Covid Wuhan Lab Leak or Wet Market - which is the real conspiracy theory?

At this point, does it matter where it came from, because no one will ever really know its origin.
That is the lamest excuse for not trying to pinpoint the cause of the one of the most damaging things to happen in recent years I have ever seen in my life, I think.

Oh well, there was a Holocaust, and 9/11, and this and that. Let's not try too hard to figure out how to prevent it again, cuz it just seems so damn ... hard
It's easier to not know the origins, the average person just wants to keep the status quo and not question the narrative.
It's easier to not know the origins, the average person just wants to keep the status quo and not question the narrative.
I do not want to keep the status quo. But, it's here and it's not going away until there is a universal viral vaccine. So we find the origin was a mistake in a Chinese lab, then what, World War 3? Or do we just nuke Wuhan, or the fresh market, depending.
So we find the origin was a mistake in a Chinese lab, then what, World War 3? Or do we just nuke Wuhan
Why do you assume that would be the result? Instead of fessing up at the beginning, in which case, the worst that would have happened is that China would "lose face" over the carelessness of their lab workers, China actively hid the leak as long as they could and then blamed it on the wet market and destroyed the evidence from the lab so they could hide the data needed to formulate a cure. But the Chinese are terrified of "losing face". It's just about the worst thing that can ever happen to them and they are willing to lie, cheat, steal to avoid it*. So, because they lied to the world, we were months behind in having the data required to find a cure. And to top it all off, they knew that it was a rapid spreading virus and so China went out on the world market and bought up all the PPE they could lay their hands on for themselves. Screw the rest of the world. But even worse than that was that they shut down internal travel between Wuhan and the rest of China but left the international flights open so the locals could easily go forth and spread the virus around the world. If China had stepped up and done the right thing from the beginning, they could easily have saved millions of lives around the world as we would have been better able to control it if we could have kept it in Wuhan and if we knew the genetic code early on,we would have been that much further ahead to developing a cure.

* A funny story. Years ago at the bridge club we started finding scores missing occasionally. This went on for weeks. There were usually 27 hands played for a game but 2 or even 3 score sheets would go missing. The director finally tracked it down to starting shortly after a new player (Chinese) started coming to the club. Plus it only ever happened in games she played. He confronted her quietly because he didn't want to embarrass her. She confessed to being the culprit. If she thought her result on a particular hand was embarrassing, she would pocket the score sheet rather than handing it to the director so he could enter it on the recap sheet used to score the game. He told her that if she stopped, all would be forgiven and he wouldn't mention the situation to the group. So, she ended up playing with us for a few years until she moved away.
Why do you assume that would be the result? Instead of fessing up at the beginning, in which case, the worst that would have happened is that China would "lose face" over the carelessness of their lab workers, China actively hid the leak as long as they could and then blamed it on the wet market and destroyed the evidence from the lab so they could hide the data needed to formulate a cure. But the Chinese are terrified of "losing face". It's just about the worst thing that can ever happen to them and they are willing to lie, cheat, steal to avoid it*. So, because they lied to the world, we were months behind in having the data required to find a cure. And to top it all off, they knew that it was a rapid spreading virus and so China went out on the world market and bought up all the PPE they could lay their hands on for themselves. Screw the rest of the world. But even worse than that was that they shut down internal travel between Wuhan and the rest of China but left the international flights open so the locals could easily go forth and spread the virus around the world. If China had stepped up and done the right thing from the beginning, they could easily have saved millions of lives around the world as we would have been better able to control it if we could have kept it in Wuhan and if we knew the genetic code early on,we would have been that much further ahead to developing a cure.

* A funny story. Years ago at the bridge club we started finding scores missing occasionally. This went on for weeks. There were usually 27 hands played for a game but 2 or even 3 score sheets would go missing. The director finally tracked it down to starting shortly after a new player (Chinese) started coming to the club. Plus it only ever happened in games she played. He confronted her quietly because he didn't want to embarrass her. She confessed to being the culprit. If she thought her result on a particular hand was embarrassing, she would pocket the score sheet rather than handing it to the director so he could enter it on the recap sheet used to score the game. He told her that if she stopped, all would be forgiven and he wouldn't mention the situation to the group. So, she ended up playing with us for a few years until she moved away.
I know all about loosening face, my wife is of Asian ancestry, we met in college. Trying to make the Chinese fess-up to covid is the first corollary of carrying coals to Newcastle. I don't see the point. And by the length of your posts I think you have a lot of time on your hands, but you are a good writer.
I don't think Biden would nuke China, that would cut off half his income stream.
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Why find out about a global problem that killed millions? Let's just let it happen a 2nd, 3rd, 4th time in new and unpredictable ways - I think that's much easier. Plus, we all get to wear those pretty blue things again!
I don't see the point
So, you condone the hiding of the source of the virus because it would have embarrassed the Chinese even though time was of the essence? And you condone the opening of the international airport while the Chinese closed the internal airport? And you condone the backhanded purchase of enormous quantities of PPE keeping it out of the hands of other countries for months until the supply chain caught up?

You are correct, there is nothing to be done now about the past (those people who died unnecessarily will still be dead) except to shame China in front of the whole world. But the next viral infection is just around the corner. China got away with it for COVID -19 and we covered up for them, that means they'll do it again in a similar circumstance and we have people like you to blame for it because you don't care. OK. I'm guessing that no one you were close to died as a result of COVID. Good for you.

You also only have to see the money trail left by the Biden crime family if you want to. Otherwise, just hide your head in the sand and pretend it isn't happening. If a tree falls in a forest and there is no one to hear it, I guess it didn't really happen.
I don't see the point

What if someone murdered 7 million people. Because they are already dead, is there no point in finding out who this serial killer was?
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