20 years....

Uncle Gizmo

Nifty Access Guy
Staff member
Local time
Today, 02:23
Jul 9, 2003
20 years on AWF!

On Sunday I reached the 20th anniversary of my membership of Access World Forums! Two whole decades of learning, laughing, and let's be honest, a fair bit of head-scratching.

I've made a bunch of pals, many from across the pond. Who'd have thought? Me, a Brit, getting all wrapped up in American politics. It's like swapping a soggy chip butty for a juicy hamburger. I can't stand our politics, but theirs? Pass the popcorn, it's showtime!

We have had a few members go MIA over the years, some have even shuffled off this mortal coil. Makes you wonder, is there a forum in the sky? Are they up there arguing about the cloud? Is it actually a cloud, or just a massive hard drive?

Random thought:- Are there more people alive now than the total number who've died since the beginning? Are we outnumbered by the ghosts of the past? If that's the case, I hope they're not hogging all the bandwidth.

Looking forward to another 20 years of banter, debates, and maybe even a bit of learning. Who knows, by then I might be on Mars, in a Low Gravity retirement home!
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Congrats Uncle Gismo - keep on truckin' .. your contributions are much appreciated.
I passed my 20th anniversary here without even realizing it. Happy anniversary from across the pond and down close to the bayou.
Congratulations!! 🎉🎉
Did you get a "retirement" watch?
I've got three more years to go.
I passed my 20th anniversary here without even realizing it.
Me too. I wonder who of current posters on these forums, has been registered the longest. It would have to be before the big data hack of the early 2000's?
congrats Tony. I have no idea how long I have been here, but I do have a good handle on how many names I have used!
congrats Tony. I have no idea how long I have been here, but I do have a good handle on how many names I have used!
I'm assuming this was your first, so that would make it Jun 22, 2007

Me too. I wonder who of current posters on these forums, has been registered the longest. It would have to be before the big data hack of the early 2000's?

I remember being on the forum (vBulletin style) before the big hack but I don't remember when I first actually posted. It was at least four computers ago. Might have been five.
I remember being on the forum (vBulletin style) before the big hack but I don't remember when I first actually posted. It was at least four computers ago. Might have been five.
I think I joined in 1999, I was working then, writing databases for the NHS. I wouldn't know where to start now, I don't have a computer or a printer. Just use an ipad. Retired in 2009 ish. Just spend time upsetting people now.
That hack was a nightmare. It took me a full week fulltime fixing the damn thing. We lost about 120K posts too. So sad.

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