Recent content by casey

  1. C

    Format =Hyperlink from Access to Excel

    A function imports a row of hyperlinks into an Excel spreadsheet that look like text... =HYPERLINK("https://webistename.aspx?ID=3&WA=1","A110912") The problem is that they don't act as a hyperlink until I physically click in each cell and hit F2 or <enter>. After that they are displayed as...
  2. C

    records existing in Main table not found in Temp Table

    Got It!!! SELECT D.lngStoreNumber, D.lngComponentSerial, D.strCADFile FROM ((SELECT DISTINCT lngStoreNumber, strCadFile FROM Temp) AS T LEFT JOIN Main AS D ON (T.lngStoreNumber = D.lngStoreNumber) AND (T.strCadFile = D.strCADFile)) LEFT JOIN Temp AS S ON D.lngComponentSerial =...
  3. C

    records existing in Main table not found in Temp Table

    Sorry for the confusing question. Can someone help me substitue QTS_TEMP For: SELECT DISTINCT lngStoreNumber, strCadFile FROM Temp in the following query? SELECT D.lngStoreNumber, D.lngComponentSerial, D.strCADFile FROM (QTS_TEMP AS T LEFT JOIN Main AS D ON (T.lngStoreNumber =...
  4. C

    records existing in Main table not found in Temp Table

    Hoping someone can help me with this DELETE query. I have a Main table that's being updated by a Temp table that's an exact copy of the Main table but with a subset of records. 1) Insert records from Temp table NOT found in the Main table - this query I have worked out below - not tested, but...
  5. C

    Format a number as a text in a query

    Got it Basically did what I described and it worked. not sure why it didn;t take the first time.
  6. C

    Format a number as a text in a query

    Hello, I have a text file I'm querying that stores a field as a text. ComponentID:0000000242 I'm inserting this data into a table that stores this value as a number. Thus truncating the leading zeros. ComponentID:242 I would like to create a query on the table using an InnerJoin on the text...
  7. C

    ADO recordset different than query

    Yes, that's it. It's been so long since I've used vb it's like re-learning this stuff. Thanks.
  8. C

    SQL - Access linked query stumper!!! check this out!!!

    Good idea. I'm thinking that could have been the case and the original query got overwritten. I tested it out and added the field to the Order By in the properties and that didn't cause the parameter pop-up to show-up either. I'm stumped. I will have to keep that in mind when I grab a query...
  9. C

    Step Directly into Function/Procedure

    How about skipping to the middle of a function ok...Thanks to DrSnuggles. now I can step directly into the function I'm testing and send it parameters...woohoo!!! Is it possible to skip to the middle of the function where the error is occurring? Basically by-pass running the rest of the code...
  10. C

    SQL - Access linked query stumper!!! check this out!!!

    Hey boblarson! thanks for your reply!!! The table does have a primary key. The way I'm linking it, I'm not specifying a primary key. I've seen that before. Should I be? More "interesting" information. I saved a test query when working through this issue...This would cause the parameter...
  11. C

    SQL - Access linked query stumper!!! check this out!!!

    Hello all, i have a linked table in Access to SQL Server. I'm running a simple select statement in Access on the table. select * from tblData; When I do this it brings up a parameter pop-up to add a [dtDate] field entry in the query??? The [dtDate] field is not in the table or in the above...
  12. C

    Button not firing event...ever seen this??

    Figured it out...several frames ontop of one another with different command buttons. Wow! Time to take a vacation!
  13. C

    SQL Server Access linked DefaultValue not showing up.

    WayneRyan, Thanks. That works great! I would also like to send it a Column_Name too since I know which column_name I'm looking for. Syntax from MSDN: strSQL ="Exec sp_columns @table_name = N'TMPL_CadData', @column_name = N'lngLength'" rst.Open strSQL, cnn It opens ok, but shows that the...
  14. C

    ADO recordset different than query

    I'm being told that this may be due to a wildcard of "*" in the SQL that needs to be "%" for ADO to recognize???
  15. C

    ADO recordset different than query

    Hello, I have an Access query that returns one record. However, using ADO I open the same query as a recordset and it gives no results(rs.EOF = true and rs.RecordCount =0??? Any ideas? Hoping that someone has had this happen and can explain without posting all the code. Dim cn As New...
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