How to Restore a window within Access (I'm embarassed to ask) (1 Viewer)

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Today, 17:12
Mar 25, 2024
How to Restore a window within Access so I can view two side by side.?
I'm stuck with only seeing the selected one in this view:

i.e. there's no Restore icon next to the X to close the window.
Am I being stupid? (It's no different when the main Access window is maximised.)
PS Sorry I didn't mean to create this in the 'sticky' threads area.
How to Restore a window within Access so I can view two side by side.?
I'm stuck with only seeing the selected one in this view:
View attachment 118021
i.e. there's no Restore icon next to the X to close the window.
Am I being stupid? (It's no different when the main Access window is maximised.)
PS Sorry I didn't mean to create this in the 'sticky' threads area.
Your image shows Tabbed Documents which can't be shown side-by-side. If that's something you need, then you can switch to Overlapping Windows.

During development I always use overlapping windows for that reason.
Overlapping windows is what I want, and you've shown me [with the link] how to get them. Thanks!
The last time I was deeply involved in Access it was Version 2000. Things have changed!
(I think I hate the navigation Pane, but maybe I haven't yet learned to use it properly.)
I think I hate the navigation Pane, but maybe I haven't yet learned to use it properly.)
The navigation pain (sic) was the worst change made to Access for A2007 because you can't get away from it unless you build yourself a replacement Database form or use one you find. I still hate it even after all these years.

I also don't like tab view and I hate it for development because you can't see more than one thing at a time. If you could easily switch between tab and overlapping windows, I might use it for the application view but since you have to shut down the db to switch views, it is too much of PITA so I just don't ever use it either. Mostly, I don't like the user to have multiple windows open anyway so there would never be more than one tab;) I open popups in dialog mode so the user has to finish using the popup before returning to the form that opened it.
Good to know I'm not alone in my dislike of it.
I suspect there are better and worse ways to handle it, which I need to learn.
To anyone who ever used the original database window, the Navigation Pain (sic) is a pain because operations that could be performed in a single click using the database window, now take as many as six clicks but all take more than one. So, it always impedes my workflow when I need to changes views.

The other really annoying thing about the Navigation Pane is that you have to scroll all the way to the top of a list to close it. In a test database where you have 10 objects, who cares. In a production database where you have hundreds of queries, forms, reports it is just plain annoying - every single time you use it. I don't know why it doesn't drive everyone else crazy. maybe they just don't remember how simple the database window was to use. Maybe they all secretly use their own custom database window;) The ONLY feature of the Nav Pane that is actually useful is the ability to sort all the objects together. That could have been added to the database window. Making it sizable would have also been a good idea.

I don't care for the ribbon either because it takes too much vertical space but at least it is functional. When you use the option to collapse the ribbon, it messes up the WYSIWYG and cuts off parts of the lower part of the screen when you expand the ribbon because it is too annoying to keep hiding it.
To anyone who ever used the original database window, the Navigation Pain (sic) is a pain because operations that could be performed in a single click using the database window, now take as many as six clicks but all take more than one. So, it always impedes my workflow when I need to changes views.

The other really annoying thing about the Navigation Pane is that you have to scroll all the way to the top of a list to close it. In a test database where you have 10 objects, who cares. In a production database where you have hundreds of queries, forms, reports it is just plain annoying - every single time you use it. I don't know why it doesn't drive everyone else crazy. maybe they just don't remember how simple the database window was to use. Maybe they all secretly use their own custom database window;) The ONLY feature of the Nav Pane that is actually useful is the ability to sort all the objects together. That could have been added to the database window. Making it sizable would have also been a good idea.

I don't care for the ribbon either because it takes too much vertical space but at least it is functional. When you use the option to collapse the ribbon, it messes up the WYSIWYG and cuts off parts of the lower part of the screen when you expand the ribbon because it is too annoying to keep hiding it.
I created a custom ribbon function sub to close hide the Nav Pane.

Public Sub HideNavPane()

    DoCmd.NavigateTo "acNavigationCategoryObjectType"
    RunCommand acCmdWindowHide

End Sub

I imagine you could turn it into a toggle to make the Nav Pane visible or hide it.
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Hiding the nav pane isn't the problem although keeping it hidden can be problematic. It is using the nav pane that is such a pain. Whoever thought all those clicks were superior to the old database window clearly didn't use Access to develop anything.
When docked, It only occupies about 1 cm of screen space, so that doesn't bother me really.
Is there a useful (3rd party) alternative?

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