The Department of Positive Out of Body Possibilities (1 Viewer)

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Tim Brewer

Local time
Today, 07:19
May 21, 2007
Just generally talk in a manner that isn't complete nonsense gibberish, such as:

To be honest, I don't care - go, stay - do what you will. As long as you stay and keep being ridiculous, I reserve the right to subject you to ridicule.

Repetition of nonsense for 63 pages does not make it any less nonsense.

Ten days left, for chance of a lifetime, regardless what t-shirt you use!

Tim List, connected to Craig list, through some type of natural talent, in Ohio, and that don't make sense to you?

Maybe you need to take a vacation, and experience life on the way to American idol auditions, because we are going to have a great time, with or with out you!

Just imagine sitting around a campfire, and listening to an angel sing, with nothing but her natural voice.

that dream could be yours, if you truly understand value in the Robb report!

Priceless opportunities, only come to those that get it.

Do you get it?

All 'a's', except for one "B", last report card!

...and to think i got 18'f on one of my report cards, for day dreaming, with out a cause!

I'm sorry, that i am not Howard Stern, or something, but if you truly have your own mind out of the gutter, and see a good potential opportunity, if done right, just like all the other successful icons, before here, and see the advantage of her staying out of trouble, but helping some organization from, of what gifts, my daughter can provide you, then please feel free to get with me, before American Idol gets her signed paper work.

Just a thought, then if my option in Boston, comes up on the same day, as her audition, i will not have to sleep on that possibility.

Just another thought,

I looked out my window tonight, up into an electrical storm, going over my house, at the time, and I said to my internal thoughts, that if I am wrong, then do what you must natural, because you brought me into this world, and if you believe. i am a waste, at this time in my life, them please feel free to take me out.

Instead, as I looked up into those clouds right right then, with my bobber thought mentality, and everything else. I saw a lighting strike come down toward me, and right when I flinched, it parted around my location, in so many different, safe paths, as though to say,

"You right, and never forget that, but don't forget to enjoy the eye of my dance!!!"

Tim Brewer

Local time
Today, 07:19
May 21, 2007
Just generally talk in a manner that isn't complete nonsense gibberish, such as:


You do realize we can't hear the voices in your head, don't you?

To be honest, I don't care - go, stay - do what you will. As long as you stay and keep being ridiculous, I reserve the right to subject you to ridicule.

Repetition of nonsense for 63 pages does not make it any less nonsense. One definition of insanity is repeatedly doing the same things, expecting a different result.

I 'get' you in that I understand the point you're trying to make. I think you're wrong.

I 'get' you in that I understand what you supposedly want to do, but I think you're wasting your time, and not making much sense to boot.

Why would I leave? Does one leave the circus simply because the clowns keep falling over?

Please feel free to find any rough, with this diamond of a topic, and what do you have?

Nothing, just like our world economy right now, but on the other hand, try and see this positive option a different paradigm way, and the results, and the economy gets better, based on the process of my option, that is a lot more Greener, than some other groups would lead you on to believe, based on their lobbyist, who hang out at a lot of circuses for some reason, but what ever the reason, here is your sign.

in me going on a pick-Nick with my family again tomorrow, and listen to my daughter sing some more.

It looks like you are real desperate, to try and change the moment of truth, with this topic, at this time, based on a different agenda, than just leaving well enough alone, because that would be in your best interest right now, but that is just a quick comma thought!

I was never a big fan of cartoons growing up, and i tried real hard, not to get bored at the circus I went too.

I did it for my kids!

Who are you doing this for?

"I 'get' you in that I understand what you supposedly want to do, but I think you're wasting your time, and not making much sense to boot."

"I 'get' you in that I understand what you supposedly want to do"

That is good enough results for me at this time, before I go on this mini-American Idol-audition-vacation, for
father's day!

One day, I hope she will sing this section of a song for me.

Please come to Boston for the Springtime, I'm staying here with some Brain Gate friends, and they got lots of room!
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Old registered user
Local time
Today, 15:19
Feb 22, 2002
Please feel free to find any rough, with this diamond of a topic, and what do you have?

nothing, but on the other hand, try and see the positive, in me going on a pick-Nick with my family again tomorrow, and listen to my daughter sing some more.

The word "nothing" should have a capital "N" as it follows a question mark. Also, "pick-nick" is actually spelt "picnic".

It looks like you are real desperate, to try and change the moment of truth, with this topic, at this time, based on a different agenda, than just leaving well enough alone, because that would be in your best interest right now, but that is just a quick comma thought!

It should be "really desperate" not "real desperate" - plus, there, are, too, many, comma's - also, no need for the exclamation mark as your last statement is not an exclamation.

I was never a big fan of cartoons growing up, and i tried real hard, not to get bored at the circus I went too.

