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  • Ahh - my solutions was on a per record basis - not histroical-
    can you send a sample d/b with say 2-3 records in it - so i cna have a look - post on the main site though - might take a day or two to get back to you ...
    The main thing to worry about is that the columns you end up with in the Excel file match perfectly with the table you will append to. That means the name of the field/column in the first row, data type (text vs. date vs number etc.) and any restrictions you have put on your table such as field size, input restrictions or etc.
    After you get the excel 'table' matching the table you want to attach this data to then just use the Access Import function which is in the External Data tab.
    after clicking Import from Excel you will browse to the excel file you made(its better if the excel file consists ONLY of the table you made).
    Next click the second radio button which says "Append a copy..." There is a drop down where you choose the destination table. Click OK then the magic happens.
    you had a look at my set up and although you didn't do anything - it seem to let me delete Tim Brewer as a contact - --
    I have had a look at both Tim's and your profile and I cannot see a link between the two regarding friendship requests. This may only be available to administrators. suggest you contact one of them. sorry.

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