R.I.P. "Fats" (1 Viewer)


Immoderate Moderator
Staff member
Local time
Yesterday, 19:57
Feb 28, 2001
Although I understand they did still do a show for whites only and one for blacks only.

Col, that happened until the US Supreme Court started unraveling the horrible legal fiction that was called "separate but equal." Started in 1954 (or was it '56?) with the SCOTUS decision on Brown vs. Board of Education and now there is no more of that kind of segregation.

But then again, for a while there was no "crossover" market anyway because white folks would not want to be seen at an event with a black musician. The racial revolution of the 1950s and 1960s developed momentum slowly, but inexorably.

By the 1970s, the group in which I was the organist had started to play the music of James Brown, Jimmy Smith, Wilson Pickett, and a few other black artists whose music had crossed to the "white" charts. We had no problem with it and in the Bourbon Street arena, nobody else did, either. Or if they did, they just walked to another bar.

Simple, tell the layabouts on the dole and benefits they have to do a minimum 6 months work or their free money is cut totally.

We've tried this a few times.

First, the liberals in this country get on their soap box and sob huge crocodile tears at how we are taking away the ability of these people to survive (but somehow they don't mention that we would also be taking away the liberal's election base...).

Second, we now have an illegal immigrant problem because we don't have enough people to take the agricultural harvester jobs that the welfare kings and queens are "too good" to take. So the lure of US dollars for the illegal immigrant labor force is too strong to ignore.

This will probably get me lectured by SOMEBODY or another, but it has to be said. Agriculture sometimes needs that cheap labor force. Back before the U.S. Civil War, it was based on slave labor. OK, that was bad - but it was an economic necessity at the time.

The Civil War was fought over state's rights, the most important of which was slavery. Abolition of slavery meant that a new labor pool would be needed and it was going to be more expensive. The North either didn't know or didn't care that abolition was going to make agriculture cost more and it would affect their prices too. After the war, the labor market in the South was all about sharecroppers, but that had mixed results.

After the invention of the internal combustion engine as a vehicle power plant, automated pickers helped with some of the load. But for things that are low to the ground like strawberries and various other ground vegetables and fruits, automated pickers do more damage than good. Not all small farms can afford a mechanical cotton picker.

And we STILL need a source of cheap manual labor because the welfare schmucks won't take the jobs and actually WORK for a living. So if you can actually get some of those welfare slobs off their fat duffs, please, PLEASE, PLEASE tell us how you managed it.

Pardon me if I don't hold my breath while waiting for that answer.


I'm with the Witch.......
Local time
Today, 01:57
Aug 31, 2006
We have plenty of labour here already.

Simple, tell the layabouts on the dole and benefits they have to do a minimum 6 months work or their free money is cut totally. They are quite capable of picking a few carrots or strawberries. The welfare system saves 6 months money and gets tax from their earnings.
I agree we need doctors etc, so adopt a points system to allow in only those we need like they do/did in Australia.


What do you think the stealth behind the 6 week wait for Universal credit is...

And that hasn't worked as the governement is now relenting and taking it back to 4 weeks, as people would rather visit a food bank or go homeless than work..

And if homelessness and food bank use increases so does crime, and we have not got the Police boots on the ground to prevent it...

It's a vicious circle, but it need'nt have been like that, Capitalism has bred greed and greed has bred envy... and Capitalism is Thatcher's fault...

Whilst there is Money in this world there will be greed and envy...


Old registered user
Local time
Today, 01:57
Feb 22, 2002
It's a vicious circle, but it need'nt have been like that, Capitalism has bred greed and greed has bred envy... and Capitalism is Thatcher's fault...


So you favour Communism then. You're not a Ruskie are you?



Longboard on the internet
Local time
Yesterday, 17:57
Sep 12, 2017
What do you think the stealth behind the 6 week wait for Universal credit is...

And that hasn't worked as the governement is now relenting and taking it back to 4 weeks, as people would rather visit a food bank or go homeless than work..

And if homelessness and food bank use increases so does crime, and we have not got the Police boots on the ground to prevent it...

It's a vicious circle, but it need'nt have been like that, Capitalism has bred greed and greed has bred envy... and Capitalism is Thatcher's fault...

Whilst there is Money in this world there will be greed and envy...

So best to follow the socialist path? If they don't produce, take them out behind the chemical sheds and have done with them? Norsefire would be proud.


Old registered user
Local time
Today, 01:57
Feb 22, 2002
Personally, I can't see what's wrong with capitalism, I've done alright out of it. Nice house, no mortgage, more money I can spend. No debt of course. Anything I want I just buy it, bought an expensive sheepskin coat the other week, haven't bothered to wear it yet, don't need it.

I can't see why people have so much trouble with money, people are moaning that interest rates went up today, obviously that means more money for me and more on their massive mortgage, they should have thought that rates go up as well as down.



Immoderate Moderator
Staff member
Local time
Yesterday, 19:57
Feb 28, 2001
I'm generally in favor of finding a decent balance, but I favor capitalism by a wide margin.

I understand the need for taxes and there are legit cases where folks need help. But when I start to feel that the welfare cheats are making more money from their lies than I did from my own work, it is time to re-assess reality.


I'm with the Witch.......
Local time
Today, 01:57
Aug 31, 2006
I'm not a Ruskie or a Sociolist, although I am a Labour supporter...lol, so perhaps I'm both of those.. ;)

A good example of Capitalism gone wrong is the Paradise Papers, the rich legally hiding their wealth so they do not have to contribute to the taxes that everybody else has to and has no say in doing so...

All that avoided tax that could fund education and hospitals...

The Rich keep rich whilst the poor are kept poor...

As for me, I would consider myself comfortable, I work hard, earn a good wage, don't have to worry about where the next meal comes from.. But I am certainly not rich by any imagination..

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