"Really hard", not "real hard" and no need for the comma between the words "hard and "not".

I did it for my kids!

If you really want to do something for your children, I suggest you learn English and speak it properly and educate them or they will grow up being as idiotic as you demonstrate you are.


Tim Brewer

Local time
Today, 07:19
May 21, 2007
The word "nothing" should have a capital "N" as it follows a question mark. Also, "pick-nick" is actually spelt "picnic".

It should be "really desperate" not "real desperate" - plus, there, are, too, many, comma's - also, no need for the exclamation mark as your last statement is not an exclamation.

"Really hard", not "real hard" and no need for the comma between the words "hard and "not".

If you really want to do something for your children, I suggest you learn English and speak it properly and educate them or they will grow up being as idiotic as you demonstrate you are.


Thank you ColinEssex, for all your help!

I believe my children have the ability, to learn from my mistakes!

Every one of them are doing just great!

My goal, was not to bring them down to my level, what plan did you use with your kids?

I a child, i remembered than my icon dad, did everything right, and he left me no room for improvement.

That sometimes, can be the problem, with the perfect dad.

If the dad wants structure, the kid wants something else, but if you give them more than they expect, then they gets hands on experience, what reality is all about, based on the culture we are using, at this time.

My kids learn a Little bit about everything, the good and bad with me, and then they learn from the bad, and then focus on the good.

I seam to get their attention, with interesting stuff, that is tailored to their natural personalities, but at the same time, always allowing them the chance to grow, so how did you raise your kids again?

Just like Jimmy buffet saids,

Your kids grow up to be, what you warned then about!

Paradigm bobber thinking, what can I say!

Get good with your sea shell sound, and everything else is easy!

My training, is a lot like what you might find on the TV show, "Gilmore Girls"

Hello!!!! everyone>........................
Tell her Good Luck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That would be awesome to be on American Idol..........

Sweet dreams are made of these, regardless what you were thinking, or feeling,

... and I'm just sitting around home, cleaning my gun!

Thank you for reading my invisible thoughts, with those of your own.

My name is Tim Brewer, and I would be honored, to be your first, free, safe, no obligation, afterlife planner!

Just let me know, if you are interested, and we can talk more about a different afterlife communication road trip, when I get back from Chicago!

Thank you great Water Cooler viewers, for all your support!

Sticks, and stones might break my bones, but not having an affordable afterlife communication plan, is the worst thing, we could ever do!

there are worse things i could do
than go with a boy
or 2
even though the neighborhood thinks [COLOR=orange! important][COLOR=orange! important]im[/color][/color] trashy
and no good
i suppose it could be true
but there are worse things i could do,
i could flirt with all the guys
smile at them and bat my eyes
press against them when we [COLOR=orange! important][COLOR=orange! important]dance[/color][/color]
make them think they stand a chance
then refuse to see it through
thats a thing id never do
i could stay [COLOR=orange! important][COLOR=orange! important]home[/color][/color] every night
wait around for mr right
take cold [COLOR=orange! important][COLOR=orange! important]showers[/color][/color] every day
and throw my life away
on a [COLOR=orange! important][COLOR=orange! important]dream[/color][/color] that wont come true.
I could hurt
someone like me
out of spite
or jealousy
i dont steal and i dont lie
but i can feel and i can cry
in fact i bet you never knew
but to cry in front of you,
thats the worse thing
i could... dooooooo

The worst thing, is not allowing people the chance, to communicate about this........................!

I will be back, in less than ten day, if you want me too?
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Atomic Shrimp

Humanoid lifeform
Local time
Today, 15:19
Jun 16, 2000
It looks like you are real desperate, to try and change the moment of truth, with this topic, at this time, based on a different agenda...
Desperate? Not especially.

I don't have an agenda on this topic, unless mocking your ridiculous doggerel counts as one.

...than just leaving well enough alone, because that would be in your best interest right now...
Is that some kind of threat? Oh my.

...but that is just a quick comma thought!
A quick comma thought? I mistook it for a bucket steamboat thought.

Tim Brewer

Local time
Today, 07:19
May 21, 2007
Desperate? Not especially.

I don't have an agenda on this topic, unless mocking your ridiculous doggerel counts as one.

Is that some kind of threat? Oh my.

A quick comma thought? I mistook it for a bucket steamboat thought.

"I don't have an agenda on this topic"
Mike Gurman

Thank you Mike,

So what you are saying, your need for attention, changes like the weather, under this topic?

On one hand you are assuming you are being threaten in some way, and on the other, you have no thoughts on my topic.

Maybe you are right, maybe I should keep to waves, and not bobbers!

I totally understand that there are better ways, of explaining my option, after I am done with it, the very first time, in real time.

