Front end/Back end. Question.


Registered User.
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Today, 01:52
May 29, 2006
Could someone please explain, how you would do a front end back end?

do you have forms in DB 1 (Front end.)

And tables in DB 2 (Back end.)

Where would the reports and that go? front or back? or am i completely wrong? and what are the benifits of a front/back split? networking?

Thanks in advance

Useful link.

Other advantages are:
  • Your forms/reports etc are immediately available. i.e. they are not transferred across the network (thus less impact on network performance). Only the data is tranferred.
  • Although you can open two instances of the same database at the same time, Access is not designed to manage this. You will soon run into problems when users have the same form open and one user closes their form which has changed slightly e.g. different filter. The other user then tries to close their form gets horrible messages saying the form has been modified. Having your own FE database means you are opening your own form.

Another disadvantage is that if you are going to change the design of your BE, you need to ensure that nobody is accessing the data. It may then be necessary to update everyones FE to work with the new BE design.

Another disadvantage is that if you are going to change the design of your BE, you need to ensure that nobody is accessing the data. It may then be necessary to update everyones FE to work with the new BE design.


I solved that a few years ago, by having everyone load the database via a batch file on their desdtop. Works real well.

The batch file loads a fresh copy off the network to the d:\service directory and then runs the database frontend from there. The system.mdw still resides on the network along with the backend.

I have some nice "kick" routines if it is necassary to get everyone out of the backend. If I release a new front end code base, I just put it on the network and the next time anybody exit and re-loads the database they always get the latest code base. If I need to force them to exit and reload, I have that built in via a message table that the main menu checks every five minuted. If a message exists telling them to exit, they get a warning to save what they are doing and then within another 5 minutes, the database shuts down automatcially for them and they have to re-load it via the desktop batch file. For the majority of users, they don't even understand that it is a batch file. They just double-click it and within 10 seconds more or less the database it running in front of their eyes.

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