the Unemployment rate (1 Viewer)


Local time
Today, 09:36
Jun 22, 2007
the unemployment news is completely BS. this is a very dangerous game that the united states government is playing. just saw a news story the other day that said "unemployment drops, finally!". first of all, the government praises things like a .3% drop in unemployment for ONE MONTH, which means absolutely nothing unless you live your life day by day and can't see a month in front of you. doing something like this is the same as giving a rich person $50 to pay for their mortgage when they have just defaulted on it. any reasonable person would be insulted.

the government has now hidden the plain and obvious truth about the unemployment situation in this country, just like they are STILL hiding the truth about how bad the business situation is. i will simply say that any more "proping up" of a failed system is going to result in the US becomming lower on the world stage than England is.

i am convinced that unemployment is much worse in this country than polls say it is. but then again, how would we know? Washington can manipulate the news, but only if it's the right network!

there was recently an ad in the newspaper around here because general mills was expanding their plant and creating 20 new jobs in the factory. they ended up seeing 2,000 or so applicants stand outside the factory waiting to get their shot at an interview. So, you tell me mr. president...does that indicate 9.7% unemployment? I DON'T THINK SO! anyone ever seen that many people so enthused to land a factory job?


Super Moderator
Staff member
Local time
Tomorrow, 00:36
Jan 20, 2009
What would you expect when your country has blown over a trillion dollars on wars in the past decade? :eek:

That same money put into productivity would have made a really big difference to where you are now.

Your government doesn't want to emphasise the fact that the US is going down the plughole because that will just make it go faster. Sadly there is nothing that can save the USA. Unfortunatley it is too late for even an intelligent man to fix after having an idiot at the helm for eight years.

George W Bush was a puppet of war mongerers and oil men and they have utterly destroyed your country while they lined their private pockets. Incredibly the fools who voted him in still can't see what is obvious to the rest of the world and Republicans are now trying to blame Obama. It will be a tough lesson for your people but one you had to have.

What amazes me is that people who are supposed to be Christians bought the idea that attacking Iraq was the way to respond to a privately organised assault orchestrated in Afghanistan by a bunch of Saudis.:confused:
Local time
Today, 09:36
Mar 4, 2008
Of course, once again we've proven that it's Bush's fault! I bet you guys all have that programmed into a posting macro.


Formerly Jsanders
Local time
Today, 10:36
Dec 20, 2007
Of course, once again we've proven that it's Bush's fault! I bet you guys all have that programmed into a posting macro.

You have to admit Gearoge, there can be very little you can list on the positives for his Presidency.

But it is a gross oversimplification to blame it all of his administration.

We, are going to learn to live as our grandparents did.


Local time
Today, 15:36
Jun 15, 2004
Of course, once again we've proven that it's Bush's fault! I bet you guys all have that programmed into a posting macro.

Bush came into power with a balanced budget and a surplus. After his second term he left Obama a $1.3 trillion deificit. Yeah I'd say that is Bush's fault.


Local time
Today, 09:36
Jun 22, 2007
You have to admit Gearoge, there can be very little you can list on the positives for his Presidency.
I can't believe you morons (seriously!)...

I have already explained that politicians HAVE to lie. There is no getting around it. Bush is just as evil as Obama, as Carter, as Reagan, as Clinton, and so on.

Who cares what they did!? They lie! Simple as that! Clinton has sex, Carter lies outright without hiding it, Obama thinks he's god, Reagan is good at war. Do any of these stupid scenarios sound familiar??? Sure they do, but do any of them make sense? Of course not! It's everyone's fault! HELLOOOO....
Local time
Today, 09:36
Mar 4, 2008
But it is a gross oversimplification to blame it all of his administration.

That's a bit of an understatement.

And he inherited an up and coming recession, which was cyclical and not Clinton's fault. Why is the President responsible for the messes the economy goes through? Was all the economic growth that happened during most of the Bush years because of something wonderful he did? No.

I don't mind people blasting him for what he did wrong. It just doesn't take much skill or mental capacity to parrot the lines the media and Poliwood have ingrained into the public's psyche. Every time I read some of this crap I'm reminded of a comedian who said it on some show in the evening. Good news source.

And what does any President do right? What did Clinton do right: very little. What about Bush Sr.: same thing. Obama: nothing. Go back and you get the same answer for most of them. Yeah, they all have a couple of bright spots, and many of them (Clinton, Nixon) have quite a few dark spots, but picking a regular human being who has to act like a god and saying that everything that happens from economic woes to seismic activity to weather patterns is their fault is just plain ridiculous. Same with praising them for their small accomplishments or for being in the right place at the right time.


Formerly Jsanders
Local time
Today, 10:36
Dec 20, 2007
I can't believe you morons (seriously!)...

I have already explained that politicians HAVE to lie. There is no getting around it. Bush is just as evil as Obama, as Carter, as Reagan, as Clinton, and so on.

Who cares what they did!? They lie! Simple as that! Clinton has sex, Carter lies outright without hiding it, Obama thinks he's god, Reagan is good at war. Do any of these stupid scenarios sound familiar??? Sure they do, but do any of them make sense? Of course not! It's everyone's fault! HELLOOOO....