You got me on that one!

I use to appreciate, all the things my oldest brother had to go through.

He had to learn how to do everything first, because he was the oldest child.

My position in the food chain, was rather easy.

All I had to do was watch, and learn from his mistakes, until i felt, i could do what he was doing better.

That is where I am at with this option.

You had until 6/9/2009, to communicate with afterlife, like trying to stick a key in the front door of your home.

I have seen my neighbor many times, take longer to stick his key, in his front door, before I do mine, but i have things to do, when i get in that door, that I perceive as important, so no mike, there is nothing wrong with you, anymore, than there is anything wrong with me.

We just have a different experience, and i could spend my entire life, at my front door, explaining why I do everything I do, or why they do everything they do.

There will plenty of time, for all that conversation, after I die.

Everybody naturally want to train people, how they would like to be treated, and there is nothing naturally wrong with that, unless you are focused on something bigger than that, for what ever the reason might be.

You are more than welcomed, to try and train me anyway you like, after we try my free idea!

You are wasting your time, if you honestly feel that i am crazy, and they are going to take me away, and you will get my one daughter that way.

They say, that it is alright, to be crazy for 15 minutes everyday, on average, just as long as you do not exceed that.

I'm sorry if you feel that I exceed this average, when spending time with you.

It's part of that right direction, wrong direction stuff, I was talking to you before about.

I thank you for taking the time, to perceive me one way, allowing others the chance, to try and do better next time.

If you believe you can do my topic, better than me, then this is what you should do.

Start a new topic, called the department, of what ever you want it to be, and make as many of these different topics, as you have the time, it takes to take care of them, like a pet.

Go to your Departments, of what ever amount you would like, and keep that topic going, and after you have thought, in my orb thoughts, then you could relate me to that "Walk in my shoe scenario"

I welcome copy cat topic's just like mine!

I even see a t-shirt or two in there, for that option.

"The Department of _______________"
author: _you_!

After you set up your Department topic.

I promise to visit, all my friends department topic's, as time permits!

If you truly are into being just a follower, then we can set your topic up, like a store front, and do yearly inspections on you.

We can mentally come into your profile, and see if you are trying to make new friends, or if you are just trying to bring other people down.

We will grade you any way you like.

If you truly want to be connected to me, but you would rather do it through departments, of Bobbe's, that you believe in, then show me what you got, with the type of Department topic, you create!


some people have a pet rock, as others, as an internal thought topic, that can now be measured!

All my inspections, of your topic this year will be free, after that, I will turn it over to the private sector.

quick review:

Instead of paying others, to show you attention, just set up a model topic, like mine, and expect me to come by, and wish you the best of luck!

Dear opportunity seekers,

I only touched on a few options here, with this thought, but if you took some time, there is even more, consumer opportunities here as well, if you have the time, to explore this thought better, just a thought!


New topic by you,

"The Department of Video Games!"
Mike Doe

Hi mike, how are things going?

I got two views today Tim!

Great job Mike, keep up the great work!

Have you made any new friends yet?

I am still trying to figure out, how I can be your friend Tim!

Remember Mike, when you qualified to be my friend, even though, at the time, you thought it was dumb, or something, that this qualified me. to now come and see your Department topic.

Do you remember that Mike doe?

Yes, Tim, but you waited, almost a year, before you came today, to do my inspection.

No, that is not correct mike!

You are just dreaming, because you are not my friend yet, and you have not started your department store topic yet!

I use to love, that feeling you get, at places like cracker barrel, or a small family store.

A place where people are just people, and they are trying this, or that, on any given day, until they find something to brag about.

Thank you for reading my invisible thoughts, with those of your own!


If by chance, you are one of those people, who would mentally, frictionally, argue with me, on anything I say, I have no problem and show people on the Web, how good that is working for you.

Start your own Department topic, so we have a way to measure it.

Anybody can come to my topic, and claim anything, or attack me, but it takes a bettor person, to show what they have the ability to do, that is hopefully positive, for everybody,,

Just a thought,

I will be back!

Atomic Shrimp

Humanoid lifeform
Local time
Today, 15:19
Jun 16, 2000
"I don't have an agenda on this topic"
Mike Gurman

Thank you Mike,

So what you are saying, your need for attention, changes like the weather, under this topic?

On one hand you are assuming you are being threaten in some way, and on the other, you have no thoughts on my topic.
No. I'm saying that I am not part of some big conspiracy to suppress your Free Option Bobber Lobster Steamboat What Could It Hurt Option Idea.

I'm also saying that your comment about it being in my best interest to leave it alone, is worded a bit like a threat.

Start your own Department topic, so we have a way to measure it.
Not everyone wants to do things in the same way as you, Tim - particularly as it doesn't work.

