javascript fun for Jon


Local time
Yesterday, 20:21
Aug 17, 2020
@Jon ? wouldn't it benefit you greatly to maybe take at look at your own site's code? would that further the learning curiosity I wonder?


well, I guess this explains why I'm sensored all the time!


beginner stuff, perhaps?

has England tightened the laws like the germans!?

=== operator
these are incredibly confusing and painful!


enjoy your evening, Mr. Leader! :)
I am doing a course from the Coding with Mosh site. I feel Coding with Adam would be kinda unfaithful.
I feel Coding with Adam would be kinda unfaithful.
I do not have the time to teach you, Mr. Leader. =)

and since when did you become a believer!?
You seem to know about Python and JavaScript, so I thought you might know something I don't about the greatest computer programmer of all time, our creator.
You seem to know about Python and JavaScript, so I thought you might know something I don't about the greatest computer programmer of all time, our creator.
God? Everything I've posted to Richard has to do with the creator. You've got to be joking. =)

There's no programming of creation. There is only mystery in it. and I don't claim to know anything about anything. But regarding anything technical, I think you and anyone else around here should know by now that I know what the hell I'm talking about. As it is evidenced by Richard's dwindling responses to me as we roll on into the future. Perhaps he's mad that I'm a little over his head. ;) (although he can still teach me quite a bit, if he can discard his ridiculous disdain for faithful people).
So you concede that God might be a programmer, since it is a mystery to you and you cannot say one way or the other?
So you concede that God might be a programmer, since it is a mystery to you and you cannot say one way or the other?
We can talk about this forever job considering that you are overly scientific and I can't sometimes tell whether you are joking or not I'm not sure what to say.but in a sense of mixing science with faith yes I would say that God is a programmer however that would mean nothing in the circle of Faith or to any church.

Let's just leave it at the fact that since he created everything he essentially programmed everything but then again you know programming was created by man but then again Man was created by God so essentially God knows everything man will do from beginning to end anyway and that makes programming completely irrelevant.
If God created man, who then created programming, God was the first domino. But who was God's domino?
IF you believe in Intelligent Design, then SURELY that means that your God was indeed the first programmer.

In which case He writes VERY sloppy code and needs to work on inheritance.
If God created man, who then created programming, God was the first domino. But who was God's domino?
man created programming, g o o f b a l l. God created the material from which a machine was made.
needs to work on inheritance.
I'm not a professional programmer, sir. but that doesn't mean that I can't grasp a level-sublevel hiearchy. how tough is that!? DUH.

do you think there is a reason why outer space works likes this (in terms of the hiearchial leveling and dependency orientation of cosmic objects)?

=> universe
   => super clusters of galaxies
      => clusters of galaxies
         => local groups of galaxies
            => single galaxies
               => star forming regions
                  => planetary systems (the solar system-type of area)
                     => stars
                        => planets
                          => moons
oh, and on a side note, isn't it interesting that each one of those listed above orbit one another? each subsequent line item orbits the entity above it. did you know that? for instance, our entire solar system rotates around the center of the galaxy (the black hole in the middle), and of course, the planets rotate around the sun. DEPENDENCIES, RIGHT THERE. LOL.

Shows just how simple God is, doesn't it? Are you making the connection yet? As Steve Jobs said long ago:
the reason why you want to learn how to program is because it teaches you how to think
and, yet another quote from him, regarding you not being a believer in Christ because of all that's happened to you in your life, and based on everything I've given you, including my own kindness from the heart and and obvious match of technical competence:
from the 2007 presentation of the iPhone, as he addressed the audience after giving the demo of the phone:

""are we getting it?""

- Steve Jobs

You can call me one that has the knowledge of God, my friend. I was shown this extreme simplicity by the holy spirit 7 years ago. and I was disobedient for many months, then he corrected me for 6 years, and now I'm back, knowing how to not make the same mistake again. You don't believe me do you? =) If you don't, you don't have forever. God gives you until the end of your life to understand that he still exists, and he's watching you from the inside out. ;)
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Is the universe everything? Does God live within the universe?
Dependencies called gravity. Doesn't need a deity at all.
Is the universe everything? Does God live within the universe?
God lives inside of hearts of the human body. the soul is inside the heart. Jesus dwells within. space is seen. God is unseen. spirits cannot be seen, however they can be encountered through visions and supernatural experiences, if you're lucky (or UNLUCKY, if you're evil)
Do animals also have souls, or did Noah exploit them?
Do animals also have souls, or did Noah exploit them?
why do you keep asking me this stuff!? how the hell do I know!?

why don't you watch the movie called all dogs go to heaven? LOL!
I expected more from you. Can you please do me an audio recording for me of everything you know about religion, so I can go through it at my leisure?
I expected more from you. Can you please do me an audio recording for me of everything you know about religion, so I can go through it at my leisure?
what do you want!? a day long lecture!? I'm afraid you'll have to ask specific questions. and I can't do it today. Elena is on my ass about finishing work for her. her excitement about how I help her and teach her is getting out of control. She's getting seriously annoying! But I love her anyway.

I'm also disappointed that that all too professional man here, @isladogs , didn't respond to my offer to share the income with him. You would think he'd want some, wouldn't you? He told me long ago that he needs it. =(
Who is Elena? Don't know the context. You might have been put on the ignore list by some members.

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