Why My system shows two Different Access icons when adding a New File?


Prabhakaran Karuppaih
Local time
Today, 05:50
Mar 22, 2009
Please see the image for Details...

Two Different Icons

Please consider and Kindly do the needful.

With Hope,
The one above is for creating an .accdb file (MSA 2007 + ), and the second one is for *.mdb (MSA 2003 format)
Ac2007 automatically wants to create .ACCDB files but can be persuaded to create Ac2003 format files. That persuasion occurs AFTER Ac2007 starts. Therefore, to see that older icon, it means you have two versions of Access installed on your system. Unless you took great pains to keep them separate, you might have issues when trying to create the Ac2003 files from that drop-down you showed us. I'm rather surprised that installing Ac2007 didn't automatically remove the Ac2003 version outright. Did it ask you if it could remove the older version during installation?
The reason is nothing to do with ACCDB vs MDB files

I also have those two icons on this workstation as it has two versions of Office installed:

The top one opens in Access 365; the other in Access 2010
Colin, it was the specific icons he showed that led to the .MDB vs. .ACCDB comment. I agree you get two icons if you have two versions.
Colin, it was the specific icons he showed that led to the .MDB vs. .ACCDB comment. I agree you get two icons if you have two versions.
I saw his screenshot. My previous answer still applies

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