Tim Brewer

Local time
Today, 07:19
May 21, 2007
No. I'm saying that I am not part of some big conspiracy to suppress your Free Option Bobber Lobster Steamboat What Could It Hurt Option Idea.

Glad to hear that!

I'm also saying that your comment about it being in my best interest to leave it alone, is worded a bit like a threat.

Not everyone wants to do things in the same way as you, Tim - particularly as it doesn't work.

I totally agree!

Everybody do not want black model T car's!

Now on the other hand, my topic is like a free garage sale of thought,

and we offer free bobbers!

You are more than welcome to get one, before they run out!

You are more than welcome, to pass on everything this mental garage sale has to offer.

I'm just glad to see, that you have no plans at this time, to scare off, other free will customers?

I'm sorry, that I do not have a larger bobber selection,

at this time, in this mental garage sale!

I'm sorry, if you are not happy with your free t-shirt idea.

One of the viewer, Royce liked it!

That is something for you, to be proud of in my opinion!

My topic is also like one of those places, where you have a chance,

to get more than expected!

You just have to decide, what works best for you!
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Tim Brewer

Local time
Today, 07:19
May 21, 2007
I couldn't have described it better myself.

So is there anything special you are looking for, or are you just browsing?

The customer is always right, unless it pertains, to garage sale policies, or procedures.


Hello Tim Brewer,

I can not help but notice that some of the posters, here at the world access forum, are taking a somewhat skeptical stance on your brilliant and cutting edge ideas. Many times, I have found, it is helpful to "put yourself in the other person's shoes" when attempting to convey subject matter that may be of the "intangible sort".

In order to better understand our British brothers here at the world access forum, I suggest that you study the art of Cheese Rolling at Coopers Hill.

Here is an educational video that might allow you and others to gain a degree of insight into the English mind.....

A few snapshots too.....

The Hill...

The Participants....

The Tragedy...

and The Glory...

In other words, it is my opinion that the British mind is such that it will go to great lengths and endure much danger and hardship to accomplish the goals that it sets itself to achieve. Perhaps by tapping into this reservoir of unbridled ambition you will find that the British adherents to your worldview will be even more fervent in their actions than even I could ever hope to be.

All the best to you and may the blessings of success and fame be liberally heaped upon your daughter at the American Idol auditions in the great city of Chicago...

Until next time I bid you a hearty "best wishes" and a sincere :)

Your friend,

Martin :)

Tim Brewer

Local time
Today, 07:19
May 21, 2007
Hello Tim Brewer,

I can not help but notice that some of the posters, here at the world access forum, are taking a somewhat skeptical stance on your brilliant and cutting edge ideas. Many times, I have found, it is helpful to "put yourself in the other person's shoes" when attempting to convey subject matter that may be of the "intangible sort".

In order to better understand our British brothers here at the world access forum, I suggest that you study the art of Cheese Rolling at Coopers Hill.

Here is an educational video that might allow you and others to gain a degree of insight into the English mind.....

A few snapshots too.....

The Hill...

The Participants....

The Tragedy...

and The Glory...

In other words, it is my opinion that the British mind is such that it will go to great lengths and endure much danger and hardship to accomplish the goals that it sets itself to achieve. Perhaps by tapping into this reservoir of unbridled ambition you will find that the British adherents to your worldview will be even more fervent in their actions than even I could ever hope to be.

All the best to you and may the blessings of success and fame be liberally heaped upon your daughter at the American Idol auditions in the great city of Chicago...

Until next time I bid you a hearty "best wishes" and a sincere :)

Your friend,

Martin :)

Thank you Martin,

They must of heard about all the free deals, at my mental garage sale!

How about meditation, and getting smarter.

Now, how can you measure that?

It's free, and easy at my topic garage sale!


Like to know more, about how you can measure your meditation?

Would you like to know, how you can get smarter, by meditating?

The professionals believe you could do it this way!

I believe all you have to do, is lower your blood pressure to a point, where you can not hear the noise inside a seashell.

Now, somebody might say, "Tim, if i stop in my meditation to pick up a seashell, I will lose my mediation thought?"

It is not the thought, that makes this work!

When your blood pressure is high, just like it is, with these people falling down a hill. You can not feel, what you need to be feeling.

It is nice, that so many people are so close, but not close enough!

I can see now, that I am going to have to get more bobbers!

Did you noticed, that the thread above, has today's date on it.

I do not make this stuff up!

The best thing you could do to be smarter, is this!

Make sure you have good health care!

Do something you are good at, and enjoy it!

Take a nap, and get two days, out of one!

Think of a problem, before you take this nap, and listen for a answer when you wake up, regardless it you personally like the answer, or not.

You can not show favorites to your inner thoughts.

You can not bring ego, drama, or anything else.

