Paris Hilton's Get Out Of Jail Card. (1 Viewer)


Rat Race Participant
Local time
Today, 03:41
May 6, 2003
Didn't I read somewhere that sheriff Bozo was going to send to a prison built mainly for convicted policemen, what beats me is why a country should have a prison built specially for its police:confused:

That's the first time I've ever heard of something like that. :eek: I guess they want to keep the (ex) police separated because the other convicts don't like them too much? In my opinion, that would serve them right seeing as how they, more than all others, should know the consequences of breaking the law.


Rat Race Participant
Local time
Today, 03:41
May 6, 2003
YIKES - guess who is posing for the Get Out Of Jail cards for the 2007 edition of Monopoly

They forgot to make one eye lazy... :cool:


Ooopps my mistake that place wasn't good enough for her:D

She had been held at the Century Regional Detention Centre in Lynwood, California, in a special unit for celebrities, public officials, police officers and other high-profile inmates,


I cant find the any key..
Local time
Today, 04:41
Feb 12, 2007
Didn't I read somewhere that sheriff Bozo was going to send to a prison built mainly for convicted policemen, what beats me is why a country should have a prison built specially for its police:confused:

They do that so they dont get hurt by the other inmates(another example of special treatment).... you know, there are some people who would try to get rich/famous by "shiving" a famous celeb


They do that so they dont get hurt by the other inmates(another example of special treatment).... you know, there are some people who would try to get rich/famous by "shiving" a famous celeb

Why should they be any different to anyone else?:confused:


I cant find the any key..
Local time
Today, 04:41
Feb 12, 2007
Then why not do something about it?

Reverand Sharpton is getting involved.... or so i heard on the news last nite. im sure he will fix it for me! :p


Active member
Local time
Today, 04:41
Aug 22, 2004
It seems that one of the conditions the Judge placed on Paris' confinement was that she could not do house arrest. The Sherrif let her do it anyway.

That's why the Sheriff is in hot water with the judge.


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 04:41
Oct 4, 2005
Reverand Sharpton is getting involved....
yeah, but that raving jackass is once again trying to play the race card: "What kind of a message does this send to the poor, black, blah, blah, blah..."

Dear, god, protect us from your followers:eek:


Smoke me a Kipper,Skipper
Local time
Today, 01:41
Nov 8, 2005
I understand why celebs and police get seperate prisons (or wings of a prison)

the state does have a duty of care for the inmates - otherwise to let a celeb into the genral prison population is basically asking for someone to have a pop at them and get celeb status inside the prison.

I would not of had a problem with PH doing community work, and then being locked up over night - as long as the commnity work was for the community , something a bit grotty, smelly etc -

but one hopes that this short spell inside will do her some good

on another note
someone mentioned the race card ???

Here in the UK this card is rarely raised any more, that does not mean there is no race issuses - Black, White, whatever - probably now its more a religious issue -Muslims raising this card - but it is mainly muslim who raise it the Seeks don't-
the only slight race issue (there are hotspots for race problems in the UK ) is genrally the cricket when its india verus Parkistan then it might get a bit heated -

but the Black/White issue has been shrinking for quite a while , there is still of course a great division between a White and a Black person - in jobs promotion etc but this is shrinking, and i think this is due to 2 causes
1 those black people who want to get on in life are working for it and not expecting a soft ride
2 those who are in charge are a different generation from the previouse one and are more open minded

when these two ideas work together then more black people will be in positions of authority and this hopefully will be reflected across the nation.

now there are some lazy people (Black and White) who are milking the system, and BNP try to focus this on the black society, this failed , so they have switrched to the Asian /Muslim society
most enlighted people can see through this,because as a nation we have matured to see through this bullshit.
I ramble


Old registered user
Local time
Today, 09:41
Feb 22, 2002
Unfortunately, it seems that the USA is still back in the 1960's as far as race issues go, they are obsessed with it.
This was (and still is) patently obvious the way the black poor people in New Orleans are and were treated. Bush has no interest in blacks. Had Katrina happened in California it would be a whole different ball game.

I get the impression that if they (the white USA) could get away with segregation again then they'd do it like a shot. From the few documentaries I've seen on it, it seems that "unofficial" segregation is happening anyway (the Katrina clear-up for one)



Smoke me a Kipper,Skipper
Local time
Today, 01:41
Nov 8, 2005
It kinda looks that way with Katrina- but I heard it was mainly the insurance companies holding out and trying to pass the buck,but then how many of the people's houses etc were insured

One hopes that you are wrong Colin, but I have a sneaky suspion that you may be at least partly right on this ...

Thats not to say that there is no racism here in the UK - as it would not be correct/right for a white person to make that statement.



Registered User.
Local time
Today, 04:41
Oct 4, 2005
Col, you are as obtuse as you are xenophobic...


Old registered user
Local time
Today, 09:41
Feb 22, 2002
How about the payouts for the twin towers falling over? the spouses got $5 million each, paid for by the US government (so I hear)

Whats the difference? peoples lives were insured in the twin towers, and they're a whole lot richer than the Katrina survivors I'll bet. Bush saying it's an insurance problem is a cop out. The twin towers spouses got the $5 mill and the insurance life payouts. Katrina people probobly got sod-all

Of course racism exists in the UK - as it does worldwide. But, as you pointed out earlier, we are more acceptable to multi-race. I love a good curry or a chinky. Excellent curry houses in Leicester.



Old registered user
Local time
Today, 09:41
Feb 22, 2002
Col, you are as obtuse as you are xenophobic...

Dictionary.Com said:
an unreasonable fear or hatred of foreigners or strangers or of that which is foreign or strange.

I resent that - in fact you have no proof and you are wrong:mad: :mad:

If it were true, I wouldn't have spent 3 months travelling overland from Nepal to London - nor would I go to Spain 2 or 3 times a year - nor would we have foreign students stay with us during the summer.

You know nothing Bod - get out of your white picket fence garden and get a real life:mad:



Smoke me a Kipper,Skipper
Local time
Today, 01:41
Nov 8, 2005
with regards to the Twin towers payouts -
the majority of victims woring in these building would have been covered under a company insurnace, Terrorism would not of been an exclusion at this point
the cost to insurers of the twin towers (the building) was large but not the largest that year- the payments for the dependents was quite a sting
have not got the figures together to hand but estimate 5500 casualtiies average 5 million = 27,500,000,000- of which a large percentage was insured via company EL policies the cost to the US fed goverment would not have been anywhere near this so let average 50% you are left with 13.5 that would have been about a 1 cent charge on the tax system - not that expensive

Katrina on the other hand has a higher structurial bill (Buildings) that should be insured via ahousehold policy - insurers are trying to dodge this - and pass the buck to the Goverment - this does defeat the idea of insurance -


I cant find the any key..
Local time
Today, 04:41
Feb 12, 2007
yeah, but that raving jackass is once again trying to play the race card: "What kind of a message does this send to the poor, black, blah, blah, blah..."

Dear, god, protect us from your followers:eek:

I know. it was sarcasm!! :D

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