I just said the same thing you said; only I was eloquent about it.
You seem to be an extremely emotional person.


The Mailman - AWF VIP
Local time
Today, 16:36
Aug 11, 2003
the unemployment news is completely BS. this is a very dangerous game that the united states government is playing. just saw a news story the other day that said "unemployment drops, finally!". first of all, the government praises things like a .3% drop in unemployment for ONE MONTH, which means absolutely nothing unless you live your life day by day and can't see a month in front of you. doing something like this is the same as giving a rich person $50 to pay for their mortgage when they have just defaulted on it. any reasonable person would be insulted.

You just used 1.000 words (didnt actually count them) to describe the one word you are not using, Politics

It is all about perception and people thinking what they think they want to see.

Politics the art of magic without making it look like magic.

What would you expect when your country has blown over a trillion dollars on wars in the past decade? :eek:
Again politics but the other side, because part of that money would have been spent on "out of work military" anyways.
The other side of buying food/gas/amunition and stuff, sure that is extra money but... where is that money eventually going? Exactly in the same but different place ... the workplace...
Cause someone has to make the munitions, guns, food, water and stuff, if no war then exactly these people would then be out of a job. Not to mention the politicians that support the war or fight against it... because they would have nothing to debat discuss meet talk whisper backroom backstab doublecross and lie about which then leeds to endless political research as to "why exactly did the war in Iraq" start and what went wrong in that decision making process.
Which then needs more debating, discussing lies and cover up not to mention finger pointing and blaming those who cannot be 'touched' anymore cause they are no longer in office but now have gotten a pluch job on the council of the think tank of thinking about being on the board of advisors that could possibly contribute to making a report that might advice on having "breathing in order to keep alive" on the national health plan.

It is all a matter of perception, if you want to have everyone think the house prices are dropping, then compare them to last year or 2 years ago.
If you want them to think house prices are going up, compare them to last months figures ... or if needed 3 months ago.
If you want them to jump over the moon, make them believe they can fly.

Perception, perception, perception, putting a magnifying glass on the most perfect of diamonds will eventually find a flaw or.... Find a perfect (future) diamond in a lumb of coal.


Something in here
Local time
Today, 07:36
Apr 6, 2004
i will simply say that any more "proping up" of a failed system is going to result in the US becomming lower on the world stage than England is.

God help you.

btw - england doesn't do much on the world stage except maybe football or rugby.

So you really will have fallen a long way.

(maybe youre thinking more of the UK , or GB & NI?)


Formerly Jsanders
Local time
Today, 10:36
Dec 20, 2007
God help you.

btw - england doesn't do much on the world stage except maybe football or rugby.

So you really will have fallen a long way.

(maybe youre thinking more of the UK , or GB & NI?)

I think he/she (ajetrumpet) would prefer to spout emotional rhetoric in stead of having a meaningful dialog.


Local time
Today, 09:36
Jun 22, 2007

You seem to be an extremely emotional person.

you bet i am. but only on the internet. i like talking the truth and seeing what other BS comes out of the wall from other people like yourself. :D

i.e. - it's HIS, it's HERS! no, it's HIS! etc, etc...


Formerly Jsanders
Local time
Today, 10:36
Dec 20, 2007
you bet i am. but only on the internet. i like talking the truth and seeing what other BS comes out of the wall from other people like yourself. :D

i.e. - it's HIS, it's HERS! no, it's HIS! etc, etc...

Did you actually read what I said?

Try applying a modicum of intellect to the things you say. If you're capable, that is.


Local time
Today, 10:36
May 2, 2008
the unemployment news is completely BS. this is a very dangerous game that the united states government is playing. just saw a news story the other day that said "unemployment drops, finally!". first of all, the government praises things like a .3% drop in unemployment for ONE MONTH, which means absolutely nothing unless you live your life day by day and can't see a month in front of you. doing something like this is the same as giving a rich person $50 to pay for their mortgage when they have just defaulted on it. any reasonable person would be insulted.

the government has now hidden the plain and obvious truth about the unemployment situation in this country, just like they are STILL hiding the truth about how bad the business situation is. i will simply say that any more "proping up" of a failed system is going to result in the US becomming lower on the world stage than England is.

i am convinced that unemployment is much worse in this country than polls say it is. but then again, how would we know? Washington can manipulate the news, but only if it's the right network!

there was recently an ad in the newspaper around here because general mills was expanding their plant and creating 20 new jobs in the factory. they ended up seeing 2,000 or so applicants stand outside the factory waiting to get their shot at an interview. So, you tell me mr. president...does that indicate 9.7% unemployment? I DON'T THINK SO! anyone ever seen that many people so enthused to land a factory job?

Regarding the Factory job at General Mills, on the surface you appear to have a legitimate complaint. Digging a little deeper, it also appears that you could also be using facts (or lack thereof) and statistics to skew the situation in your favor. Some information that was left out includes:
  • Which General Mills Plant? (not all of us know where you are from).
  • What is the population of the local area (to help determine what constitutes 10% unemployment).
  • What percentage of people that are currently unemployed would normally look for a job like this.
Using the Internet, I was able to locate two major General Mills Plants (in Illinois and New Mexico, although I am sure that there are more), so I will use these as examples. If you live near another, please fill in the appropriate blanks and let us know the results.