It's not about you, it is about listening to your inner thoughts.

To qualify, to get this chance.

Get your blood pressure naturally low enough, that you can not hear a noise out of a seashell.

Important note:

The seashell can not be in a place, where it will pick up a noise, from something else!

Water running

Heater running, etc.

One of the first things you want to do, after you get a great thought, from your inner thoughts, is to try, and take credit for it.

The next mistake you could make, is thinking you can keep this great idea at first, in your short term memory.

There is a reason, alot of people do not remember their dreams.

They are not recording it, like I am doing right now.

Typing is not good, when you are interacting with your inner thoughts, because it leans to the left, and it is not natural, to inner thought speed!


It is quicker to imagine the closest gas station to you right now, than to type, everything out, about going to the gas station.

Your inner thoughts, have many garage sale gifts to provide you with as well, when you truly are in this state, and it would not hurt, to get to know them better.


You have heard me speak before, about how nobody can be tougher on you, than you.

One example, is those people who got carried off that hill, in those images above.

Regardless what they break, they did not break their inner thoughts!

So let's take a moment to think about that?

The pain they received at the time of there injury, might consume their inner thoughts, during that time, but if you had the ability to separate them from their body, during that time, like in a near death experience, then they would feel no pain!

Now let's take a moment, and think about that.

Everyday, and I mean everyday, our internal thoughts do that to somebody, some where on this Earth!

In a near death experience, you have no blood pressure!

You would imagine, this would be a great time to listen to your internal thoughts.

It would, if you were in the right mind set!

My daughter right now, is trying to be in the right mind set for American Idol.

She has watched the show, and knows how tough it is!

Now let's take a moment, and think about that.

At some point, she has to quit thinking about out side influences, that she has no control over, and get into her own musical zone!

At some point in her life, she has decided, that she is very good, at singing complicated songs.

I do not make this stuff up!

Is she right, or not?

Did her inner thoughts inform her of this, or did she just make it up on her own?

Now this is where it really gets weird.


She just happened to check when this contest was to happen, and it was in two weeks.

She told me, that she did not know what made her think to check for this audition, because she thought it was later in the year.

If it was any sooner, it would be close to impossible, that she would get the chance to go!

Just by her thinking about, when the audition was when she did, was it all on her, or was it something else!

I believe you do have hit or miss moments with your inner thoughts through out the day, as your average 40,000 thoughts are thinking one way, and your inner thoughts, are thinking the way it does!

How is this possible?


Every time you have a thought, regardless if it is ego, or drama.

There is a starting point, and an ending point, at some time!

These are key moments, not to be yourself, but a person who listens to their inner thoughts.

Will you be great at this?

Not, at first, but over time, it will become a part of you right direction, wrong direction, way of looking at life!


If at anytime, you are thinking negative, then you are not in tune, with your internal thoughts.

Science has said for years, that people need to listen to their body.

It is not just the body you listen too, but your internal thoughts as well.

Believe it or not, but you do not have an internal thought, that wants to take you out of pleasure, and into pain.

We do that!

It is not our fault!

We did not come, with a very good instructions!

Regardless if you believe me, or not, but some where out on the Web, a long time ago, I posted that naps, could make you smarter, just because of the math!


John Doe one, heard about this information and took one nap everyday of his life, from this point forward, and made a point to fix a problem, every time he was a sleep!

That give him two chances everyday to fix a problem, and since nobody else is doing this, he would appear to be very smart.

Imagine he wrote down all this information along the way, and then later in life, he wrote a book about it.

Now John Doe two, never heard about this information, and every once in a while he had a good idea. He tried to remember it in his short term memory, and then remember telling somebody about this great idea, but for the life of him, he just can't seam to recall it.

Sure John Doe two, we all have heard that before.

I suggest, if you feel you have a great idea, you should get it down on paper fast!

If you continue to have a great thought, one after the other, then you should write them down as well.

Now imagine for a moment, that you do have this really great idea!

What do you do with it?

I would just post it, but that is just me, at this point in my life.

Now, what do I mean by that?

A lot of people come up with some great ideas.

I know I was not the first to think of bottling water.

Now let's say, that you are going to do something, with this bottle water thing, back when nobody was doing anything with bottle water.

Do you really believe you would of follow through with it?

The whole time you were thinking about what you could of done, or should of done, everybody was getting thirsty alot through out the day.

Even if you informed people about it, at least some good will come of it.

Now do you have to get your blood pressure as low, as I have suggested, to listen to your inner thoughts?

Maybe not, but it has always been a confidence marker for me, because you can measure an exact point, in your inner thought energy.

If I can not hear any noise in a seashell, then I am good to go with this thought process of mine, and any mistakes from that point, are on me, for what ever I was doing, other than listening correctly.

