Anyone finding it financially tough this xmas?


Old registered user
Local time
Today, 02:30
Feb 22, 2002
They say there are big problems with money this year. Kids want expensive things, food more expensive, etc. etc.

Anyone noticed that? I haven't. We've just spent hundreds on our garden having it revamped ready for springtime. Bought a couple of guitars, spent a few thou on booking a holiday for springtime, thinking about a new car - need to shift some cash. I can't see what people fuss about, I think it's all exaggerated.

Went to town yesterday, awful experience, all those ordinary common people rushing round, yuk. Went to a posh hotel here for coffee - lovely china cups and silver coffee and cream pots, much better class of people than Starbucks or Costa.

Mr. Davep, you are a very fortunate man. Enjoy your wealth.
Davep was being sarcy there I think :)

No. Just stating facts. I worked bloody hard for my money over the years.

I fail to see why people get into difficulties financially. If you spend less than comes in then you're ok.

All this stuff about people not having enough for food seems strange. I've never met anyone like that.

People insist on having kids, now they have to pay bigtime.

Oh Fifty2One - the clue is in the thread title:rolleyes:

I'm sure you worked really hard!!!

Perhaps you could upload pictures of the high life you live. That would get lots of comments ;)
VBA in case you don't know col comes from Bristol but now lives in Essex via Australia so has no chance of being sensible, as for working hard he worked in the NHS, so bit of a contradiction there!!!

Hi Col what car are you thinking of, don't buy a big 4x4 as you will hurt your old back lifting the wheelchair in and out, stick with the mondeo or move upmarket to a Mazda6

Hope you and yours have a good festive season.

I know Col has been here a long time and he likes a bit of attention :D

How did you know he worked in the NHS? Have you worked with him before Brian?
We have traded friendly insults over the years.
There was a time when Col, Rich and KenHiggs were always on here swapping banter, a few others joined in occasionally but sometimes it went too far and sensitive souls objected rather than just ignoring it. I think Col is still trying to revive those days but his posts occasionally go OTT as this did.

I see. The good old days! :)

Now that you mentioned Rich, where's he these days?
Pretty much gone the same way as everyone else.
I'm sure if we look far enough back, we might even be able to find threads where everyone was getting along and actually enjoying the banter without getting into poltiics and religion. It's possible it was all lost in the site hack a few years ago, much like my 10000 posts. :D
We have traded friendly insults over the years.
There was a time when Col, Rich and KenHiggs were always on here swapping banter, a few others joined in occasionally but sometimes it went too far and sensitive souls objected rather than just ignoring it. I think Col is still trying to revive those days but his posts occasionally go OTT as this did.


You are quite right Bri, I was trying to revive at least some banter like it was in the old days. A lost cause it seems. Michael Jackson has more life in him than these forums, it's like trying to give the kiss of life to a fishfinger.

I realise there is no point in trying, those that used to participate -Rich, Cindy, Tess, Brian, Mile-O (who at one point was Vass. . remember?) have mostly moved on or log in very little.

I'll continue to log in every now and then but there's no point in trying to spark some enthusiasm any more.

How sad.

Merry Xmas to you too Bri (and Vass et al) Oh BTW, I was looking at the Mondeo, Audi but I'll check out the Mazda too. As it's a cash purchase I should get a good deal this time of year if I go for it.

You are quite right Bri, I was trying to revive at least some banter like it was in the old days. A lost cause it seems. Michael Jackson has more life in him than these forums, it's like trying to give the kiss of life to a fishfinger.

I realise there is no point in trying, those that used to participate -Rich, Cindy, Tess, Brian, Mile-O (who at one point was Vass. . remember?) have mostly moved on or log in very little.

I'll continue to log in every now and then but there's no point in trying to spark some enthusiasm any more.

How sad.

Merry Xmas to you too Bri (and Vass et al) Oh BTW, I was looking at the Mondeo, Audi but I'll check out the Mazda too. As it's a cash purchase I should get a good deal this time of year if I go for it.


Internet is not the place for banter! lol QED

For a real on honest debate with unlike souls - it cant be beaten - as long as free speech is allowed but open slander of posters is not.

The balance had been lost. Lots of fake offence - usually by Americans and or Atheists, demanding everyone else conforms to their limited (but maybe correct - I'm being kind) view of the world.

Ho ho hum and merry Christmas. I presume the atheists are similarly denying the existence of Santa at this time of year - as he is of course akin to the myth of God.

Or do they pick and choose which fabrication they want destroyed and which suits them just fine, just like everyone else?
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Actually Col, this is the first year in many that I'm *not* finding it financially difficult.

I will readily admit it was all my wife and I's doing.

Won't bore you with details. In any case, hope everyone has a good Christmas
but sometimes it went too far

Sometimes? More like most, if not all, of the time. As AnthonyGerrard said, the balance had been lost. More than that, it wasn't a fun place to come any longer. There wasn't a thread that you could open without reading sniping comments about George Bush and Iraq, politics and religion. I remember once, Tess, Idjit and I conspired via private messaging to take bets on how long a seemingly innocuous post would turn to political bashing. Idjit posted a thread about cute, fluffy kittens, and it took something like 4 posts before the first comment about George Bush was made. It was ridiculous.

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