

Dems demand Twitter suspend Trump's account until all ballots counted
"Democratic lawmakers are urging Twitter to suspend President Trump's account, suggesting none of his tweets should be posted until all ballots have been counted in the 2020 presidential election."
A number of officials including Democratic vice presidential nominee Sen. Kamala Harris have previously called for Twitter to block the president, according to Politico.
Twitter, in support of the Democrats, is acting as an Orwellian "Ministry of Truth" under the assertion that they are protecting the public from false and misleading statements. It seems that claims by Democrats that they have "won" the election do not appear to have been flagged with a warning statement. (Please note. I do not follow Twitter, so it is possible that Twitter may have flagged some Democratic posts and that I have not run across and article discussing that.)

To conclude Democrats, disingenuously claim that they are for free speech, but then go on to clarify that it is acceptable to suppress it under the guise of memes such as "hate speech" and/or "false information". Should a Biden adminstration become a reality, expect this supression of free speech to continue and to now be officially supported by a flagrantly biased legal system.

Pat Hartman

Super Moderator
Staff member
Local time
Yesterday, 19:07
Feb 19, 2002
Twitter is TERRIFIED that Trump might actually win. Of course they want to shut him up.

Steve R.

Local time
Yesterday, 19:07
Jul 5, 2006
@Jon established the theme: What should Biden do after he wins?

Thank the Chinese. Seems that the Chinese were more successful in helping us with our election process this time around rather than the Russians.:sneaky:

One pundit had an interesting observation. If Biden believed that the election process was honest and transparent, why hasn't Biden gone out before the public to gratuitously endorse support for those observing the ballot counting process?

Some Republicans have claimed that they have been denied the opportunity to observe the ballot counting process. Biden could easily put an end to these (Republican) assertions concerning the lack of transparency by holding a public news conference and calling on all Democrats to be as transparent as possibly.

On a more serious note: If voter fraud is actually occurring on a large scale, there must be some whistle blowers some where? Where are they?

Trump was correct that his campaign was being spied on by the Obama/Biden administration. Given the known past interference followed by the Mueller investigation and (failed) impeachment, can it be hypothesized that the Democrats, with media support, are cooking the election results?

Late addition: On Laura Ingraham show tonight, she actually cited some factual observations of election fraud. Evidently, the Republicans had identified around 3,000 people who no longer lived in Nevada, but still voted. Unstated, was who these people voted for, so it would be unknown as to how this would affect the election results.
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