Your inner thoughts, can be dead still, or flowing any direction, you would like to imagine they could go.


As I type right now, are you listening to me, with your thoughts?

Now, while you are doing this, would you say, that you are in the education mode?

If not, then you should be.

any time we interact, it is educational, regardless what quality you give it.


Even if you believe I am a joke, that information, is still educational.

Now if I ask you to imagine, then that is hard as well, because you are reading my words, and words are not natural.

Why is all this important, because we are eliminating walls, between you, and your inner thoughts.

because your inner thoughts, do not have the ability to brag on it self, or make fun of you, or get any credit, for all the things it does for you, every second it keeps you breathing, regardless if you smoke cigarettes, or do anything else, that is bad for your body.

Let's take a moment, and talk about that as well, now that we found some health stuff in this garage sale.

I make it a goal everyday, at getting better with my inner thoughts, and learn from that internal hands on experiences!

To draw off your thoughts, is to listen, at this time.

Sure, please feel free to look around this old experience mental garage sale, and please feel free to be your self, and ask questions.

Just a thought!

I thought I read some place, that somebody actually felt this site was running slower, based on all my images.

If I remember right, I am just one person, with one topic.

I woulds like to have the confidence, that Microsoft Access World Forum, could handle little old me.

As my grandfather use to say.

there are some things, you do not brag about.

If little old timmy brought down a hollow Microsoft Access World Forum, with my little topic, then that would be news!

For one, I would not want to do that, because all of you, for the most part, have been very good to me here, and I would like to take this time, and thank you!

Every time somebody makes contact with your company, regardless what you do.

Impacts your company bottom line.

You have one of two options.

Grow, or control!

The companies right now, that make an effort to grow, will win!

The companies that follow with control will spit every customer out, and not even noticed they are doing it.

Red tape, and control is a bad thing!

Grow, is a good thing.

Why do people control, because they love what they got, and they do not want to lose it.

They love the parking place they get, and how they got it, to complain that there fast food place ran out of chicken.

A day to day world, will need to spend more time with me, there is no getting around that.

I hope one day to get an old Brain gate machine in this mental garage sale.

A yellow, and green John Deer one!

Imagine the ability, to be on the correct page, with your internal thoughts everyday.

I could help you get a taste of that, if you are interested.

Thomas A. Edison tried 10,000 different experiments, before he made a better light bulb.

In thought, that is only 25%, of your average thoughts, on any given day.

Now did Edison make a mistake, by not thinking each, or every one of those experiments out first in his head?

I would imagine his original thought, rarely changed, but it was just a matter, of trying different sensors.

He wanted to harness energy, and use that energy in a way, that could light up a room.

People at that time, was scared, of anything to do with energy.

Where are all those people now, with gas prices going back up?

Imagine for a moment, that we stuck every after life out there, in a confined space, and this includes anything that has ever been around this planet, and had thought in some way. this includes animals, humans, fish, and everything that you can think of, that might have thought, and then give me an example, how much space that would take up, in atoms only.

All to the small!

the space between your face, and your monitor, or a space bigger.

The state of Ohio?

How much space, do you believe it would take, for all these atoms?

Now stop for a moment, and think about this.

Remember what I said a while back, that the moment of truth of any company, is when their company comes in contact with a customer.
You have just imagined a potential market, that has come in contact with your company.

If you are one of those all or nothing people, then you should appreciate this new market, and all the things it can do, to make your life better!


Just because you own sock in a phone company, don't mean you have to listen to every phone call.

I honestly believe, that it is in your best interest, to think of me a either as an icon, or as a mentor.

I like to think that I am mentoring every view, that comes through this mental garage sale.

They are free to take it, or leave it, but regardless what they do, is a good thing for Microsoft Access World forum.

now let;s say, that some people come here, and complain about this garage sale, because all the invisible thinkers, are throwing their aura off today or something.

Find out what it is, and what we can do to fix it.

Is it a grow problem, or a control problem.

My sales are up, anywhere between 20, and 40% every week. How is everybody else doing.

Am I a public motivator, who could help any company through public talks, or consulting, and pin pointing their problems, like it is the end of the world, when it comes to the bottom line.

Yes, I am very good at that, based on past experience.

I am also very good at making theft go away!

I have heard in the news lately, that some feel that President Obama is weak, and hollow.

Is there a problem there?

You tell me?

I try and make a point, not to watch him at all, because I am pretending that everything is alright!

I believe that is why people stop watching the news.

They feel they have no control to change it, so why even try?

I know every time i speak of him, i sound negative, and i really do not want it to be that way, but there is this but!

I guess it is the fact, that he wanted change, and here i sit on my thoughts, and.................

Her is a song I wrote for my president.

