Solved Excel workbook linked to Access 2013 not reading all text in cell


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Yesterday, 18:07
May 11, 2019
I am trying to use an excel workbook in my access 2013 database.

I like to use linked tables because I can update the excel workbook and the new data is available when I go into access.

The problem is an address field in excel only imports the first line of a 3 line address field. I have tried changing both access and excel formats and connections and only get the name no address or city state zip.

The field has wrap text alignment and I have taken that off and it all shows on one line but still only see name after linking or importing to table.

Shot in the dark, but expand the height of the row in the linked table. The other data may be on the next line(s).
Shot in the dark, but expand the height of the row in the linked table. The other data may be on the next line(s).
I tried that and it shows fine and even looks good when I import the table but after import the shipping address only has a name in it no address. Thank You for trying.
I tried that and it shows fine and even looks good when I import the table but after import the shipping address only has a name in it no address. Thank You for trying.

I went back and looked again and I think you fixed my problem.

I just have never seen access format data that way. It is perfect and I thought it was broke. I have never expanded a row height in an access table on forms yes. Lots of times in excel but never in access.

excel and access realize it is an address and formatted it accordingly.

Thank You so much.
Happy to help! I got burned by that in the other direction. There was a second line that shouldn't have been there and I didn't notice it right off.

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