Solved My Case Statement doesn't work properly


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Yesterday, 18:03
Dec 28, 2012
Hi everybody,
I have a case statement in my project that is not working and I can't see the issue. Anybody can help me please?
Private Function myBar(riskRate)
Select Case (riskRate)

Case (0 < riskRate <= 216)

Me.Box34.Visible = True
Me.myArrow.Top = 4000

Case (216 < riskRate <= 432)
Me.Box33.Visible = True
Me.myArrow.Top = 3700

Case (432 < riskRate <= 684)
Me.Box32.Visible = True
Me.myArrow.Top = 3400

Case (684 < riskRate <= 864)
Me.Box31.Visible = True
Me.myArrow.Top = 3100

Case (864 < riskRate <= 1080)
Me.Box30.Visible = True
Me.myArrow.Top = 2900

Case (1080 < riskRate <= 1296)
Me.Box29.Visible = True
Me.myArrow.Top = 2600

Case (1296 < riskRate <= 1512)
Me.Box28.Visible = True
Me.myArrow.Top = 2300

Case (1512 < riskRate <= 1728)
Me.Box27.Visible = True
Me.myArrow.Top = 2000

Case (1728 < riskRate <= 1944)
Me.Box26.Visible = True
Me.myArrow.Top = 1700
Case Else
Me.Box25.Visible = True
Me.myArrow.Top = 1400

End Select
End Function
When I call my function, any number that is assigned to riskRate (for example 1700). goes through case statement function and always executes "Case Else" clause only. Using breakpoints I am able to see the progress as well as wrong execution with any given number. It passes all cases and no matter what it executes the last statement.
Am I allowed to use Boolean expression in each case statement? What is the solution then?
Thank you for your time and fast respond
and "And" to your Expression and Evaluate from the Greatest
value down to smallest:

Case (1728 > riskRate) 'And rskRate <= 1944)
Case (1512 > riskRate And riskRate <= 1728)
Am I allowed to use Boolean expression in each case statement?
your code is NOT using boolean logic. that is 0/-1. or TRUE/FALSE. you are using operators. try something like this:
select case riskRate
   case < number (smallest number)

   case < number 2 (next smallest number)

   case else
      'do something
end select
you could also do something like this, I would guess:
case is > [smallest number] and < [next largest number]
I hope that's right. I haven't written basic in a while.
Check the documentation:

You don't use the variable in each Case line, you use it at the start then every Case uses it implicitly. Ranges can be done like so:

Case 1 To 216
Check the documentation:

You don't use the variable in each Case line, you use it at the start then every Case uses it implicitly. Ranges can be done like so:

Case 1 To 216
I used two different formats as you and arnelgp suggested but it is not working. Can you please help?
Private Function myBar(test_riskRate)
Select Case test_riskRate
Case (2160 < test_riskRate And test_riskRate <= 1944)
    Me.myArrow.Visible = True
    Me.Box34.Visible = True
    Me.myArrow.Top = 1400

    Me.Box28.Visible = True
    Me.myArrow.Top = 3200
Case (647 < test_riskRate And test_riskRate <= 432)
    Me.myArrow.Visible = True
    Me.Box27.Visible = True
    Me.myArrow.Top = 3500
Case (431 < test_riskRate And test_riskRate <= 216)
    Me.myArrow.Visible = True
    Me.Box26.Visible = True
    Me.myArrow.Top = 3800
Case Else
    Me.myArrow.Visible = True
    Me.Box25.Visible = True
    Me.myArrow.Top = 4000
End Select
End Function

Also I modified as following without success run:
Private Function myBar(test_riskRate)
Select Case test_riskRate

Case 2160 To 1944
    Me.myArrow.Visible = True
    Me.Box34.Visible = True
    Me.myArrow.Top = 1400

Case 1943 To 1728
    Me.myArrow.Visible = True
    Me.Box33.Visible = True
    Me.myArrow.Top = 1700
Case 647 To 432
    Me.myArrow.Visible = True
    Me.Box27.Visible = True
    Me.myArrow.Top = 3500
Case 431 To 216
    Me.myArrow.Visible = True
    Me.Box26.Visible = True
    Me.myArrow.Top = 3800
Case Else
    Me.myArrow.Visible = True
    Me.Box25.Visible = True
    Me.myArrow.Top = 4000
End Select
End Function