Please bare with me for a second, before i make it up, and you can send it into the Bob, and tom show, or something.

"Mr. President, if you are listening, if you turn on your radio, there are a few things about the economy, I don't think your advisor's know.

-Listen, and learn from it, over the time period needed to be effective.
-Tell the truth!
-Quit trying to be Mr.fix it every day!
-Take a break, and listen some more!
-If somebody you know makes a mistake, do not stick them under the bus.
-Be honest!
-Do not make promises, you can not keep!
-Do not blame others all the time!
-Take responsibility
-Learn something new everyday!
-Find out more about Tim Brewer, and his 90 day free membership to any present President, that would like to use the service!
-Why am I good for President Obama?
-I could fix his problems!
-Sure we could spend more time, as you all help me to get better, but why don't we return the favor to President Obama, and help him out.

He said he wanted change, didn't he?

Is he too good now to come to this mental garage sale, and hang out for a while?

What problem could he possibly have, that could be more important, than coming here!

Today, that statement might sound funny to some, but it is not!

I really do not care, if President Obama is a Republican, Democrat, or an independent.

I see a great man, who could be better, with my help!

It would be in somebody best interest to get me on Oprah, and I would be more than glad to tell him myself!

Handling other countries are easy, once you know what you have to work with, when it comes to that country, all the way down to pain, and pleasure.

Once you have established that, then you create a solid game plan, that never changes, unless a value stronger than it, changes!

changing right direction, wrong direction in my thoughts are easy, but when it comes, to dealing with other countries, you need to give them the answers to the test!


Back in America, we love you to death, except for those incidents, we keep hearing about in the news.

You know what are position is, with things like that.

every incident must be investigated through the United nation, after we stream line the united nation, based that you and i both agree, it is not working!

It is normal, for a monopoly to get broken, just like the United Nation is!

the message American is sending, just like every country should be sending.

What can we do to make you happy!

Countries with the fewest customer complaints, gets this, or that!

Countries with the most complaints, gets this or that, plus all incident's are taking over, by a better United Nation!

The future United Nation Will create an inspection form, for every customer country.

they are not concern, if the base boards are getting clean, but that everybody is on the same page, for their type of inspection.


An incident breaks out in.....

Who wants to be tagged as the bad guy?

What happens to the bad guy?

Time out!

A waiting list on BrainGate!

Flesh is flesh, but forever is a real long time!

What people today, and in the past, that you feel, should never be allowed to try my afterlife communication option?

I'm sorry, but if my option is allowed to play out correctly, they will find a way, but that way, would be delayed.

After the original Brain Gate experiment is a success, and we are measuring more Orbs, there will be a grace period, allowing us the chance to interact more with all the new wealth of information coming in.

All afterlife patients information, will be discuss, through a spokes person, with little segments, from time, to time, based on the importance, this information will be, for the United Nations!

Having these types of inspectors out in the field.

Some after life, will watch interaction with other afterlife, until they can work a lot of the problems out them self!

Yes this thread is long, but the long wait paid off, because you heard it first1

Tim Brewer is making afterlife Orbs work it out between them self, and after they can show, that they too, are being inspected, just like all those checks, and balances you see at the casino's!

By using my thoughts, on this war on terror, with customer friendly gloves, if you are trying to make this a good deal for both of us, or following the policies, and procedures, for this type of incident!

We will have different places, that will tag different sections of the world, based on these type of inspections!

By following thoughts, like my internal thoughts are providing, as I try and make America's Messiah better, keep sales up, go to Chicago, and everything else. the least you could do, is pretend like you want one of my free mental bobbers!

Just some thoughts,

Grab one if you want!

In closing this morning, and i dare not look.

If you think about it.

We have Robert Redford, and Al Gore, turning our afterlife green!

We now have our first official free afterlife communication planner!

We now have a Messiah, who will listen one day about me, and use his great powers, and do something positive, or negative about it!

Math time!

Negative for me, is negative for you!

Positive for me, is positive for you!

Last thought,

Last edited:


Old registered user
Local time
Today, 15:19
Feb 22, 2002
I can't quite work out why you keep posting pictures of that bottle blonde slapper Britney Spears. Are you claiming that little tramp to be your daughter?

Oh and if your daughter (if she exists) is on American Idol, then I suggest she keep her trap shut and not rabbit on about the drivel you post. I don't know if Simon Cowell is judging but whoever it is will not be impressed.


Tim Brewer

Local time
Today, 07:19
May 21, 2007
I can't quite work out why you keep posting pictures of that bottle blonde slapper Britney Spears. Are you claiming that little tramp to be your daughter?

Oh and if your daughter (if she exists) is on American Idol, then I suggest she keep her trap shut and not rabbit on about the drivel you post. I don't know if Simon Cowell is judging but whoever it is will not be impressed.