In Illinois:
  • The local population (within 150 miles or less) constitutes several Million people (over 5 Million, but I will use 5 Million for the example).
  • An estimated 10% of these people would normally seek such a job.
In this case, the draw for the job would be around 500,000 people (10% of 5 Million). If 90% of those people would not normally seek such a job, then there should be about 50,000 people looking for the jobs. In this case, it would appear that less than 10% of available people showed up.

In New Mexico:
  • The local population (within 150 miles or less) constitutes several Hundred Thousand people (over 500,000, but I will use 500,000 for the example).
  • An estimated 15% of these people would normally seek such a job.
In this case, the draw for the job would be around 50,000 people (10% of 500,000). If 85% of those people would not normally seek such a job, then there should be about 7,500 people looking for the jobs. In this case, it would appear that about half of available people showed up.

The numbers presented do not include any of the people that are not currently working and would be willing to take a job they would not normally look for. They also assume that the types of jobs that people would seek are equally distributed among unemployed people, which is very likely not the case, since factory workers seem to get laid off more frequently, and in higher numbers.
Local time
Today, 09:36
Mar 4, 2008
  • An estimated 10% of these people would normally seek such a job.

That's an outrageously high number. It is clear that whether we are in a boom or a bust economy, 10% of people (in one case, 200,000 people) will not be applying for a factory job.

Things will influence whether people would look for a job like that. Do they even know about the job? Did they find out too late (in their minds). Do they think there will be too much competition? Have they already worked there and determined they will never go back? Are they happy doing whatever they're doing (whether working or goofing off)? Have they given up (I'd guess that applies to many American "job seekers" now)? The list goes on.


Local time
Today, 10:36
May 2, 2008
[/list]That's an outrageously high number. It is clear that whether we are in a boom or a bust economy, 10% of people (in one case, 200,000 people) will not be applying for a factory job.

Things will influence whether people would look for a job like that. Do they even know about the job? Did they find out too late (in their minds). Do they think there will be too much competition? Have they already worked there and determined they will never go back? Are they happy doing whatever they're doing (whether working or goofing off)? Have they given up (I'd guess that applies to many American "job seekers" now)? The list goes on.

I apologize for any misunderstandings, since I guess that I did not get my point across. One of the OP's points was that there was nearly 10% unemployment (I rounded up). My point was that about 10% of the people in that region worked in Factory Jobs. If Unemployment is equally spread among job classifications, and there are 500,000 people unemployed, there it follows that there would be about 50,000 unemployed Factory Workers. While I realize that in all probabllity, they would not all apply for the same job at the same time, they are still available to do so if they choose.


Local time
Today, 09:36
Jun 22, 2007
Regarding the Factory job at General Mills, on the surface you appear to have a legitimate complaint. Digging a little deeper, it also appears that you could also be using facts (or lack thereof) and statistics to skew the situation in your favor. Some information that was left out includes:
  • Which General Mills Plant? (not all of us know where you are from).
  • What is the population of the local area (to help determine what constitutes 10% unemployment).
  • What percentage of people that are currently unemployed would normally look for a job like this.
Using the Internet, I was able to locate two major General Mills Plants (in Illinois and New Mexico, although I am sure that there are more), so I will use these as examples. If you live near another, please fill in the appropriate blanks and let us know the results.

In Illinois:
  • The local population (within 150 miles or less) constitutes several Million people (over 5 Million, but I will use 5 Million for the example).
  • An estimated 10% of these people would normally seek such a job.
In this case, the draw for the job would be around 500,000 people (10% of 5 Million). If 90% of those people would not normally seek such a job, then there should be about 50,000 people looking for the jobs. In this case, it would appear that less than 10% of available people showed up.

In New Mexico:
  • The local population (within 150 miles or less) constitutes several Hundred Thousand people (over 500,000, but I will use 500,000 for the example).
  • An estimated 15% of these people would normally seek such a job.
In this case, the draw for the job would be around 50,000 people (10% of 500,000). If 85% of those people would not normally seek such a job, then there should be about 7,500 people looking for the jobs. In this case, it would appear that about half of available people showed up.

The numbers presented do not include any of the people that are not currently working and would be willing to take a job they would not normally look for. They also assume that the types of jobs that people would seek are equally distributed among unemployed people, which is very likely not the case, since factory workers seem to get laid off more frequently, and in higher numbers.
I can't believe you typed all of this! Laughing...

I'm thinking about dubbing you a politician now!


Local time
Today, 09:36
Jun 22, 2007
But did the facts mean anything to you?

are they really facts? yeah i doubt it. I don't trust much anymore, especially the source of wherever you got whatever you typed.

i think the only fact is...that politicians lie. other than that, I'll believe what I want. forget the so-called "facts". and by the way, your facts are different than the next person's. pretty whacky, huh!? :rolleyes:

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