What do you think?
Thank you
You can also try this:

Case (0 < riskRate <= 216) can be done as Case Between 1 and 216

Note that the "Between" operator is inclusive of the two limits but your statement was NOT inclusive of 0
By not working you mean it always hits the else statement? I would throw a MsgBox() in the else which spits out the value of test_RiskRate and its type (

2 observations you should fix even though they may not fix your issue:

1. test_RiskRate is a string. In your function header you should explicitly declare test_RiskRate as an integer/double

2. Your function doesn't return anything, it does things. It should be a Sub.
You can also try this:

Case (0 < riskRate <= 216) can be done as Case Between 1 and 216

Note that the "Between" operator is inclusive of the two limits but your statement was NOT inclusive of 0
Thanks for your help but it is not working at all.
With this last format I get all errors on my case statements

I changed the format to "Integer" and follow all you and others said but it is not working.
When I say it is not working I mean it only executes the last "Else" clause statement.
By not working you mean it always hits the else statement? I would throw a MsgBox() in the else which spits out the value of test_RiskRate and its type (

2 observations you should fix even though they may not fix your issue:

1. test_RiskRate is a string. In your function header you should explicitly declare test_RiskRate as an integer/double

2. Your function doesn't return anything, it does things. It should be a Sub.
Yes. When I say it is not working I mean it only executes the last "Else" clause statement.
I changed the format to integer from single but still not working! I changed the function to "Sub" as well.
reverse the order:
Case 1944 to 2160
    Me.myArrow.Visible = True
    Me.Box34.Visible = True
    Me.myArrow.Top = 1400

Case 1728 To 1943
    Me.myArrow.Visible = True
    Me.Box33.Visible = True
    Me.myArrow.Top = 1700
Case 432 To 647
    Me.myArrow.Visible = True
    Me.Box27.Visible = True
    Me.myArrow.Top = 3500
Case 216 To 431
    Me.myArrow.Visible = True
    Me.Box26.Visible = True
    Me.myArrow.Top = 3800
Case Else
    Me.myArrow.Visible = True
    Me.Box25.Visible = True
    Me.myArrow.Top = 4000
End Select
reverse the order:
Case 1944 to 2160
    Me.myArrow.Visible = True
    Me.Box34.Visible = True
    Me.myArrow.Top = 1400

Case 1728 To 1943
    Me.myArrow.Visible = True
    Me.Box33.Visible = True
    Me.myArrow.Top = 1700
Case 432 To 647
    Me.myArrow.Visible = True
    Me.Box27.Visible = True
    Me.myArrow.Top = 3500
Case 216 To 431
    Me.myArrow.Visible = True
    Me.Box26.Visible = True
    Me.myArrow.Top = 3800
Case Else
    Me.myArrow.Visible = True
    Me.Box25.Visible = True
    Me.myArrow.Top = 4000
End Select
It works now. By reversing the order it start working. Thank you all specially arnelgp
FWIW it works with low to high order tests as well, just that the case line should also be low to high.?

I could not get the Between syntax to work either :(
FWIW it works with low to high order tests as well, just that the case line should also be low to high.?

I could not get the Between syntax to work either :(
My case line order was low to high initially (and it did't work) but as arnelgp recommended I switched the order before I got the desired result. May be if I would keep the case order and modify the range properly it could be working.
When your cases have "BETWEEN low-end AND high-end" then the individual cases should work. Whether the case-ladder as a whole would work depends on whether you have any potentially overlapping ranges. If you do not, then the order of presentation of each case should have no effect on whether it would work (though if you have a LOT of cases, some orders might be slower than others.)
When your cases have "BETWEEN low-end AND high-end" then the individual cases should work. Whether the case-ladder as a whole would work depends on whether you have any potentially overlapping ranges. If you do not, then the order of presentation of each case should have no effect on whether it would work (though if you have a LOT of cases, some orders might be slower than others.)

Can you supply the syntax please, as when I tried Case Between x and y the code is just highlighted in red as an error and x is highlighted 'Compile error, expected end of statement'?
The syntax would be

        <do something>
        <do something else>
        <and now for something totally different>

That should be about right.

IF you continue having trouble, then as long as X and Y are integers, you can also do


as noted in the linked reference.
Then try the CASE 216 to 431 syntax.

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