Thank you ColinEssex, for your observation, and concern about my daughter.

I'm just giving you an image of somebody in the music field, that looks like my daughter.

It is not my place to criticize, condemn, or complain about Brittney. She also has the ability to learn from her mistakes.

The last I checked, that was the goal!

We know we all make mistakes, and then we learn from them.


The last I checked, Brittney only shaved her head once.

Funny story about that, now that you brought it up.

When my daughter was younger, and we were in Florida.

She sang for the first time in the public, where they record you singing along with a song.

She was about four, and she pick Brittney Spears song, whoops, I did it again, or something like that.

Anyway, my daughter had this wig on, that they gave her to wear, and half way into her singing, with my other daughter.

The wig on her head started to slide to one side, and while it was doing this, she kept on with the song, as she adjusted her head, to balance this wig.

Maybe one day you will get a chance to see it!

It's funny!

My daughter is going to this audition in Chicago, to try out for American Idol, not to be a poster child for me, at this time.

I just thought it would be a good idea, to try and save two birds, with out throwing any stones.

I love Oprah!

She does 98% of everything right, she just need to fix two customer complaints.

Sarah Palin, I, and then she is perfect!

I would be more than glad to interact with her about being perfect, if she wants to be!

They say, that nobody is perfect!

An all, or nothing attitude!

Perfect to me, is like this.

If you feel good, and you have no worries. you are perfect!

Perfect, is the moment of truth, as an Orb!


Old registered user
Local time
Today, 15:19
Feb 22, 2002
It is not my place to criticize, condemn, or complain about Brittney.

I'm sure she would be much happier if you spelt her name correctly.

Oprah? That loudmouthed stroppy know-it-all? She's a tramp.



Registered User
Local time
Today, 10:19
Jun 9, 2004
I'm sure she would be much happier if you spelt her name correctly.

Oprah? That loudmouthed stroppy know-it-all? She's a tramp.


Where the heck did this tim guy come from? Does he really think anybody around here reads all of his drool?


Where the heck did this tim guy come from? Does he really think anybody around here reads all of his drool?

Hello KenHigg,

With over 12,000 postings on World Access Forum, I can tell you are a real "mover and shaker" around these parts and I'd like to send my best wishes to you and let you know how nice it is to visit with you guys over there in England. Hooray for World Access Forum!

As to your question about where Tim Brewer came from....I first met Tim Brewer (Tim484848) on a website called I am an avid talk radio listener and my favorite radio station (700wlw in Cincinnati Ohio) started the "Big One Boards" so I decided to participate and so did Tim Brewer. If you were to do a google search on Tim484848 you will find that Tim Brewer has been quite active on the internet, promoting his Afterliife Communication Concept for quite some time in a large variety of places. I am not sure how he came to find World Access Forum, but if it were not for him telling me about this place, I would have never found it on my own.

All the best to you and I will look forward to hearing your reasoned and wise comments on this important and interesting subject matter.


I also really like your sigiture line....Based on this alone, I am willing to bet that you and I would share many of the same worldviews!

Until next we speak...



Registered User
Local time
Today, 10:19
Jun 9, 2004
Hello KenHigg,

With over 12,000 postings on World Access Forum, I can tell you are a real "mover and shaker" around these parts and I'd like to send my best wishes to you and let you know how nice it is to visit with you guys over there in England. Hooray for World Access Forum!

As to your question about where Tim Brewer came from....I first met Tim Brewer (Tim484848) on a website called I am an avid talk radio listener and my favorite radio station (700wlw in Cincinnati Ohio) started the "Big One Boards" so I decided to participate and so did Tim Brewer. If you were to do a google search on Tim484848 you will find that Tim Brewer has been quite active on the internet, promoting his Afterliife Communication Concept for quite some time in a large variety of places. I am not sure how he came to find World Access Forum, but if it were not for him telling me about this place, I would have never found it on my own.

All the best to you and I will look forward to hearing your reasoned and wise comments on this important and interesting subject matter.


I also really like your sigiture line....Based on this alone, I am willing to bet that you and I would share many of the same worldviews!

Until next we speak...


Cool - Not sure I'm up to an 'Afterliife Communication' dialog :eek:

It's all I can manage at times to respond to one-liners much less the wordy stuff tim does. I suggest he condense his thoughts to a couple of lines per post if he wants to engage anyone around here...

fyi: Ignore Col all together and take 90% of what Rich says with a grain of salt :p


Old registered user
Local time
Today, 15:19
Feb 22, 2002
fyi: Ignore Col all together and take 90% of what Rich says with a grain of salt :p

So why not practice what you preach?
Oh, I forgot, you're a Sunday only christian, so it's not so easy for you to do so.

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